January 11, 2018        Issue 114
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Presbytery Staff

Ed Thompson
General Presbyter
Maureen Wright
Stated Clerk, Associate for
Congregational Support

Rocky Poole
Financial Administration/Treasurer

Barbara Chalfant
Associate Presbyter for Mission

Susan Sharp Campbell
Associate for Educational Ministry

Nellie Howard
Resource Center Director

Mark Miller
Bluestone Camp Director

Sarah Specht
Bluestone Program Director

Amy Robinson
Office Administrator/Communications
Prayer List for Churchesprayforchurch

Week 2 - January 14
DuPont City Presbyterian Church, Belle
Frankford Presbyterian Church
Hughes River Presbyterian Church, Cairo
In Kenya: Gichira (GAY' she-RAH") Presbyterian Church
Week 3 - January 21
Marsh Fork Presbyterian, Dry Creek
Village Chapel Presbyterian, Charleston
Valley Bend Presbyterian Church, Beverly  
In Kenya: Kabiru (KahBEE'roo) Presbyterian

Week 4 - January 28
Pineville Presbyterian Church
Rock Forge Presbyterian, Morgantown

In Kenya: Gaaki (GAH' key) Parish
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genpresbyterA Word from our General Presbyter
Ed Thompson
      I have been reflecting on the goals I set for 2017 as I begin to set goals for this year. There were six things I said I would do. 
     1.  Objective: Strengthen the relationship between congregations and the Presbytery
       Activity: Visit 35 different churches for worship, preaching 25 times, aiming to visit at least 25 churches I have not visited before

     2. Objective: Provide pastoral care and support to the pastors of the Presbytery

         Activity: Meet with 40 different pastors, at least 20 of whom I did not visit/met with in 2016

     3. Objective: Provide support for churches seeking pastors

         Activity: Meet with each active Pastor Nominating Committee at least once
     Click here to read more
2018 Shared Mission Request
      Many of our churches have already made a pledge for 2018. Please check with your pastor and/or clerk of session to see that your church has returned their pledge card to this office and, if not, to please do so at your earliest convenience.

2017 Benevolences
     There is still time for churches to remit any remaining Shared Mission pledge, Per Capita or other benevolence payments for 2017. The General Assembly is allowing us a little extra time to submit payments for this fiscal year. So please forward all remaining 2017 contributions to the Presbytery office by Wednesday, January 17, and those contributions will be included in 2017 records.

2018 IRS Standard Mileage
On December 14, the IRS announced the following changes to the standard mileage rates. Beginning January 1, 2018, the standard mileage rates for the use of cars, vans, pickups or panel trucks is:
     - 54.5 cents per mile for business miles driven, up from 53.5 cents for 2017
     - 18 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes, up from 17 cents for 2017
     - 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations

Important Dates for Employee Tax Forms
* Furnish W-2 Copies B, C & 2 to employees on or before
JANUARY 31, 2018.
* If you file using paper forms, you must file Copy A of Form W-2 with Form W-3 by JANUARY 31, 2018.
*  The due date for e-filing Form W-2 with the SSA is JANUARY 31, 2018.
     Employers have one filing deadline for all Federal W-2s: 
JANUARY 31, 2018 . This is true for both employee and agency copies, and whether filing paper or electronic returns.

FILING DEADLINES FOR 1099 & 1096 Tax forms
 * Furnish 1099 Copy B to recipients on or before JANUARY 31, 2018.
* The due date for 1099-MISC, if amounts are reported in boxes 8 or 14, is FEBRUARY 15, 2018.
* File Form 1099-MISC, Copy A with the IRS by JANUARY 31, 2018 if you are reporting non-employee compensation in box 7 using either paper or electronic filing procedures.
* If you file using paper forms, you must file Copy A of Form 1099 with Form 1096 by JANUARY 31, 2018.
* The due date for e-filing Form 1099 with the IRS is APRIL 2, 2018.
     If you have any questions, feel free to contact PWV Treasurer/Financial Administrator Rocky Poole at 304-744-7644 or treasurer@wvpresbytery.org.
sympathy Prayer Concerns
     Rev. Stephen Baldwin, the pastor at Ronceverte Presbyterian Church and a West Virginia State Senator, has been diagnosed with a kidney disease and begun a course of treatment.  Please keep him and his family in your prayers. 

     Derek Hudson, the clerk of session at Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church in Charleston, is recovering from recent surgery in Washington, D.C. Please keep him in your prayers. 

     Rev. Robin Ray, the pastor at Bridgeport Presbyterian Church, is recovering from shoulder surgery. Please keep her and her husband, Craig, in your prayers.

