Moving into the 2020-21 School Year Together
Holiday Gathering Recommendations and Guidance from Alameda County Public Health
- If you gather in person, keep it small, short and stable (do not gather with multiple cohorts).
- Gather outdoors if possible
- Serve shared food safely
- Non-essential travel is NOT recommended (page 3), as COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in many parts of the Country.
Board Unanimously Approves School Reopening Plan I
School Reopening Dashboard
ICYMI: In his latest message to the community, Superintendent Haglund addresses the Board's Unanimous approval of the PUSD School Reopening Plan. The Reopening Plan details the extensive work completed and underway to support a safe return for preschool through 5th grade students beginning on January 4, 2021. Read more.
See where PUSD is in meeting State and County Public Health requirements (and in some cases going beyond requirements) on our new School Reopening Dashboard.
Child Nutrition Services Offering Thanksgiving Week Meal Pre-Orders
While our meal service locations will be closed the week of Thanksgiving (November 23 - 29), our Child Nutrition Services team is offering families in need the opportunity to pre-order a week of meals to be picked up on November 23rd at Amador Valley High School from 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Next Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, November 12
The PUSD Board of Trustees will hold a special board meeting to consider the Districts school reopening plan for preK-5 students.
If you would like to provide a comment regarding an item ON or NOT on the meeting agenda, please use the following links prior to the start of the meeting:
Updates, Resources & Quicklinks
Accessing mental health supports
Pleasanton Unified School District is committed to the safety and wellbeing of our students, staff and families. In addition to the safety measures that we are putting in place, PUSD has partnered with Care Solace to support our community’s mental health. To provide ease in connecting to resources please see this informational handout for more ways to access support: Care Solace Mental Health Support
PUSD Online Tutoring Program for K-12 Students
If your student needs additional support during remote learning, PUSD is now offering FREE virtual tutoring for all K-12 students.
Students must use a PUSD email address. After you request tutoring sessions, a calendar invitation will be sent to your student. If you need help please reach out to an administrator at your school site.
High School Seniors: Apply for a $1000 Juanita Haugen Memorial Scholarship
The Community of Character Collaborative invites all High School seniors in Pleasanton to apply for the annual Juanita Haugen Memorial Scholarship. Long time school board member, trustee and president of the Pleasanton Unified School District, Juanita Haugen inspired the Pleasanton Community of Character initiative. In her honor, annual $1,000 scholarships will recognize students who have a strong record of civic engagement and have demonstrated exceptional character by role modeling the traits of Compassion, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, Integrity and Self-Discipline.
An award will be presented to a student in each of Pleasanton’s three high schools. Applications are being taken for Foothill and Amador Valley students, Village will be presented at a later date.
FREE Math Tutoring for High School Students from Las Positas College Faculty and Students
Every year PPIE provides grants to fund up to $500 for student projects or special events that support student achievement in all areas. This year, projects should also support the PUSD Strategic Plan mission: “Our students will make a better world.” We are looking forward to your submissions and anticipate that while this year is unique, we will still be able to support our students in their independent projects in a new way. Grant applications are open through November 13.
Parenting Tips from your School Social Worker Team
Encouraging Students to Maintain Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle
Although it is often assumed that the harder we push our students, the more they will achieve, the opposite is often true. Research shows that high academic pressure can actually decrease students’ focus, as well as lead to mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, and eventually a negativity towards education. Parents or caregivers can support their students by keeping the big picture in mind and encouraging their students to live a balanced lifestyle, where their identity is not wrapped up in their grades or academic accomplishments. To learn more, check out the online series Tools for Supporting Your Anxious Child developed by your School Social Workers. Brought to you by your PBIS School Social Workers in honor of National Bullying Prevention Month.
Celebrating our pUSd Community
Measure I1 Science Classroom Projects Break Ground at Amador Valley and Foothill High School
Amador Valley and Foothill leaders along with PUSD Board of Trustees and executive cabinet members celebrated the start of construction for new science classroom buildings at both schools. Thank you to all who joined us virtually on our PUSD Facebook page for these ceremonies! Please find photos below and videos of both ceremonies:
Mrs. Borris' Vintage Hills & Walnut Grove Music Students Shine in Choral Performance, 'I Count My Blessings'
If you need a pick me up and haven't had your pumpkin spice latte today, click the link below to listen to the amazingly talented Vintage Hills & Walnut Grove Elementary students led by Mrs. Sharolyn Borris. We count our students as blessings, as well as our educators like Mrs. Borris for continuing to foster our students' love of music. Special shout out to Walnut Grove's Bridget and Cameron Werner for their beautiful opening solos!
Click the images and links below for more information on resources and opportunities from our community partners
National Charity League, Mother-Daughter volunteer organization hosting annual membership drive
Community Service Opportunities for PUSD Students
PUSD students looking for community service opportunities can find links to organizations where they can make a difference at
Pleasanton Unified
School District
4665 Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA 94566
Phone: 925-462-5500