Moving Forward, Together
PUSD E-Connection
April 23, 2021
Updates, Resources & Quicklinks
Superintendent's Report for April 22 Regular Board Meeting
At each regular board meeting, the Superintendent provides a report to the community.
2021-2022 School Year Planning Update

PUSD continues to plan for a full-time return to in-person instruction for the 2021-2022 school year. This will of course be dependent on current health guidance, but conditions and early information is supportive of a full-time, 5-day per week return in August.

To engage our community around that commitment and solicit your input into this process moving forward, PUSD has begun to engage staff, students and families in a series of input sessions. These sessions will continue through May. Please check your email or our District web site for more information.

In addition, PUSD has assembled a 2021-2022 Steering Committee composed of diverse stakeholders which held its first meeting in April.

We will continue to provide updates to our community as we know more about the coming school year.
Take the PUSD Stakeholder Survey
This school year has been unlike any in our history, with many obstacles that we have faced together as a community. As we continue to reflect and to learn, it is vital to maintain our commitment to ongoing dialogue. Add your voice to the conversation and participate in PUSD’s third annual school quality stakeholder survey. It’s open through Tuesday, May 4.
Your input will help us identify areas we’re doing well, and opportunities for growth which will assist in our planning moving forward to best serve all of our students. 

The online survey is compatible with any computer, tablet, or smartphone. Please check your email for your invitation and survey link or visit The survey is offered in English, Spanish and Chinese. All responses are strictly confidential.
For more information, please contact Patrick Gannon,
Get Involved! PUSD Seeking Applicants For Local Control Accountability Committee (LCAC)

The Local Control Advisory Committee’s (LCAC) responsibility is to advise the Pleasanton Unified School District Board of Trustees and the PUSD Superintendent about supporting the District’s Strategic Plan with resources for our Local Control Funding Formula. Members will serve a 2 year term (July 2021 - June 2023) and will be selected to reflect the diversity of the school community and the student body.

The Board of Trustees is seeking up to nine (9) community members, current PUSD secondary students, and/or parents/guardians of current or former PUSD students.

The members will be selected from those who apply for the position by completing an application and submitting it to the Pleasanton Unified School District’s Teaching and Learning Division: Attention Dr. Pam VandeKamp. Applications can be completed online by making a copy of the fillable PDF application and sending the completed file by email to by 5:00 p.m. May 1, 2021, or alternatively the application can be printed, filled out on paper, then scanned and emailed to the same address. Priority will be given to parents/guardians of current students.

Members are required to attend all meetings of the full committee on the third Tuesday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Pleasanton Unified School District Offices at 4665 Bernal Avenue Pleasanton. (Meetings will be held by remote video conference if any Shelter in Place restrictions remain in effect during part of the new LCAC term).
Timeline for Selection:

April 15 - May 1, 2021
Advertise LCAC Community Member Recruitment
May 1, 2021, 5:00 p.m.:
Applications due to District Office
May 25, 2021
Applications presented to PUSD’s Board of Trustees for member appointment.

Care Solace Resources

Pleasanton Unified School District is committed to antiracism and will continue to put equity at the forefront of our work. We encourage you to connect with your friends and family, support each other
and seek help as it is needed.

Whatever you or your family are experiencing, we want you to know that you are not alone and that support is available at school and in our community. If you or someone you know needs help, we have partnered with Care Solace to further support our community’s mental health.

Care Solace can help you quickly find culturally relevant mental health or substance use providers or programs matched to your needs regardless of circumstances. Care Solace is available 24/7/365 and can support you in any language.

Their support is completely confidential and free to PUSD students, staff and their families. If you would like to use Care Solace:
  • Call 888-515-0595 24/7/365
  • Visit and either search on your own , OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
  • Email with the following information:
  • Your name and cell phone number
  • Your preferred language
  • A good time for Care Solace to contact you

In an emergency:
  • Call 911 or and request a Crisis Intervention Trained (C.I.T.) response
  • Go to the closest emergency room for support
  • Text “Hello” or “Home” to 741741 to connect with support
  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255
  • English: 800-273-TALK
  • Español: 888-628-9454
  • TTYY: 800-799-4889
  • Online chat:
  • Trevor Lifeline LGBTQQ+ Crisis Support: 1-866-488-7386
CTE Stakeholder Engagement Forums
Click the image below for more information
Teen Poet Laureate

The City of Pleasanton is searching for a 2021-22 Teen Poet Laureate. Incoming high school juniors and seniors in Pleasanton will have the opportunity to apply online for the volunteer position through April 30.

