2 Hour Delay Today!
All students should
at school at 9:30am
Make-up Day Mystery?
Wednesday, 1/23, is Make-up day. This is the last day of the semester and only
who have something they need to complete before semester end have to go to school (they should know who they are). It is a day off for all other students.
WHS Library hits social media
Check out the new library
Facebook page here
and thanks to our amazing librarians for this new
All Night Party!!
It's time to kick off the planning for this annual celebration. Please join us on
Monday 1/28 at 7pm at Wendi McKenna's, 12 Solon Street, to begin brainstorming and organizing for a fun-filled party for our seniors held on the night of graduation. Please RSVP and direct any questions to
Colette Aufranc & Catherine Mirick
WHS PTSO Presidents 2018-2019
January 2019:
- 23rd - Last Day of Term / Make-up Day
- 24th & 25th - 7:00pm - "By the Water", WHS Little Theatre
- 26th - 2:00pm & 7:00pm - "By the Water", WHS Little Theatre
- 29th - 7:00pm - Band Step Up Concert
- 30th - 6:45pm - 8th Grade Parent Night
- 31st - 7:00pm - Orchestra Step Up Concert
February 2019
- 1st - Senior Project Proposals Due
- 1st - 7:00pm - Sophomore Class Dance
- 6th - Half Day - Dismissal at 11:30am
- 7th - 7:00pm - Choral Step Up Concert
- 8th - 7:00pm - Senior Teen Center Dance
- 13th - 9:00am - PTSO Meeting - Topic: Course Selection
- 18th - 22nd - February Break
Want these dates in your calendar automatically? Subscribe to the WHS Calendar
- 8th Grade Orientation: Wednesday, January 30th, 6:45pm WHS Auditorium Parents of current 8th graders are invited to the high school for an introduction to the school, discussion of courses and levels and student led tours of the school. 8th graders themselves will visit the high school during school hours on 2/5 or 2/7.
- Internship & Scholarship Opportunities - Check out the new PTSO webpage here for student opportunities. Let us know if you have some we should add.
Parents Of Performing Students (POPS) happenings
WHS Winter Show
"By the Water"
All Performances in the Little Theater
Thursday 1/24 7pm
Friday 1/25 7pm
Saturday 1/26 2pm and 7pm
The show is rated PG-13 (language)
Wellesley Parents of Performing Students (POPS) invites you in our inaugural benefit event - POPS Cabaret 2019. This much anticipated gala will take place on Friday, February 8, 2019 at the The Center for Arts in Natick (TCAN).
Proceeds from the Cabaret will support K-12 performing arts education and appreciation throughout our district. I
f you'd like to get more involved in planning this extraordinary evening, we're looking for silent and live auction donations and volunteers to join POPS' stellar gala committee.
Be part of a magical night supporting performing arts in our community!
Please support
Wellesley Education Foundation
on Sunday,
January 27th at 1:15 at Orange Theory Wellesley for a class to raise funds for our marathon runner, Jessica Scarpelli. $25.00/class.
Hunnewell Feasibility Study Public Forum #2
Tuesday January 29, 2019 from 7:00 - 9:00 PM, Hunnewell Gymnasium
The School Building Committee invites you to join us for an update on the feasibility study including progress on educational programming, site exploration, sustainability goals and swing space.
- Hear the study architects present concept design options for a new or rebuilt school.
- Break into small groups to ask questions, discuss and provide feedback on the short list of options tentatively selected for detailed study.
- Learn about the next steps in the process and opportunities for further input.
- For more information:
Recycling in Crisis
Talk by RDF Superintende
Massachusetts' Waste Problem, Recycling in Crisis, and Why We're Focused on Food Waste" is the title of a talk by Jeff Azano-Brown, Wellesley's Recycling and Disposal Facility Superintendent, which will be held on
Jan. 31, 2019, at 7 p.m. at the
Unitarian Universalist Society of Wellesley Hills. The talk will be held over dessert and coffee, and is free and open to the public. It is co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Wellesley, Sustainable Wellesley, and The Green Sanctuary Ministry Team of UU Wellesley Hills.
Call for Exhibitors!
Put the
in the Wellesley STEM Expo
Mark your calendars! On Saturday, April 6th from 10am-2pm, Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF) will be holding the Fourth Wellesley STEM Expo. This event is a hands-on, interactive exposition focused on science, technology, engineering and math. We want the Wellesley community to help shape Expo and make it yours!