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PWRDF is offering three webinars in March. Please join us for what appeals to you or forward to anyone you think may be interested. If you have questions about any of these online learning opportunities, please contact Kim Umbach at
Thursday, March 17, 1 p.m. ET

Laudato Sí: Praise Be to You, On Care for our Common Home

In 2015, Pope Francis issued a papal encyclical (a letter to the faithful on a particular area of church teaching or doctrine) titled, Laudato Si’ – Praise Be to You, On Care for our Common Home. Since then, the encyclical has informed ecumenical, inter-faith and broader societal discussions about climate change and a range of related issues. As part of its three-year education focus, “Creation Care: Climate Action” PWRDF Public Engagement Program Coordinator Suzanne Rumsey leads this webinar about what Laudato Si’ does (and does not) contain, what some of the responses to it have been, and how it informs ongoing efforts to address the future of “our common home.”
Tuesday, March 22, 3 p.m. ET
Volunteer Information Session
We will be holding a Volunteer Information Session for new Diocesan and Parish Reps and anyone interested in volunteering with PWRDF. This session will include an overview of PWRDF and its programs, information about our volunteer network and what PWRDF volunteers can expect to see and do and what support you can expect from PWRDF staff.
Thursday, March 24, 7 p.m. ET
Introducing Social Justice In Focus

The PWRDF Youth Council is excited to introduce Social Justice inFocus. Given the realities of our world today, Youth Council believes climate justice is one of the most vital issues to address. Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) as a focal point, Social Justice inFocus strives to inspire young Anglicans to bring action-based change to their own communities, amplify their voices, and empower them to work towards a more healthy, just and peaceful world for all.

Social Justice inFocus seeks to engage youth and those who accompany them on a journey to encounter these world with Faith. This first issue centers on Climate Action and Climate Justice and is designed for 12- to 17-year-olds who are interested in climate justice, development, education and theology. Join PWRDF Youth Council rep Duncan Chalmers, who coordinated the development of SJiF, the Rev Will Ferrey, who will share his experience using SJiF in a parish context 
and Su McLeod, PWRDF Youth Engagement Coordinator.