Updates, Resources & Quicklinks
Take Our School Quality Stakeholder Survey, Open Through Monday!
Our School Quality Stakeholder Survey is open through Monday, May 17!
The survey allows you to give feedback on a variety of areas including student support, academic preparation, school leadership, family involvement and the district's handling of COVID-19. The results of the survey will help PUSD identify areas it’s doing well in, as well as opportunities for growth in order to best serve students.
The online survey is offered in English, Spanish and Chinese. Students and staff, please check your email for an invitation and survey link. Parents and community members can take the survey at pusdedu.info/2021sqsurvey. All responses are strictly confidential.
Mask Guidelines
As you are likely aware, the CDC on Thursday updated its guidelines regarding the use of face coverings for individuals fully vaccinated for COVID-19. As of this writing, state and county health and education officials have not issued any directions or updated guidelines in response to this change by the CDC. Masks will continue to be required in all PUSD settings for all employees, students, and visitors, as previously described. If and when this changes, we will be sure to communicate with all of our stakeholders to ensure that there is no confusion.
2021-22 School Year Family Input Session
Please join us on Wednesday, May 19, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. for a family input session as we plan for the 2021-22 school year. We want to hear your thoughts, questions, and/or concerns for Fall 2021 to inform our planning efforts through our Steering Committee moving forward.
Our intent is to plan in earnest for a full-time return for all students.
Join us on Thursday, May 20 for our regular board meeting! We will discuss CTE and TVROP, LGBTQ+ Pride Month Resolution, Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant and more.
The Pleasanton Virtual Academy: Enroll Now!
Families of students in grades K-12 are invited to enroll in the Pleasanton Virtual Academy! This flexible educational option, part of the Pleasanton Unified School District, allows students to learn through multiple modalities at home, in-person and online.
Practice and Extend Summer Program: Register by May 20!
This summer all K-12 students will have access to Practice and Extend, a virtual summer program for students who would benefit from practice and extension of skills in math and reading. Please see the attached flyer for program details and the sign-up link: TK-12 Practice and Extend Summer Session.
The Hanger is Open for Shopping!
The Hanger is a Vocational Skills Classroom located in Room 702 on the Village High School campus teaching job skills to individuals with disabilities while providing clothing to Pleasanton families in need.
The Hanger es un salón de clases de habilidades vocacionales ubicado en el salón 702 en el campus de Village High School que enseña habilidades laborales a personas con discapacidades mientras proporciona ropa a las familias de Pleasanton que lo necesitan.
The Hanger is open for shopping on Tuesdays and Fridays in May.
The Hanger está abierto para compras los Martes y Viernes de Mayo.
Contact the Hanger to make an appointment:
Póngase en contacto con Hanger para concertar una cita, puede contactarnos en Español!
Pleasanton Police Department Safety Tips
The Pleasanton Police Department will be hosting a virtual Safety Tips presentation on Wednesday, 5/19 from 6-8 pm. In partnership with AAPI community members, the Pleasanton PD will provide tips on how to stay safe, educated, and connected. This event will be hosted by Pleasanton’s Crime Prevention Officer Ryan Tujague, and the Pleasanton PD invites the community to hear from its officers, social media coordinator, and district attorneys who are members of the Asian American Prosecutors Association. They will answer questions, share valuable information about current crime trends, and suggest ways to keep individuals safe.
PPIE Ask a Counselor Series:
Our latest video in the ‘Ask a Counsellor’ Series is bought to you by Sarada Karthik. Sarada is a substitute counselor at PUSD, and has helped out a lot at Foothill over the past two years. 'Coping with Social Isolation’
PPIE Mock Interviews at Village High School:
PPIE is excited to announce that we are launching a Mock Interview Program with students at Village High School on Monday 5/17 and Tuesday 5/18. This program will allow students a valuable opportunity to practice their resume writing skills, learn to manage their nerves/tone etc. and field robust interview questions.
PPIE & the Pandemic:
Thanks to everyone for joining forces with PPIE in this crazy year! Together, we have accomplished so much! While we have continued to do what we traditionally do in an academic year, we have also done some exciting NEW things to help support our district in a year of unique circumstances. If you have not yet been able to join us in this effort, please consider getting involved or donating towards our efforts @ PPIE.org
Parenting Tips from your School Social Worker Team
Technology's Effect on Mental Health
It seems like mental health issues are rampant among teens today. Although there are many challenges at play that have been around for decades, there are some issues students are facing today that are new to this generation. Technology in general and specifically social media are components of teen life that previous generations did not face. In America, the average teen spends 9 hours on digital media each day. Research is showing us that the more time is spent on digital media, the worse that students are reporting feeling. Although social media and technology in themselves are not harmful, teens can definitely err on the side of using them in a destructive way. Parents or caregivers can support their students by modeling healthy relationships with technology, and specifically social media. Brought to you by your PBIS School Social Workers.
Celebrating our pUSd Community
Amador Valley Students Shortlisted For USA Cricket Training Group
Two of our very own juniors at Amador Valley High School Ajay Immadi and Kanish Bhalla were recently shortlisted for the 26 member USA Men’s Under 19 National Training Group after the completion of the Under 19 National Cricket Championship tournament hosted during spring break in Houston, Texas.
Following a two month intensive training program, 14 of these players will be selected for the Under 19 Men’s Cricket team that will compete in the ICC Under 19 Cricket World Cup qualifiers later this year.
Click the images and links below for more information on resources and opportunities from our community partners
Community Service Opportunities for PUSD Students
PUSD students looking for community service opportunities can find links to organizations where they can make a difference at justserve.org
If you are an uninsured individual or household, you can get more financial help and see lower premiums than ever before! Call Axis at 925-462-1755 to schedule a FREE appointment with our enrollment specialists today. We will help you find a plan and financial help if you are eligible through CoveredCA and Medi-Cal #healthinsurance
¡Si usted es un individuo o un hogar sin seguro, puede obtener más ayuda financiera y ver las cuotas más bajas que nunca antes! Llame a Axis al 925-462-1755 para programar una cita GRATUITA con nuestros especialistas en inscripciones hoy mismo. Le ayudaremos a encontrar un plan y ayuda financiera si es elegible a través de CoveredCA y Medi-Cal #seguromedico
Pleasanton Unified
School District
4665 Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-5500