Pleasanton’s Teen Poet Laureate plays an important role in helping to foster an appreciation for composing, reading, reciting, and listening to poetry in and around the City. They are also in a unique position to help the City reach a younger demographic by inspiring a love of the arts amongst their high school peers. The Teen Poet Laureate brings fun and creativity to various City events throughout the year. For additional information and to apply, visit
Parenting Tips from your School Social Worker Team
Healthy Decision Making
The brain is not fully developed until your mid to late 20’s. The prefrontal cortex is the part of your brain which is responsible for planning, prioritizing and controlling impulses. Because this is one of the last regions of your brain to mature, this could explain why your student may make choices that seem foolish to an adult with a fully developed brain. Parents or caregivers can support their students by keeping in mind that their brains are still developing and helping them to practice healthy decision making. 

Parent & Guardian Education and Resources
Click here to see a calendar of free upcoming Parent Education trainings & events!
Reminder Event:
April 24, 2021 Asian Mental Health presents Emotional Wellness in Daily Basis (Mandarin) 
See flyer for Zoom info and registration QR code.

Celebrating our pUSd Community
2021 Teacher of the Year

Please join us in congratulating Village High School’s Russell Sato as PUSD’s 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year! Russell has served the Village community as an English and College and Career teacher for the last eight years.  

Known as ‘Sato’ on the Village campus, he’s beloved for the connections he makes in the classroom by engaging each student. 

Mr. Sato is a leader among his peers on campus. He gets involved in school site and District committees, has led the Village WASC team and collaborated to create the Village Virtual School to provide easier access to academic resources for students with the shift to remote learning in March 2020.  

Russell’s name will be submitted to be considered for the Alameda County Teacher of the Year Awards, which will be held in October 2021. 

Here’s a few things Russell’s colleagues had to say about him! 

“He encourages staff to continually improve, they look to him for leadership. He's the first to take a new teacher or a substitute under his guidance to be sure they feel welcome and included.”

“It's hard to capture all of the amazing qualities of Russell. I can only say that as a lifelong educator, Russell is exactly the kind of teacher that I only hope that every child is able to work with every school year. The combination of high expectations with a warm demeanor produces tremendous gains with our students. They emerge from Russell's class a more confident and
competent person.”
2021 Classified Employee of the Year
Please join us in congratulating Kay Dorp, Account Specialist II - Budget Analyst as our 2021 PUSD Classified School Employee of the Year! Kay has served on team PUSD’s Fiscal Services team for nearly 20 years helping to ensure that our budgets are balanced and sound fiscal practices are in place and followed consistently.  

Her experience and leadership in training new employees has been invaluable. Kay’s name will be submitted for consideration for the 2021 County Classified School Employee of the Year Award. She will also be recognized at an upcoming regular board meeting.

Nominated both by her District Office colleagues and members of our school site teams, here are a few things that team PUSD shared about Kay: 

“She cares about the success of her colleagues and does what she can to help them succeed. Kay has a deep respect for the reputation of the Pleasanton Unified School District and how we represent the students, staff and community at large." 

“She is the most patient person on the planet. She always makes herself available and answers all correspondence efficiently. She doesn’t hesitate to offer her guidance and expertise and it’s all done with a smile and a great attitude.” 

“Kay Dorp is truly one of PUSD’s unsung heroes. Her job is not flashy, and it isn’t one of those that is out there for all to see. However, I assert that what Kay brings to the Fiscal Services office is critical to the functioning of not just her department, but the work that happens out at the school sites as well. Kay has been a team player since I've known her, making me feel like we are all part of the same team."

Congratulations, Kay!
AVHS Students Win Aspirations In Computing Awards
Four AVHS students are 2021 NCWIT Aspirations in Computing award recipients!

Nitya Ayyagari, Hiya Shah, Suhani Singhal and Deanna Wood are all Affiliate Winners. Suhani Singhal also received a National Honorable Mention. 

Award recipients were selected from over 200 applicants from 13 Bay Area counties for their outstanding aptitude and aspirations in technology and computing as demonstrated by their computing experience, computing-related activities, leadership experience, tenacity in the face of barriers to access, and plans for post-secondary education. 
"Our young women at AVHS continue to excel in STEM classes and in their efforts to reach out to our community," AVHS teacher Richard Hanson said. "These representatives are truly amazing people and a pleasure to have in class. Their leadership and imagination in this difficult year give me hope for our future!"
Earth Day 2021
Yesterday was Earth Day! In honor of the holiday, Lucky Supermarket is donating a drought-tolerant Crepe Myrtle Tree to every school. We're so excited to plant them on our campuses!
Community Resources
Click the images and links below for more information on resources and opportunities from our community partners
Community Service Opportunities for PUSD Students

PUSD students looking for community service opportunities can find links to organizations where they can make a difference at
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¡Si usted es un individuo o un hogar sin seguro, puede obtener más ayuda financiera y ver las cuotas más bajas que nunca antes! Llame a Axis al 925-462-1755 para programar una cita GRATUITA con nuestros especialistas en inscripciones hoy mismo. Le ayudaremos a encontrar un plan y ayuda financiera si es elegible a través de CoveredCA y Medi-Cal #seguromedico
Pleasanton Unified
School District
4665 Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-5500