January 31, 2025

As Methodists, we are called to cultivate more disciples and deeper disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and world. You are invited to join us on the journey.

This week

Join Us for Worship

We journeyed to the barn for Christmas, but the journey doesn't end there! Join us for our current sermon series as we journey through the Gospel of John. Each week, we’ll dive deep into the rich and transformative stories that reveal Jesus as the Word made flesh and the light of the world. 

Sunday Bulletin

Contemporary Worship Playlist

  1. Desert Song by Hilltop Worship
  2. Revelation Song by Kari Jobe
  3. O Come To The Altar by Elevation Worship
  4. It Is Well by Shane & Shane with modified lyrics 

9:40 Sunday School

The Connections Adult Sunday School class will begin a new study on February 2 entitled "Help Is Here: Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit" by Max Lucado. The class meets after the 9:40 service just beyond the nursery in Room 117. All are welcome!

For more details, contact Emil Johnson.

New Member Class

There will be a new member class at PUMC on Sunday, February 2 from 2-4pm for those interested in joining our church or learning more about church membership. Childcare is available.

To register, please contact Emil Johnson or the church office.

Kids on a Mission

Kids on a Mission meets on Sunday, February 2 from 3:30 - 5pm. All kids ages 3 - 5th grade are invited to a very special mission! We will be making Valentines for Senior Citizens served by Meals on Wheels of the Sandhills. Our goal is to make these special people feel the love of God through their young neighbors at PUMC!

Contact Kelly McLeran for more details or to be added to the Children's Ministry email list.

Yarns of Love

Due to the Chocolate Festival set-up, the Yarns of Love will NOT meet Tuesday, February 4. Pick up your hooks, needles and yarn and join in the fun on Tuesday, February 18, to restart our regular schedule of first and third Tuesdays at 1pm.

Looking Ahead

The Chocolate Festival is just over a week away!

LOTS OF CHOCOLATE TREATS are needed to satisfy our hundreds of guests who will attend. The Chocolate Treats committee will package all the treats with beautiful boxes & cellophane bags along with curly ribbons. You just need to bake and deliver! Please use disposable containers so that the kitchen won’t be overloaded with personal containers. Small items sell better than large ones. So, if you are preparing something special, small offerings are good. Here is the donation schedule. Please adhere to it if possible.


Monday, February 3 – Fudge

Tuesday, February 4 – Chocolate Candies

Wednesday, February 5 – Cookies and Brownies

Thursday, February 6 – Cupcakes, Muffins, and Breads

Friday, February 7– Cakes and Pies


Additional Chocolate Festival Reminders

  • Card Tables for the Cocoa Cafe. Please sign up at the table in the Narthex to lend us yours for the week of February 3-9. 

  • Flyers & Postcards - on the table in the Narthex. Post them in businesses’ windows or hand them out to get the word out.

  • Brown Paper Grocery Sacks with handles to bag up our guests’ purchases. Drop them off in the Chocolate Festival boxes in the narthex. 

  • Help Clear the Sanctuary at noon on Sunday February 2. We need your help in moving the chairs in the sanctuary into the choir area so that we may begin setting up the Gift Boutique for the Festival. This will only take a few minutes of your time, so gentlemen (and ladies), please lend us a hand. 

  • Invite your friends to come out to the PUMC Chocolate Festival on Saturday, February 8 from 9am-1pm. The Festival will include chocolate baked goods and confections, a gift boutique, donuts, hot chocolate, and boxed lunches, cooking and decorating with a local chef, a cake walk, and a silent auction! All proceeds will benefit Kind Souls, Inc., the Sandhills Coalition for Human Care, and Family Promise of Moore County.

Staying Connected

Give to UMCOR
Altar Flowers 2025
February Birthdays
Youth Website
Online Directory

Pinehurst UMC has a Hearing Loop. The system provides clear sound directly to hearing aids with a t-coil. If you do not have a t-coil, a limited amount of headsets are available during worship.

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