Moving Forward, Together
PUSD E-Connection
April 16, 2021
Updates, Resources & Quicklinks
Regular Board Meeting
Join us on Thursday, April 22 for our Regular Board Meeting! We will discuss boundary adjustments, Lydiksen Elementary redesign architects, professional development through the pandemic and more.

View the agenda at and watch the meeting on Tri-Valley TV at
3rd Annual PUSD Stakeholder Survey
PUSD is committed to partnering with you to ensure your children receive the best possible educational experience. That’s why you should take part in our third annual PUSD stakeholder survey, which will launch the week of April 19 and will be open through Wednesday, May 8.
The survey asks for feedback on safety and behavior, student support, academic preparation, school leadership, and family involvement. 
Your input will help us identify areas we’re doing well, and opportunities for growth which will assist in our planning moving forward to best serve all of our students. 

You can take the online survey from any computer, tablet, or smartphone. Check your email for an invitation and survey link. The survey is offered in English, Spanish and Chinese and is open to all families and students in grades 6-12 to participate. All survey responses are strictly confidential.

Thank you! We look forward to your feedback.
2021 PUSD Film Festival
Submissions for the 2021 PUSD Film Festival close on April 18. Visit for more details and to submit your film!
1 Small Act Challenge
For Earth Day this year, we are asking our community to join us in committing to 1 small act that supports the environment. This can be something you do just once or commit to making a habit of for the entire year!

Help us reach our goal of 10,000 small acts that support the environment and submit yours to To further your impact, challenge three friends to do the same!

Plus, make sure to share with us on social media @pleasantonusd with #PUSD1SmallAct for the chance to win some eco-friendly prizes supported by the Go Green Initiative!
City of Pleasanton All-Abilities Playground Public Outreach Meetings 
When: Thursday, April 22, 2021 @ 6 p.m.

​The City is in the planning phases for an All-Abilities Playground at Ken Mercer Sports Park. Please join our first public outreach meeting and share your thoughts on this new park.

Go Green Initiative Internship
A unique virtual internship led by the Go Green Initiative is recruiting students to participate in the 2021 Virtual Internship. Selected students will participate in a 7-week experience where they will participate in research, data analysis, and collaboration with industry experts, The 2021 intern participants will focus on Pleasanton’s local waste management infrastructure. Through this internship, students will research past, present, and future Pleasanton waste management issues, explore careers in the waste management industry, and hone 21st Century professional workplace skills.

For more information about the 2021 Virtual Summer Internship, visit the application information page.

Fundraising for this internship is ongoing. Current funding will support a limited number of paid student interns. With increased support, Go Green Initiative could support additional unpaid intern participants with scholarships or stipends. To help support our interns, click here.

Contact Casi Herrera at for more information.
Alameda County Rental Assistance
Alameda County will prioritize relief for renters who make less than 30% of AMI and/or are at heightened risk of homelessness, including due to a history of incarceration. It will also target tenants who live in affordable housing or units owned by small, economically vulnerable landlords (1-5 units). Initially, Alameda County will pay 100% of back rent for the renters that are most vulnerable to serious housing insecurity. After that, the County will only be able to provide 80% of back rent, requiring landlords to forgive the remaining 20%. If there’s money remaining, the County may be able to pay a portion of future rent on behalf of the tenant. Families can apply online here.
"Tri-Valley Sports Final Sports Wrap" Premieres On TV30
Tri-Valley high school sports action is back on the first episode of “Tri-Valley Sports Final Sports Wrap” with Tim Sbranti now airing on TV30. “Sports Wrap” covers team and individual high school sports in the Tri-Valley. On this week’s premiere show, watch exciting highlights and hear from players and coaches from local high school teams. “Tri-Valley Final Sports Wrap” broadcasts following TV30’s local news show, “Slipstream” on Comcast Channel 30. It can also be viewed streaming live on the station’s website and via video on demand. Here’s the link:

"We are so happy to highlight the return of High School sports in our Tri-Valley schools. We look forward to a full season next year and a return to our Tri-Valley Sports Final program," said Melissa Tench-Stevens Executive Director at TV30.
Excellence in Education 2021
Pleasanton PTA Council is accepting nominations for the 31st Annual Excellence in Education Awards Program
Has a special teacher or other PUSD employee made a positive impact on your or your student’s education? Here is a way to honor them and show them your appreciation.  
The nomination portal will close at midnight PDT on Wednesday, April 21, 2021.
Due to county rules related to gatherings, no formal celebration has been scheduled at this time. If we are able to plan an outdoor get-together to celebrate the awardees, we will be sure to notify everyone! 
Parenting Tips from your School Social Worker Team
The Dangers of Fentanyl

