Worship With Us
Join us for worship this Sunday at 9:55am as we wrap up these Twelve Days of Christmas. It’s Epiphany – celebrating the day the wise ones arrive with gifts for the Christ Child. Our scriptures are Isaiah 60:1-6 ( Arise! Shine! Your light has come! ) and Matthew 2:1-12 ( The story of the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.) Our sermon is entitled Epiphony (not a misspelling). Gather for Communion at our open table – ALL are welcome.

Our First Sunday Choir gathers at 9am in the sanctuary. Come learn a relatively simple song to share in worship. It’s a lot of fun – and we need you!

Mingle after worship over a Cookie Party … you know you want a few more cookies! Please place a dozen or two of your favorite cookies on the Fellowship Table when you arrive! Yum! Consider signing up to share some treats (fruits, veggies, sweets) in 2020… See the link below.  

Sunday is Give-a-Meal for Isaiah 58 Ministries Food Pantry. Food items are always greatly appreciated.
Twelfth-Night Feast & Festival
Sunday, January 5 | 6:00pm | FREE
Featuring visiting choirs and musicians performing the last of the season’s Christmas music! Please bring one large plate of heavy hors-d’oevers/finger foods to share for the Feasting Table by the fireplace! The public is invited—bring friends for an exciting end-of-the-season celebration! Any questions, please contact Barry at [email protected]
Prayer List Updates
The Twelve Days of Christmas!
Looking back on 2019 … Looking ahead to 2020.
Kathy Ferrell - our new PUCC Office Assistant starts on Monday.
Mike and Peggy Mohl - as his multiple myeloma needs stronger chemo.
Ruth Murray – healing from pneumonia; settling into new care center.
Individuals and families grieving this season.
Molly Kroger and 4 kids on the sudden death of her husband (Weas).
Healing for family/friends of Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg in New York.
Healing at West Freeway Church of Christ in Texas.

St Louis Assn UCC Covenant Partner
Week ending January 5 - Bethany-Peace UCC , St. Louis.
Week ending January 12 - Brentwood Congregational UCC .

Care Cards and Coffee Team
Wednesday, January 8
Daily Bread Des Peres
Trip to the Art Museum
Friday, January 10
9:30am carpool from church
Save the Date
JHLTB11—A Day On, Not A Day Off
Monday, January 20

The time is always right to do right. ~MLK Jr

Something nostalgic and new for the end/start of the year
Why did Mary turn down more gifts from the three wise men, after the first three?

Because it was myrrh, then enough.

Three Pieces of Inspiration
Life is just a long succession of small epiphanies.
~Danny Gregory

I think that there’s real wisdom in leaving the old year behind you as you step into the New Year. However, if you’re foolish enough to leave the lessons behind as well, it won’t matter that you left the old year behind because you’re going to repeat it all over again anyway.
~Craig D. Lounsbrough

Eight Days In
by Quinn G. Caldwell
January 2, 2020

All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. - John 1:3 (NRSV)
Jesus is a little over a week old now. It’s really starting to dawn on Mary how much work this is going to take. The kid cries all the time. She’s still sore. Breastfeeding’s harder to figure out than she expected. So much laundry. And oh, lord, if only those long nights were silent. It’s going to get harder. She’s wondering if she’ll be able to handle it.
Much is made of Mary’s “yes” to God’s plan; Joseph’s too, sometimes. Nothing at all is made, really, of the yesses of all the others, the villagers of Bethlehem and Nazareth, the people along the way to Egypt, the Egyptians who took them in, Mary’s parents and in-laws and cousins, Jesus’s kindergarten teacher, his orthodontist, and on and on and on, right down to the ones whose work it is to remember him, imitate him, tell his story, and be his body in the world.
When God decided to get a body, Mary got a son. But other people got a brother, a nephew, a cousin, a friend, another kid in the classroom. They’d all lose one eventually, too. Mary got the lion’s share of the work, but plenty of others had to chip in to make this plan of God’s come off. Maybe Mary’s “yes” mattered most, but everybody else’s mattered too, including yours.
A little more than a week after the birth, Mary’s starting to realize how much work this is really going to take. Are you?
Prayer: It’s really starting to dawn on me how much work following Jesus is going to be, God. Help. Amen.

Fellowship Treats
Please c onsider providing treats for Sunday morning Fellowship Time as old friends, new friends and first time visitors build and sustain relationships…
Sunday Morning Flowers
Beautify the sanctuary even more by signing up for flowers or plants some Sunday…
(314) 872 9330 [email protected]
2841 N Ballas Road,
St. Louis, MO 63131

PUCC eNews is published weekly in order to broadcast Parkway UCC events and happenings - and items of interest to the Parkway UCC community of faith - for the upcoming week. Please submit all communications requests, via the button below, by noon Tuesday.
Visit our social media for a mix of pix and to see what other PUCCers would like you to attend/experience/ponder/pray about with them.