The musical Chagiga will be led by Noah Bar Shain on and Friends, accompanied by Guitar, Saxophone and Drums.
Shacharit 8:15 AM, followed (roughly at 8:45 AM) by a traditional reading of the Megilla
Megilla (2) - our annual Family Friendly reading - will take place at 10 AM.
Following this second reading (roughly from 11 AM - 12:30 PM), there will be a
Featuring Magician and Juggler Josh Pfaff, and including great refreshments, jumping castles and more!
Following our nighttime megillot readings, all are also invited to our Emek Refaim branch for its annual Purim Carnival.
Shir Hadash's activities take place in Beit Natan(named after JJ Greenberg - left),located at Yakov Rubin Street #1 in Jerusalem (Click here for Map), and on the Jonathan Pear Farm in Rosh Pina.