Let Us Worship Together
Join us for pre-recorded YouTube Worship this Sunday at 10am – or participate later. Our focus scriptures are Psalm 1:1-3 and 1Corinthians 13:12-13 with invitations to ponder how we think about and interact with God’s ways as revealed in the Bible. You may want to have a Bible or two with you as you experience worship this week. 
All our worship service videos in one place!
Livestream worship on designated Sundays. Look under videos for previous livestreamed services.
All Mid~Week Meditations that have been recorded on YouTube.
Sunday School
Sunday School for children through 5th grade:

Meeting ID: 383 733 977
Password: 819680
Sunday School for Youth/Teens each week:

Meeting ID: 815 6130 3581
Password: 702228
Speaker Series: A Story of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Sunday Nov15 |11:15am
via Zoom
Part 2 Presented by John Dwyer
Join Us for Tuesday Afternoon Dialogue (TAD)
1st & 3rd Tue beginning 11/17 2:00-3:00pm | via ZOOM

TED has a new sibling! Introducing TAD, Tuesday afternoon Dialogue, a Zoom book discussion group.
Pledge Campaign: Parkway UCC Consecration Sunday November 15

Just a reminder that Consecration Sunday for the Stewardship pledge campaign is November 15, 2020. If you didn’t receive your pledge card and letter, call Harold Cobb at 965-4147 or Amy Yakel at 275-8039. You may also submit an electronic pledge card from our website.

Thank you for your continuing support of Parkway United Church of Christ.
Prayer List Updates
Bob Boyd and family - as they grieve and give thanks for Karen who died on Monday night surrounded by family and friends. A celebration of her life will take place virtually. We will send out a separate email with details when things are in place.
Claire Stolze; Mary and Jenna Watson, Roseann D and Carol C – healing from Covid-19.
Healthcare workers, homeless and many others at risk right now.
Physical Distancing… if anyone needs groceries, medicine and/or other support, please reach out to [email protected]; 314-330-0629
People who are struggling with their mental health.
People who aren’t feeling safe at home but are remaining there.
Individuals in all levels of leadership as they make decisions today.
Healing of relationships between the public and the police.
Those affected by natural disasters yesterday/today/tomorrow
President Trump, Congress, all local, national, world leaders - those continuing, starting, returning to leadership… including Biden|Harris.

St Louis Assn UCC Covenant Partner
Week ending November 15 - St. Thomas UCC, Chesterfield; stthomasucc.org
Week ending November 22 - Trinity UCC, St Louis; trinityuccstl.org 

Spend less than five minutes with this important video that secures our future.
I aspire to be a giver. A giver of love. A giver of good vibes. A giver of strength. ~Unknown

10 Money Jokes as we dedicate our pledges for PUCC 2021:
  1. Uber lost over a billion dollars in the last six months so they're asking their drivers to check between the seat cushions.
  2. How do dinosaurs pay their bills? With Tyrannosaurus checks!
  3. My landlord says he needs to come talk to me about how high my heating bill is. I told him, "My door is always open.”
  4. I had my credit card stolen the other day but I didn't bother to report it because the thief spends less than me.
  5. Where do frogs deposit their money? In a riverbank.–––
  6. A girl asks her mother "How old are you?" Her mother replied "Older than most mortgages."
  7. If time is money, are ATM's time machines?
  8. I won $3 million on the lottery this weekend so I decided to donate a quarter of it to charity. Now I have $2,999,999.75.
  9. If money really did grow on trees, what would be everyone's favorite season? Fall.
  10. The stock market is weird. Every time one guy sells, another one buys, and they both think they're smart.

November is National Family Caregivers Month!

83% of the help provided to older adults in the United States comes from family members, friends or other unpaid caregivers...Alzheimer’s takes a devastating toll on caregivers.
COVID Mental Health Challenges

PUCCer Dan Conners is contributing COVID Mental Health Challenges. Find them on our blog.

If you'd like to share your own mental health story or have anything else to contribute to our blog, join the conversation here».
The results of the St Louis Metro Crop Hunger Walk have been tabulated. The St Louis Walk raised $20, 415.00 this year. The goal set for us by Church World Service was $16,000.00 In this year of Covid and the virtual walk we far exceeded our goal. Parkway's contribution was $3100.00.
THANK YOU PARKWAY. Donations are still accepted on the website www.crophungerwalk.org/saintlouismo through Giving Tuesday, December 1, Due to the pandemic, we did not offer tee shirts this year. However, Church World Service has tee shirts for purchase. The website is https://www.crophungerwalk.org/

Click resources and an apparel box will appear. You can then order apparel. Thanks to all who donated, walked virtually and supported feeding the hungry ...Your Crop Team, Mike and Gerry Rogers, Pam Manning, Sue Moellering

Parkway's own Ian Doty helps opponent cross finish line at Missouri cross country state meet

As always, we would also appreciate your submissions of jokes, quotes, videos, weekly opportunities, Mid~Week Meditation ideas, scriptures that are important to you, hymn/song suggestions, poetry, etc We would love to hear from you [email protected]
Visit our social media for a mix of pix and to see what other PUCCers would like you to attend/experience/ponder/pray about with them.
Please post a picture of you/yours on our social media:
(314) 872 9330 [email protected]
2841 N Ballas Road,
St. Louis, MO 63131

PUCC eNews is published weekly in order to broadcast Parkway UCC events and happenings - and items of interest to the Parkway UCC community of faith - for the upcoming week. Please submit all communications requests, via the button below, by noon Monday.