Dear Class of 2020 and families, 

          We want you to know that we are already working on a plan for end of the year activities and special events.  Events including Prom and Graduation are not being canceled as of now.  However, we are planning for all possible outcomes.  We are and will continue to explore all options as we head down these unchartered waters.   

          This is the time of year you would be receiving all the forms and information for the various senior events.  Since there are still so many unknowns, and with the rapidly changing information that we are receiving daily, the details of the senior events are unable to be finalized at this time. 

          The information we can share with you at this time includes: 

  • AP exams will be moved to an online platform, and more information will be available on April 3rd. 

  • We are actively working with Dallas Moon, our cap and gown representative, to determine the best way to distribute caps and gowns, in case our originally scheduled distribution date (April 22nd) is not able to occur.   

  • Seniors will have an opportunity to try out to speak or perform at graduation.  Those tryouts may need to occur online.  You can expect to receive an email the week of April 6-10 about graduation tryouts.   

  • Check the CCC page of the PVPHS website for the most up to date information regarding acceptance deadlines, deposit dates, financial aid and scholarship revisions.  Check it often as it is updated almost everyday 

  • Check Naviance regularly for updated Scholarship information, as several have extended deadlines due to COVID-19 

  • Please fill out the Senior Survey on Naviance.  It is now live on Naviance. 

          And some good advice from Mrs. Arico and Mrs. Shafer in the CCC is to use this time to make sure that you have a Plan B for next year.  Santa Monica College, El Camino College and LA Harbor College offer Promise programs and their deadlines are coming up.  All is noted on the CCC page on our school's website, so check it out. Since you can't drop in to the CCC during Panther Time or Lunch to ask questions, Mrs. Arico is now scheduling phone or video conference meetings (which ever you are more comfortable with) to answer questions, talk about options or just to help guide you as you make your final decision. Know that she is also available through email as well. 

          I know our school's closure is incredibly frustrating and heartbreaking for our seniors and their family members.  The class of 2020 deserves to be celebrated in big ways.  This class was born into September 11th and will graduate out of a global pandemic.  You could not ask for a class that will be more prepared for any challenge that life throws at them.  

Seniors, try your best to unplug during this unique time.  Plan daily routines, and during your spring break take the opportunity to video chat and catch up with loved ones.  Read a book... or three. And we hope you do not forget that you are still our campus leaders and as such we all are looking to your leadership in these times.  We need your character, resiliency and perseverance to shine brighter than ever.   

         Also, we want to hear from you!  Please keep us informed of college acceptances, any major awards and accomplishments you earn in the weeks and months ahead.  Tag us on Instagram @pvphs or on Twitter @PVPHS_Principal or @PVPHS_Panthers, and we'll share your good news! 

         As soon as I can provide you more information, I will do so.  In the meantime, please stay home!  And most importantly, stay safe and healthy.



Dr. Brent Kuykendall 

PVPHS Principal   
Deadlines to turn in applications for Link Crew, Service Learning Leadership, and Boeing Summer Internships are coming up shortly. Please check Panther Picks on our school homepage for links and dates.

Our Cheer Team and Song Team will be 
using uploaded videos for tryouts for the 2020-21 teams. 

More details, instructions and deadlines 
can be found on their web pages:

 Follow Pen High on the following official sites

Stay safe!
Brent Kuykendall