Fentanyl is a popular opiate drug on the market, 50-100 times more potent than morphine. Often used for pain relief after surgery, the difference between a therapeutic dose given in the hospital, and self-administered drug abuse is very small and dangerous. The effects are similar to heroin and can result in death. It now comes in a variety of forms, including pills, nasal spray, dissolving tabs, patches and lollipops. It is now being discovered that fentanyl is being sold as other prescription medication such as Xanax, so students may think they are taking one type of pill, but are really at risk of consuming fentanyl. Parents or caregivers can support their students by educating them on the dangers of fentanyl that they might not be aware of. To learn more, check out the Online Drug & Alcohol Series: What’s the High About developed by your School Social Workers 

Parent & Guardian Education and Resources
Click here to see a calendar of free upcoming Parent Education trainings & events!

Parent & Guardian Education and Resources
PUSD is happy to present a new webpage on Pleasanton Adult and Career Education website titled, “Parent & Guardian Resources.” Click here to access the webpage or go to Pleasanton Adult and Career Education website ( ), hover over PROGRAMS and then look for and click on “Parent & Guardian Resources.” Here you will find current Parent and Guardian Classes, a Calendar of Events, Videos and Webinars, Slide Decks and Google Docs, Technology Support videos and website created to help support parents, guardians and their children. Look out for upcoming Parent/Guardian Events!

Supporting Your Student's Mental Health

Research shows that 90% of youth who die by suicide had an underlying mental illness. Parents or caregivers can prioritize treating mental health conditions and make an effort to work with the therapist that is seeing their child to figure out how they can best support the student at home, and involve the school in coming around the student to address their mental health needs. To learn more, check out the online Suicide Prevention series developed by our PUSD School Social Workers. 

Parent & Guardian Education and Resources
Click here to see a calendar of free upcoming Parent Education trainings & events!

New Event:
April 24, 2021 Asian Mental Health presents Emotional Wellness in Daily Basis (Mandarin) 
See flyer for Zoom info and registration QR code.

Celebrating our pUSd Community
Foothill and Amador Valley Present 'On Broadway'
Foothill and Amador Valley premiered their original musical revue 'On Broadway!' on March 26! This virtual show includes selections from a variety of musicals including Les Miserables, Dear Evan Hansen and Shrek the Musical.

“The show must go on....our students needed to perform, so how do we do this during Covid? We make a movie!” AVHS drama teacher Lynn Kirksey, who wrote the musical, said. “It was a challenge following all the protocols, but we did this safely and are very proud of the outcome.”

Purchasing the rights to a broadway musical can cost nearly $10,000, in addition to other components of putting on a high school musical, including sets, costumes and props. The cancellation of last year’s joint musical due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a $14,000 loss to PUSD high school programs - which motivated the creation of the original production. Amador Valley and Foothill teachers hope to have enough donations to put on a full musical in 2022. Donations to the high schools’ musical collaboration can be made at

Mohr Students Make It To State Level Of PTA Reflections!

Two Mohr students made it to the state level of PTA's Reflections art competition!

This year's theme was "I Matter Because". Pranav Challa won an Award of Merit for his literature titled "The Magic of Believing in Yourself," while Alia Pathak received a convention display for her photo titled "I Am Free."

Congratulations, Pranav and Alia!
Pranav Challa
Alia Pathak
AVHS Student Wins C-SPAN Prize!
AVHS student Philip Avdey was a 3rd prize winner in C-SPAN's national 2021 StudentCam Competition!

The competition, which is in its 17th year, invited middle and high school students to enter by producing a short documentary. The theme of the competition was "Explore the issue you most want the president and new Congress to address in 2021."

AVHS Speech and Debate Student Spotlight

Two of Amador Valley High School Speech and Debate Club members, Gaurav Padture and Keerthi Nalabotu, have qualified this year for the California High School Speech Association State Championship. They will compete in the Original Oratory division. The tournament takes place April 19th through April 25th. They were interviewed about their journey to this moment and here is what they shared.
Gaurav Padture

How long have you been doing speech tournaments? 
I started Speech and Debate about a year ago, and I competed in my first tournament in Spring of last year.

