Updates, Resources & Quicklinks
Last evening the Board of Trustees called for a special meeting to consider potential action on elementary and secondary school reopenings. This step is required to ensure compliance with the Brown Act which requires proper public noticing of any action to be considered for a vote. Specifically, the Board’s desire to realign District plans for elementary, in light of recent changes to the guidance from the County Department of Health, necessitated a special board meeting which will occur Thursday evening at 5:30 PM.
We would like to thank our Board of Trustees, staff and community for the thoughtful discussions that have served to keep our students’ best interests at heart of our decision-making processes. We encourage all members of the community to continue adhering to public health recommendations regarding masking, hand washing, and physical distancing, so that the current positive trajectory relating to the spread of COVID-19 can continue. The agenda for the special board meeting will be posted to our District website 24 hours in advance. We look forward to continuing this discussion next week.
We Are Pleasanton Hits Fundraising Goal
Thanks to the support of our community, 'We Are Pleasanton' hit their fundraising goal of $225,000 for a new shade structure at Amador Valley! The group's next project is a new field for Pleasanton Middle School.
For more information about We Are Pleasanton, visit their website.
Thank you to the 'We Are Pleasanton' team and the amazing community members and businesses who made this possible!
Register For PPIE's Virtual Run For Education
PPIE is hosting a virtual Run for Education! From April 11 to 18, participants can run, walk and bike to support local schools.
In addition to getting to participate in the run, those who register can win prizes! This week, there will be two drawings for one free ice cream per month for a year at Cold Stone Creamery!
PPIE Ask a Counselor Series
PPIE's Ask a Counselor series covers a variety of topics such as stress & anxiety and social media. Check out the most recent video, about spreading kindness, here!
Have a topic you would like addressed? Submit your suggestions here.
CTE Information and Listening Sessions
CTE is hosting Information and Listening Sessions for LatinX, Special Education and African American students and families, along with a special session for Village High School Students. Click the links below for details!
Eunoia: Beautiful Thinking Contest
Pens and Paints Foundation's Eunoia: Beautiful Thinking is back for another digital volume! The annual spring anthology features both literary and visual arts, and students from grades K-8 are welcome to submit pieces to be considered for the publication. This year's theme is Boundless.
Submissions close on April 7th at 11:59pm. For submission guidelines and forms, please visit their website.
Holiday: No School
PTA Founder's Day
- Wednesday, Feb. 17, 6-8 PM
- Saturday, Feb. 27, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Parenting Tips from your School Social Worker Team
Providing Healthy Snacks To Support Your Child
Regular, balanced meals and snacks help your student to have a constant and steady blood sugar level. When your student’s blood sugar is balanced, this boosts their learning and stabilizes their mood. Often, students will gravitate towards sugary snacks or soda when they are feeling depleted and need a burst of energy. However, an hour after the boost from these sugary treats, their energy level is going to crash to an even lower level than it was before. As a result, students are less likely to be able to manage stress, think clearly and remain calm. Parents or caregivers can support their students by providing them with small and regular snacks that are a combination of carbohydrates and protein, so that they can keep their blood sugar steady. To learn more about how to support your student in balancing their mental health, check out the online Parent/Caregiver Education series on Supporting Your Student Struggling with Depression developed by your PUSD Social Workers. Brought to you by your PBIS School Social Workers.
Celebrating our pUSd Community
PMS Students Share Virtual Weather Forecasts!
Students at Pleasanton Middle School have been working on virtual weather broadcasts to share with the school community!
Science and Gateway teacher Jeff Branchaud began working with students on a weather broadcast four years ago. After having to pause the project due to COVID-19, the team resumed their work virtually this school year, collaborating to film and edit a final weather report to share with their school community.
Foothill DECA Wins Awards In Virtual Competition
Students in Foothill DECA competed at the virtual DECA Northern California Career Development Conference from Jan. 11-28, taking home 167 awards!
The team participated in a variety of activities, including presentations and industry-validated cluster exams. The students had a 93% success rate and 23 students placed in the top 3! In addition, two teams ranked in the top 25 for the Western Region in the DECA Stock Market Game.
“Even in a virtual setting this year, I am incredibly proud of each and every one of our DECA competitors! They are motivated, talented, and hardworking individuals that I am honored to have the opportunity of training and working with these past two years,” Director of Training Emma Lin said.
Congratulations, Foothill DECA!
Click the images and links below for more information on resources and opportunities from our community partners
Community Service Opportunities for PUSD Students
PUSD students looking for community service opportunities can find links to organizations where they can make a difference at justserve.org
Axis Health Support Groups
Axis offers free, weekly support groups for PUSD high school and middle school students. Drop-in one-hour group sessions are led by a licensed clinician. Topics include stress management, peer pressure, anxiety and more. Call Alaina Moreno-Koehler 925-249-3159 for information.
Pleasanton Unified
School District
4665 Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-5500