Let Us Worship Together
Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:00am (or watch it later) on Facebook Live (see link below).

Our main scripture is Genesis 45:1-15 (Joseph’s tearful reunion with the brothers who sold him into slavery. We will think about words that bring healing, hope, blessing, encouragement. Clear some space in your mind and spirit to receive some quotes from a variety of sources that bless us.

Tell someone about our Sunday worship services and Mid~Week Meditations of the last several months and help them find us on our social media.
This Sunday's service and all past livestream services. Look under videos
All Facebook videos back to June 28 and all YouTube videos in one place!
All Mid~Week Meditations that have been recorded on YouTube.
Note: We've updated Parkway UCC's
COVID-19 emergency contacts as follows:
1.    Pastor Kevin at 314-330-0629
2.    Kathy Ferrell at 314-560-1190
3.    Michael Ruzicka (314) 598-7899:
4.    Linda Tossing (314) 495-3063

Sunday School
Sunday School for children through 5th grade

Meeting ID: 383 733 977
Password: 819680
Sunday School for Youth/Teens each week:

Meeting ID: 815 6130 3581
Password: 702228
Fellowship Time
Sunday, August 16| 11:15am | via ZOOM
Join us for some great conversation and connection!

Meeting ID: 834 4491 3658| Passcode: 311054

Garden between Education and Office Wings
As a member of Parkway's Property team, Roger Fauss would like to borrow a tiller to break up some of the packed soil in the area between the Education and Office wing of the church in an effort to have vegetation grow and beautify the space. If you would be willing to share your tiller, please contact Roger to work through the details.
Contact Roger Fauss: (314) 275-2332 | rogerfauss@prodigy.net
Intertwine Interfaith Spiritual Sustenance Session 4
Thursday, August 27 | 6:30pm | via ZOOM
Please join us for our next Virtual Intertwine Interfaith Gathering. Speakers from Abrahamic Traditions will talk about our faiths' Belief in the Afterlife. Participants will have the opportunity to share reflections on the afterlife and how the teaching of their tradition affects their daily life.
The last portion of our gathering will be a guided open conversation encouraging all participants to share. During these months of physical distancing, many people have been able to discover or confirm things about themselves—their style, their relationships, their gifts, their needs. They have been able to view their ‘normal’ lives and routines more objectively. Prior to whatever ‘new normal’ we find ourselves in later, we can reset our priorities and practices and participation in community. What lessons from this time period will go into the next chapter of your life? How will you be different in this next chapter of your life and our life together?
We look forward to continuing to build community together!
Questions? Please contact Lisa Mason or Paige Penico.


Meeting ID: 867 9088 5578 | Passcode: 4YTahZ | Phone: (312) 626-6799 US

Sign-up for “Clean-up, Fix-up, Paint-up!”
Thru August 20
We still have many tasks to do so have extended the time on this project. Help clean, paint and do minor repairs. Two-hour shifts (separated by 30 minute intervals) are available each day for all skill/willing-to-help levels. The times are spread out so that that social distancing can be practiced during. You must schedule your session so that we can maintain social distancing. Masks and signing in upon entering the building are required.
Questions? Contact Mike Mason (Mike Mason mmason_family@yahoo.com) or Kathy Ferrell (kathy@parkwayucc.org). More details as you sign up. 

Speaker Series: A Lifetime of Books by Harold Cobb 8/9
Did you miss last week's presentation? Watch it on YouTube!
Tuesday Evening Dialogue
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin

2nd & 4th Tuesdays continues August 25
7:00pm via ZOOM
Helping Our Neighbors
Now through 16 August 2020

Back to school clothing items needed.
Prayer List Updates
A new and unique school year is beginning.
All the acts of kindness that are happening near and far!
The momentum toward justice and equity.

Family/friends of Tina Hubbard – grieving/giving thanks (lifelong friend of Ingrid Scharf).
Naomi and Joe Runtz - as she recuperates from knee replacement.
Rosanna and Kevin Hogarty - remembering her mother, Irene Juris.
Steve and Andrea Barnes - upon the death of his brother Randall.
Marv Herpel - heading back to Brookdale from Surrey Rehab this wknd
Susan Sieber Carroll - healing after surgery due to Crohn’s Disease.
Tim Ruiz - recovering from recent back surgery.
Healthcare workers, homeless and many others at risk right now.
Physical Distancing… if anyone needs groceries, medicine and/or other support, please reach out to kevin@parkwayucc.org; 314-330-0629
People who are struggling with their mental health.
People who aren’t feeling safe at home but are remaining there.
Individuals in all levels of leadership as they make decisions today.
Healing of relationships between the public and the police.
People of Beirut, Lebanon as they recover from violence and more.

St Louis Assn UCC Covenant Partner
Week ending August 16 - St. Johns Evangelical UCC, Mehlville; stjucc.org
Week ending August 23 - St. John’s UCC, Chesterfield; stjohnsuccchesterfield.org
First-Time Blood Donors in for a Surprise
Less than 4 minutes – this may change the way you look at something you’ve thought about before...it may even motivate you to do something you’ve always wanted to do?

For Every Mountain. Enjoy this 7-minute portion of a gospel concert performance featuring Callie Day (vocalist), Bishop Chantel Wright (conductor), the Ithaca College Symphony and high school singers.
Back-to-School Humor
If you had 19 oranges, 11 strawberries, 5 apples and 9 bananas, what would you have?
A yummy fruit salad.

People of color are not the ones who should be protesting that black lives matter. I think black folks already know that, but, until white folks who love to sing how, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world,” MEAN those words, nothing is going to change.
We don’t need to persuade the polar bears that something must be done about global warming; we need to persuade those who love to sing, “For the Beauty of the Earth.”
We don’t need to convince immigrant children that God didn’t intend for them to be separated from their parents and put in cages at the border. We need to convince those who love to sing, “All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place” to rise up and live out our creeds.
We don’t need to persuade those in prison that it is wrong for a country that is five percent of the world to have 25 percent of the world’s prisoners. We need to convince those who love to sing about the sweet sound of “amazing grace” that redemption, rehabilitation, and restoration are what grace looks like in real life.
You see, we don’t really need new protest songs; we just need to take seriously the songs we’ve been singing for too long and meaning for too little.
~Mike Piazza, UCC Pastor

Visit our social media for a mix of pix and to see what other PUCCers would like you to attend/experience/ponder/pray about with them.
Please post a picture of you/yours on our social media:
(314) 872 9330 contact@parkwayucc.org
2841 N Ballas Road,
St. Louis, MO 63131

PUCC eNews is published weekly in order to broadcast Parkway UCC events and happenings - and items of interest to the Parkway UCC community of faith - for the upcoming week. Please submit all communications requests, via the button below, by noon Tuesday.