What made you interested in pursuing this field? 
Honestly, it was curiosity. I have always been pretty good at public speaking, and most of my friends did Speech and Debate, so I figured I would give it a shot.

Are you going to continue to compete at the college level? 
Hopefully, but I can’t say for certain right now. I presume college is going to be very hectic as it is, but if I find the time, I would love to :)

How has being involved in this field and participating in speech tournaments impacted you the most? 
Speech and Debate has made me a more confident person altogether; it’s allowed me to have and share my own voice (and of course, standing in front of an audience is no longer as daunting as it used to be). But apart from this, Speech and Debate has made me a significantly better writer as well. It’s taught me how to structure an effective speech, how to convey different emotions and tones, and most importantly, how to be a good storyteller. 
Keerthi Nalabotu

How long have you been doing speech tournaments? 
 I've been doing speech tournaments since 9th grade when I joined the Speech and Debate club here at Amador. Ever since my first tournament as a novice at GGSA, I loved doing speech! It allowed me to express my opinions and speech tournaments were super fun.
What made you interested in pursuing this field? 
 I never actually knew that I was interested in speech until I joined Speech and Debate. I actually started out at Lincoln-Douglas but then realized that speech was more of my thing than debate.
Are you going to continue to compete at the college level? 
 I'm not completely sure if I'll be doing speech at the college level yet, but because I enjoy speech a lot, I most likely will continue doing speech whether it's through judging or competing at the college level. 
 How has being involved in this field and participating in speech tournaments impacted you the most? 
 Being involved in speech tournaments has impacted me more than I can say in words. Although I didn't start out super shy or quiet, I was hesitant at times because of the competition and seeing people much better than me speak. It sometimes caused me to feel inferior, but going to these tournaments as much as I could taught me to have confidence and do the best I could. I'm really happy that I joined speech and debate!
Community Resources
Click the images and links below for more information on resources and opportunities from our community partners
Community Service Opportunities for PUSD Students

PUSD students looking for community service opportunities can find links to organizations where they can make a difference at
Mental Health Resource
In view of the recent cases on community violence, the Specialty Mental Health Division of Asian Health Services is here providing resources and mental health support to the needy in the Chinese community.

After experiencing, witnessing or hearing cases of community violence, if you, your family or friends feel upset and need resources or mental health support, please call our San Leandro Warmline at (510)735-3940 or email

If you, your family or friends need mental health advice and therapies, please call AHS ACCESS at (510)735-3939.
Alan Hu Foundation Scholarship
PUSD High School Seniors are Encouraged to Apply by June 30, 2021

The Alan Hu Foundation is pleased to announce the Alan Hu Foundation Scholarship. The scholarship was created in memory of Alan Hu and Sarah Rahman, who passed away after their battles with mental illness led to suicide. The Alan Hu Foundation was established to carry out Alan’s wish to help other people. He wanted to become a psychiatrist to heal those suffering from psychiatric disorders. Alan was also a talented musician and a gifted scholar. Like Alan, Sarah was a very creative person. She worked in music and representational arts, and was very interested in helping others, particularly the homeless.

The Alan Hu Foundation Scholarship encourages young talents to study in the fields of Psychology, Psychiatry, or Neuro Sciences to find cures. The scholarship will be offered annually to high school seniors going to colleges or universities to major in these areas, and have a passion for pursuing a career in one of these fields. The scholarship is a one-time $1,000.00 award for the recipient to help cover educational expenses. Applicants must be enrolled in Pleasanton Unified School District high schools. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2021.

To apply for the Alan Hu Foundation Scholarship, please visit the Alan Hu Foundation website:
The American Rescue Plan provides NEW financial help for eligible consumers to get health insurance coverage through @CoveredCA. You may qualify for additional economic relief! Already enrolled consumers will see monthly premium savings starting in May. For help enrolling, call Axis 925-462-1755 #CoveredCA #AmericanRescuePlan
El Plan de Rescate Americano ofrece una NUEVA ayuda financiera para que los consumidores que reúnen los requisitos obtengan una cobertura de seguro médico a través de @CoveredCA. ¡Usted puede calificar para un alivio económico adicional! Los consumidores ya inscritos verán ahorros en las primas mensuales a partir de Mayo. Para obtener ayuda para inscribirse, llame a Axis 925-462-1755 #CoveredCA #SeguroMédico
Pleasanton Unified
School District
4665 Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-5500