New Hope Presbyterian Women

the Prompter
May 2020

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Special Edition
PW Birthday Offering
With many circle meetings being held virtually, if at all, it is worth mentioning the 2020 Presbyterian Women Birthday offering.
Less we forget our annual pledge to this worthy cause!
Celebrating Life's Blessings
“But I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more” (Ps. 71:14).

Please give so that this mission can continue!

The Birthday Offering is one of Presbyterian Women’s two offerings. Received in the spring each year, it gives women a tangible way to celebrate the blessings in their lives. The Birthday Offering funds up to five projects each year, in amounts of $75,000 to $150,000 each. The recipients are selected before the offering is received, so grant amounts depend on the gifts received.

Each year, the Birthday Offering awards grants to up to five programs. Primarily making possible capital improvement projects, the Birthday Offering supports domestic and international ministries, focusing on areas such as agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence or women’s concerns.

While usually made to the local PW Chapters, in these unusual times, donations/checks can also be sent directly to the New Hope Presbytery Treasurer, Linda Barnes

Linda Barnes
6442 NC 581 Hwy North
Kenly, NC 27542

or the National Office:

Rhonda Martin, PW Treasurer
Presbyterian Women Inc.
PO Box 643652
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3652
Intro to 2021 PW/ Horizons Bible Study
Into the Light: Finding Hope through Prayers of Lament , by Lynn Miller
"...together we are the body of Christ. When one of us rejoices, we all rejoice. When one of us laments, we all lament. That is one comfort of our faith: we are invited to be who God made us to be, but we do not walk through this world alone"
Sign up Today!
Lynn Miller has graciously stepped up to virtually introduce the study and answer questions via webinar. 

There are four different dates to choose from - Please note All workshops are eastern time.

June 16, 2020 Sunday 2pm-4pm
June 24, 2020 Wednesday 10am-12am
June 30, 2020 Tuesday 6pm-8pm

This webinar also will be recorded and made available on the PW YouTube Channel on July 1, 2020.

!!!Dates to Remember!!!

  • MAY - PW Birthday Offering - Plan and receive PW Birthday Program offering. Send to: Linda Barnes, Treasurer, at or 6442 NC 581 Highway North, Kenly, NC 27542.
  • JUNE - Leadership Report: Terry Apter, Communications Liaison, 6908 Electra Dr, Raleigh NC 27607 and your PWP Area Representative.
  • Don't wait. Send now if ready!
  • JUNE 11-14 PW Synod Summer Gathering in Massanetta, VA CANCELLED
  • SEPT 26 - Area 7,8,9 Fall Gathering @ Washington-First
  • OCT 10 - Area 1,2,3 Fall Gathering @ Kirk of Kildare, Cary
  • ??? Who will volunteer for Areas 4,5,6 ???

Click on the links below to keep track of
Churchwide PW News & Events
On PW’s website:
On Horizons’ website: (Blog access too!!)
On Facebook: Search for “Presbyterian Women in the PC(USA)”
On Twitter: @ PWPCUSA
PWP on Facebook: Search for Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of New Hope
PWP on New Hope Presbytery website:

Terry Cotten Apter