Moving into the 2020-21 School Year Together
A Message from Superintendent David Haglund
Moving forward together: Approaching How We Reopen Our Schools
Dear Pleasanton Community,
As you are likely aware, the Alameda County Public Health Department and Office of Education recently released updated guidance that enables elementary schools that meet State and County requirements to proceed toward reopening on or after October 13. The guidance includes a comprehensive checklist (see pages 12-14) that identifies the standards schools must meet prior to reopening for in-person learning. During last Thursday’s Board meeting, we discussed our preparedness for meeting reopening standards, as we prepare to implement the Reopening Plan that was approved by the Board on July 14, 2020.
I want to assure you that our entire team is working tirelessly to ensure that the required health and safety standards are met or exceeded, and that our staff, students, families and the broader community can be confident as we implement our plan to reopen.
As we move forward, it will be important that we collectively own responsibility to keep our students safe. The more carefully we implement health and safety protocols at home and when we are in the community, the safer students will be when at school. Join us as we limit focus on what we “can” do as individuals, and focus instead on what we “should” do considering the health, safety, and wellbeing of others.
We remain committed to tending to, as a first priority, the safety of our staff and students, and we will continue to communicate with and engage our families and staff as we move forward together. To that end, our executive leadership team will host a virtual town hall for our employees this Wednesday, and our broader community session on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. to support moving our collaborative work forward. Please find information on these opportunities below. On Friday, October 16, at 5 p.m., the Board will meet to consider approval of the PUSD Reopening Plan as amended to address the most current ACPHD guidelines.
Thank you for your continued support and collaboration. While we may not move as quickly as some would like, I am confident that we all hold the same goals and interests at heart - the physical and mental health of our students, and the many who have dedicated their lives to serve and support their success. We are in this together.
With gratitude,
David Haglund
Superintendent of Schools
Updates, Resources & Quicklinks
Monday, Oct. 12 Town Hall with Alameda County Office of Education & Public Health Department
On Monday, October 12 at 5:30pm ACOE is hosting a virtual town hall with Q&A on the topic of educating students in Alameda County in the time of COVID-19.
Alameda County Board of Education President Aisha Knowles will host alongside County Superintendent of Schools L. Karen Monroe with representatives from the Alameda County Public Health Department.
Phone: (669) 900-6833 with Meeting ID: 937 3801 5915.
PUSD Online Tutoring Program for K-12 Students
If your student needs additional support during remote learning, PUSD is now offering FREE virtual tutoring for all K-12 students.
Students must use a PUSD email address. After you request tutoring sessions, a calendar invitation will be sent to your student. If you need help please reach out to an administrator at your school site.
Celebrate National School Lunch Week With Us - October 12 - 16
FREE Math Tutoring for High School Students from Las Positas College Faculty and Students
California State University: Virtual Tours and CSU Week
CSU campus virtual tour links are now available in one place for students. Find these links on the Cal State Apply main site under Explore Campuses.
CSU Week - The CSU Chancellor’s Office and all 23 campuses are excited to provide an alternative to in-person college fairs. CSU Week will take place October 5th through Ocotber 9th. Each campus will present a short live session to provide a campus overview, information about the admission process and a question and answer portion. Pre-register here!
Register for PPIE’s Week of the Stars, Through October 17
Register for free to participate in this week-long celebration to support our schools. Activities include online and in person classes, restaurant dining, amazing auction items and experiences, daily movie feature (it’s really a short video, but movies sound more fun!), a Fund a Need opportunity to fund school site Tech Specialists who are so important at this time, and more!
Parenting Tips from your School Social Worker Team
Cyberbullying: Raising Awareness to Promote Positive Behaviors Online and In Person for National Bullying Prevention Month
Cyberbullying is bullying or harassment that happens online. It can happen in an email, a text message, an online game, or on a social networking site. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages, emails, or direct messages on social media sites, as well as rumors sent by email or posted online and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. parent or caregivers can protect their kids from cyberbullying by monitoring what they are doing on the computer, as well as on their phones. To learn more about how you can respond to bullying as a parent or caregiver, check out the Captain Compassion website, created by the Committee for Children. Brought to you by your PBIS School Social Workers in honor of National Bullying Prevention Month.
Celebrating our pUSd Community
Walnut Grove Elementary 1st Grade Team Shares Fall Festivity with Roadrunner Families
Walnut Grove 1st grade teachers held a drive-thru materials pick up for families with a surprise treat - pumpkins from our Harvest Park Middle Mentoring Through Agriculture class! Thank you to our amazing teachers for continuing to connect with our students, and to the amazing Greg Dankwardt for continuing the amazing Pumpkin Patch tradition!
Community Leaders Watch Remote Learning in Action During Virtual Open House
PUSD hosted community leaders for a virtual open house to highlight remote learning across elementary, middle and high schools this Tuesday.
Thank you to our amazing teachers for opening their classrooms to highlight their resilience and talent in adapting to the current remote learning environment.
Opportunities & Resources
Community Service Opportunities for PUSD Students
PUSD students looking for community service opportunities can find links to organizations where they can make a difference at
Call for Volunteers: K-12 Tutoring Program
The Pleasanton PTA Council is launching a new online tutoring program to support PUSD students and is looking for interested community volunteers! If you are looking to mentor/tutor students, please email
Pleasanton Unified
School District
4665 Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-5500