October 25, 2024

As Methodists, we are called to cultivate more disciples and deeper disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and world. You are invited to join us on the journey.

This week

Join Us for Worship

Join us for worship in the coming weeks as we explore themes of stewardship, celebration, and gratitude. We'll reflect on what it means to give of ourselves, celebrate the joys of community, and dive into Scripture to find hope, generosity, and trust in God’s promises, as well as give thanks for our blessings and grow together in faith.  

Sunday Bulletin

Connections Play List

  1. My Redeemer Lives—Reuben Morgan
  2. Great God—Israel Houghton, Ricardo Sanchez
  3. In Christ Alone—Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
  4. Our Church—Tim Neufeld

Blanket/Sock Drive

Kids on a Mission will be collecting new or gently used blankets and new socks in the month of October. These will be donated to the Sandhills/Moore Coalition. There will be a box in the narthex for your donations. Thank you!

Looking Ahead

Pastors Cup Golf Tournament

Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024

Course: 7 Lakes Golf Club

Format: 4 person scramble

Shotgun Start: 9am

Lunch and Awards after golf

Entry: $59 per player/includes lunch, $3 gratuity, and cart

Sign up forms available in the narthex. Limited to first 120 people/30 teams. Multiple prizes awarded. Only ONE Pastor's Cup Trophy!


Connections Adult Class

The Connections Adult Sunday School class will begin a new study on November 3 entitled "Matthew: The Gospel of Promised Blessings" by Matthew L. Skinner. The class meets after the 9:40 service just beyond the nursery in Room 117. All are welcome!

For more details, contact Emil Johnson.

Once Upon a Time Storytime

Make a note: There is a scheduling change for the Sprouts (age 2-5 years) storytime. Beginning Tuesday, November 5, Sprouts will move to Tuesday mornings at 10am for a delightful storytime that provides a nuturing and fun environment to explore early literacy and social skills.

Seeds (birth-24months) storytime remains on Mondays at 10am.

Questions? Contact Rylee Hayes.

Chocolate Festival Planning Meeting

Please join us for a Chocolate Festival meeting at 1:00 Wednesday, November 6 to see how you can be a part of this beloved community outreach project benefiting Kind Souls, Family Promise of Moore County, and the Sandhills/Moore County Coalition for Human Care. We have new Chocolate Festival Tee Shirts for 2025. You can place your order and include your $15.00 payment, cash or check at the meeting.

A Salute to America's Veterans Concert

The PUMC Connections Praise Band presents "A Salute to America's Veterans: 250 Years of Heroes, and the Music They Loved" on Sunday, November 10 from 6:30-8pm in the sanctuary. Special guests include the 6 piece Carolina Moondogs horn section along with the Connections Band. Doors will open at 5:45pm. Admission is free.

Lunch & Learn: Hospice & Palliative Care

Learn about hospice and palliative care with FirstHealth Hospice and Palliative Care Liaison Maggie Bonecutter after the 11 a.m. worship service on November 17. Lunch will be served. RSVP to aid in planning.


Women's Thanksgiving Potluck

The PUMC Women of Faith are thankful for the chance to enjoy great fellowship and great food! Join us for a Thanksgiving Potluck on November 21 at 6pm. Please sign up with your dish so we don't have too many duplicates.

Contact Pastor Katie for more info.


Staying Connected

Together We Make a Difference

A huge thank-you goes out to everyone in the congregation who has so generously given to support UMCOR's relief efforts in Western North Carolina! Together we have given over $10,000 towards relief efforts. Your contribution makes a meaningful, tangible difference in the lives of those in need. Let us continue encouraging one another toward love and good deeds. 

You can continue to give to relief efforts through UMCOR where 100% of donations made go directly to disaster relief efforts.

October Birthdays
November Birthdays
Altar Flowers 2024
Youth Website
Online Directory

Pinehurst UMC has a Hearing Loop. The system provides clear sound directly to hearing aids with a t-coil. If you do not have a t-coil, a limited amount of headsets are available during worship.

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