PUCC High and Dry Campaign

12 August 2022

Dear Members and Friends,

Sometimes “high and dry” is a bad thing. In this case, “High and Dry” is what we all want for our church!  So we’re asking you to invest in our High and Dry Campaign, addressing both structural and aesthetic issues caused by roof leaks in the sanctuary building. Approved by the congregational meeting in June, we’re pushing to complete this fundraising effort in just one month, August 14 to September 11, so that work on our fascia, gutters, and downspouts can be finished before the rainy season.

The project will take 90 days to complete, with a projected cost of $110k. Since these needs have gone long unattended and we can’t be absolutely sure of everything we’ll find until the work is underway; it is prudent to allow for additional unexpected costs up to $50k. We need to raise most of the money before the work can start and finish it before the deterioration gets any worse. So we’re asking you now… to commit to our High and Dry Campaign.

We are pleased to have Cathy Sarto and Karen Cozza co-lead this campaign. 

AND Pastor Dave has already given $1,000. Several others have come forward with lead gift commitments. What can you do to get us High and Dry by the time of our Homecoming Sunday, September 11?

The Buildings and Grounds Committee spent months studying our need, solicited three comprehensive bids from reputable contractors, and submitted their findings to the congregational meeting which enthusiastically endorsed their plan to fix the fundamental structural issues and restore the beautiful and inviting look of our sanctuary exterior. It’s the right move for our mission and our finances, and this is the time to make it happen!

There are several ways to give:

  • Go to www.PeaceUnited.org, scroll to the bottom of the home page, click on the DONATE button, and use the down arrow to select “Gutter & Fascia Fund.”
  • Drop a check in the offering basket on Sunday, indicating “High and Dry” or “Gutter & Fascia” in the memo line.
  • Send a check in the mail to Peace UCC, 900 High St., Santa Cruz 95060, indicating “High & Dry” or “Gutter & Fascia” in the memo line.

Sometimes you get left high and dry, but this is a time to join us High and Dry. Please give.


Maryse Postlewaite, moderator Roger Bowers, buildings & grounds chairperson

P.S. You may know that just a few years ago, the congregation decided to launch a comprehensive fundraising campaign as a part of a visionary church renewal. As we regain momentum after leadership changes and pandemic, a new steering committee has formed to get that effort going again. Your contributions to the High and Dry Campaign and the earlier Warmth Fund will be included in the multi-year comprehensive fundraising campaign when that initiative is relaunched.

831.426.2010  office@peaceunited.org  www.PeaceUnited.org

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