Worship With Us
Join us this Sunday for worship at 10am! We are engaged in our summer theme Fruits of the Spiri ’ (Galatians 5). Our scriptures are Psalm 119:1-18 and 1Kings 19:1-15a with a sermon entitled Fruit of the Spirit: Self-control. Elijah, after a rough interaction with the authorities, flees in fear for his life. He knows that he is being hunted. He all but gives up and then the angels serve and strengthen him. He experiences the still small voice of God on the mountain. Come figure out how this might align with your story. As always, we invite you to bring a friend, family member, co-worker.        

It’s GO PURPLE! Month with the Alzheimer’s Association. Please wear something purple all day this this Sunday if you have any. Go Purple! is the Alzheimer’s Awareness campaign. If people ask you why you are wearing purple, let them know! What’s good for the heart is good for the brain. Eat healthy, exercise, be social and learn new things. Someone new is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s every 65 seconds. Between 2000 and 2017 deaths from heart disease have decreased by 9% while deaths from Alzheimer’s disease have increased 145%. If you or a loved one needs information you can contact the Alzheimer’s Association Greater Missouri Chapter: alz.org/greatermissouri or 1-800-272-3900. 
We hope you will be with us next Sunday as well – a Fifth Sunday! We will gather as One Family (all ages) and look at JOY – another fruit of the Spirit! We will be swept up in Psalm 100 and celebrate joy in all kinds of ways – including some ‘Gloria’!? Don’t miss this!
Adult Education Speaker Series
Sunday, June 23
Effective Communication Strategies
Learn how communication takes place when someone has Alzheimer’s...Dr. Prizaah Pratt is our speaker.
Education Opportunities for Adults and Youth
Sunday, June 30
Join us as Judge Tom Frawley enlightens and entertain us on the subject of The Anatomy of a Jury Trial.

Youth Pizza Practice
Sundays, June 23 – July 14 | 11:15-12:00pm
Youth Room
Come join us for pizza and bell playing following Sunday school.  
Vitality Forward! 

If you volunteered for one or more Ministry Teams at PUCC, please join The Streamlining Crew to understand the paradigm shift and procedures to make life easier for all. Choose the date and time that is convenient to you.
Tuesday Evening Dialogue (TED)
2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 6:00-8:30pm Potluck & Discussion

TED will be discussing Evicted on three nights: June 11 and 25 and July 9. Our readings suggestions will correspond to the three parts of the book. 
Our UCC invites us to an All-Church Read!
General Synod is June 21-25 in Milwaukee. Lay leaders and clergy from across the denomination get together to discern the work of the church, delight in one another’s company and BE the church…

Keynote Speaker Matthew Desmond, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City , will transform our understanding of eviction as a root cause of poverty.*

During the summer, PUCC will offer a few opportunities—through Tuesday Evening Dialogue or in other discussion opportunities—to talk about Evicted. Imagine what we might do about this crisis—because stable housing is St Louis’ problem as well. Books are available for purchase in the church office.

What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? ~ Micah 6:8
Pridefest 2019 Gateway Open & Affirming Booth
9:00am | Saturday, June 29 & Sunday, June 30 | Soldiers Memorial Park

In the past , you have shown your extravagant UCC welcome to all of our guests during the STL Pridefest weekend. With this being the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, we expect a record turn out at this year's events downtown. We need you to fly the rainbow colors with us at the Pride booth this year.
More info, contact Greg Schmelig: [email protected]
(314) 308-1868 or visit the website: http://www.gatewayona.com/
School Supply Drive
June 16 - July 14 

Parkway UCC is supporting two worthy organizations this year to provide school and other supplies to children in the St. Louis area. The Little Bit Foundation serves children in 37 schools in North St. Louis. Isaiah 58 Ministries serves children in South St. Louis. Please support these organizations as you are able. Place items in the designated box in the Gathering Space.
Prayer List Updates
Ellen and Kenny Wottrich welcoming Evelyn (born Friday 6-14)!
8717 Covington Ct; Brentwood, MO 63144
Linda Tossing - healing at home after recent lower back surgery.
Greg Schmelig and Dad - strengthening after kidney transplant.
Val Detjen - gallbladder surgery being scheduled for next week.
Bill/Kathy Hilgeman - his chemotherapy treatments (see below).*
Charlotte Smith - grieving/giving thanks for her brother Willie.
Marianne - further tests for cancer (sister of Marilyn McDougall).
Brenda Lyons - setback in healing from hip replacement (Brad’s mom).
Anthony - renewed challenges as he lives his post-incarceration life.

St Louis Assn UCC Covenant Partner
Week ending June 23 - United Church of Christ … General Synod will be meeting in Milwaukee, WI… ucc.org
Week ending June 30 - Kirkwood UCC ; kirkwooducc.org

* As I continue with my chemotherapy, I want to thank everyone for their support with their thoughts, cards and prayers. It means a lot. Thank you. ~Bill Hilgeman
P.S. I love my prayer shawl.

Live Stream our UCC General Synod – including worship and plenary.
General Synod is our large gathering of the denomination every two years. GS delegates, made up of more lay people than clergy, represent the denomination across the US. It is responsible for giving general direction to all expressions of our UCC. Because we hold to an explicitly congregational polity, any decisions made by the Synod are not binding upon the UCC's congregations in any way, though the national offices and the UCC's Constitution and Bylaws expect serious consideration to be given them. General Synod makes pronouncements and passes resolutions on spiritual, social and political issues judged to be of concern by delegates – most, if not all, have historically reflected liberal theological and political perspectives, including support for civil rights, feminism, environmentalism, and full inclusion for the LGBTQIA community
Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself. ~ Elie Wiesel

Time to Celebrate National Pollinator Week
National Pollinator Week has been designated as June 17th - 23rd - right now! However, there's no bad time to plant pollinator friendly plants that bloom at various times during the gowning season. This will help protect pollinator habitats, since they are in a steep decline due to human activity.  
Please consider signing up to read scripture this spring or summer.
(314) 872 9330 [email protected]
2841 N Ballas Road,
St. Louis, MO 63131
PUCC eNews is published weekly in order to broadcast Parkway UCC events and happenings - and items of interest to the Parkway UCC community of faith - for the upcoming week. Please submit all communications requests, via the button below, by noon Tuesday.