Moving into the 2020-21 School Year Together
PUSD E-Connection
October 4, 2020
Moving Forward into the 2020-21 School Year Together
Supporting Our Community Through Student Supervision Program and Continually Working Towards Responsible Reopening of Schools
Alameda County has successfully sustained 'red tier' status according to health indicators included in the State's Blueprint for a Safer Economy. Accordingly, the Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD) recently announced that elementary schools that meet State and County requirements and guidelines can begin to reopen beginning on October 13. PUSD continues to work toward meeting these requirements and have used the Alameda County COVID-19 School Guidance for Reopening as the District's guiding document for our phased reopening plan that was approved by the Board of Trustees on July 14.

As we continue to move forward toward reopening responsibly, PUSD is planning to launch a student supervision program in October. This program is detailed in the presentation linked above.

We will provide an additional update on school opening during our next regular board meeting on Thursday, October 8. View the agenda here and stream the meeting on
Updates, Resources & Quicklinks
FREE Math Tutoring for High School Students from Las Positas College Faculty and Students
Could your high school student benefit from some additional support in math courses? Learn more about this FREE resource from Las Positas College!
California State University: Virtual Tours and CSU Week
CSU campus virtual tour links are now available in one place for students. Find these links on the Cal State Apply main site under Explore Campuses.

CSU Week - The CSU Chancellor’s Office and all 23 campuses are excited to provide an alternative to in-person college fairs. CSU Week will take place October 5th through Ocotber 9th. Each campus will present a short live session to provide a campus overview, information about the admission process and a question and answer portion. Pre-register here!
Dates to Remember:
PUSD Board Candidate Forum l Monday, October 5, 7 PM
PPIE Week of the Stars: Coming October 9 - 12
In place of the Fall Gala, PPIE is happy to announce PPIE Week of the Stars, October 9-17’ to celebrate and support our schools, and offer our families some much-needed FUN. This week of local dining, virtual classes, online auction and teacher highlights will replace our traditional fall gala. And it’s open to everyone! 

Your participation will help ensure that PPIE is able to meet our fundraising goals to support critical tech, math/reading and other teachers at all our schools. 

In Case You Missed It
Webinar: College Admissions in the COVID-19 Era
On Wednesday, September 23, PUSD hosted a webinar to share information on college admissions as it relates to SAT/ACT testing, providing input and feedback from a variety of admissions representatives from prestigious colleges and universities from across the country on test blind and test optional practices.

Watch the Webinar. View a copy of the presentation shared here.
Parenting Tips from your School Social Worker Team
Attendance Awareness - Avoiding Chronic Absenteeism
Did You Know? Having chronic absence is considered missing 10% of the school year or more. Although it doesn’t seem like much, missing just two days of school each month can add up to a 10% absence rate. Studies show that missing a few days here and there can negatively impact a student’s academic progress, as well as the progress of their peers, since teachers are forced to slow down and repeat material for absent students. parent or caregivers can support their children by keeping track of their absences through Q’s parent Connection. 

For more information on the importance of attendance early in education please see the visual:

Chances are your child will need to miss a few days of school this year. While some absences might seem more excusable, the impact is actually the same whether your child is sick, taking a family trip or cutting class. Any absence makes it harder for your child to keep up with the everyday classroom instruction that is needed to grow and succeed. Some absences are unavoidable, but too many will make your child fall behind and they might not be able to catch up. An important step toward student achievement is being at school every day and arriving on time. Please save absences for when it is absolutely necessary. To learn more about parent or caregiver strategies to support attendance please review the Attendance Matters-How Can I Help My Child? Brought to you by your Child Welfare & Attendance Specialists in recognition of Attendance Awareness Month.
Celebrating our pUSd Community
Local Organization Donates School Supplies to Village High School
Thank you to the Jose Maria Amador Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution for their generous donation of school supplies for our Village High school students! Donated items included pens, sharpies and college rule paper.
Opportunities & Resources
FREE Online Parenting Conference l October 5 - 9
This free virtual event is for mindful parents (and professionals who work with children) who are interested in learning, connecting, networking and exchanging experiences about raising children to do and be their absolute best. Learn More.
Community Service Opportunities for PUSD Students
PUSD students looking for community service opportunities can find links to organizations where they can make a difference at
Call for Volunteers: K-12 Tutoring Program
The Pleasanton PTA Council is launching a new online tutoring program to support PUSD students and is looking for interested community volunteers! If you are looking to mentor/tutor students, please email
Pleasanton Unified
School District
4665 Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-5500