     Nancy Abel passed away on December 27, 2017. She was the wife of the Rev. Ken Abel, who had served the Belle and Dupont City Presbyterian churches, and the Rev. Al Cowen, who had served as the executive presbyter of the former Greenbrier Presbytery. A memorial service was held on January 6 at Elk Hills Presbyterian Church, where she had been a member.

     Jeanette Billingsley passed away on December 30, 2017. She had been a ruling elder and clerk of session at Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church in Charleston. A memorial service was held at the church on January 6.
YYRSAVE THE DATE: Younger Youth Retreat
Lego Your Doubt: Building Blocks of Faith
March 2-4 at Cedar Lakes Conference Center
     The Younger Youth Retreat for those in grades 6-8 and their adult advisors will be held Friday, March 2-Sunday, March 4 at Cedar Lakes Conference Center. This retreat will focus on some of the building blocks of our faith that help us get through times of doubt, struggle and uncertainty.
     The cost per person is $75, and the registration deadline is Thursday, February 15. Complete registration information will be sent to church leaders next week and can also be found here
Please post this information where youth, parents, grandparents and others who work with youth can see it.
website101Website 101 workshop: Learn how to create and manage a church website
March 10 in Charleston (exact location TBD)
     On Saturday, March 10, the Presbytery will host a free workshop on website creation and management by former PWV minister Frank Cunningham, representing Union Presbyterian Seminary. The workshop, similar to one the Presbytery offered in 2014, will teach participants how to use Wordpress to set up and manage a website for their church or organization. 
     To help us gauge the interest level and determine the size of the location required, please contact Amy Robinson at 304-744-7634 or office@wvpresbytery.com by February 20 if you plan to attend. 
evangelismExpanding Your Ministry Toolbox 2018 launches with Evangelism workshop
Evangelism: Living as "Sent" People
March 15 at the Presbytery office
     On Thursday, March 15 at the presbytery office in South Charleston, Ray Jones, the Acting Director of Theology, Formation and Evangelism for the PC(USA), will lead the first course in the 2018 Expanding Your Ministry Toolbox series. His workshop, Evangelism: Living as "Sent" People, is designed to help people live into the fullest expression of the gospel. It is designed for pastors, Commissioned Ruling Elders, Authorized Lay Preachers, Christian Educators, Evangelism (or whatever your church calls it) Committee chairs to explore their own faith stories and what it means to join God in what God is doing in their communities, to consider who they are as "sent" people, and to get to know their neighborhoods.
     The cost per person is $75. Participants are encouraged to read "Engage the Gospel, the Participant's Book" which can be ordered hereFor more information and to register, click here.
FOFSAVE THE DATE: Festival of Faith
April 7 at First Presbyterian Church, Charleston
     This year's Festival of Faith, a day of learning opportunities, fellowship and worship, will be held Saturday, April 7 at First Presbyterian Church, Charleston. Registration will begin at 9 a.m., and things kick off at 9:30 a.m. with worship.
     Jan Edmiston, Co-Moderator of the 222nd General Assembly of the PC(USA), will be the keynote presenter, speaking on "The State of the PC(USA): The Good, the Bad, the Ugly" and giving us an update on what's happening within our denomination. There will again be a wide variety of workshops to choose from, several of our mission/ministry partners to hear from, a bookstore and fair trade coffee and other items for sale.        
      Click here for complete information and registration, which will also be sent soon by email to pastors, clerks of session and Christian educators/Christian education contacts, as well as recipients of the newsletter. If you don't receive an email or you or someone you know would like to receive a copy by snail mail, please let the presbytery office know. 
forrestAPCE honoring Forrest Palmer for lifetime of service and teaching
By Mike Givler, Synod of the Trinity
Forrest Palmer will receive the APCE Lifetime Achievement Award at this year's APCE Annual Event, which begins Jan. 31 in Louisville.
      Forrest Palmer attended his first national Association of Presbyterian Church Educators  meeting over 40 years ago. That conference and the association left a lasting impression on his life.
     "I first started attending their annual events (in 1976), and found that it was a wonderful community and a wonderful place to network with wonderful people," he recalled. "I always learned something. They always had wonderful keynote speakers."
     Eventually, Forrest, the retired interim executive presbyter at the Presbytery of West Virginia, would land on the APCE cabinet (2006-10), representing the South Atlantic-Puerto Rico Region of APCE as he served as executive associate presbyter of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.
     We invite you to print and include this newsletter in your bulletins, give it to your congregation and distribute widely. We hope it is helpful for your congregation and community. 

educatorsEducators' Gathering
Jan. 22 at the Presbytery office
     The next Educators' Gathering is Monday, January 22 at the presbytery office, beginning at 10 a.m.  This is an opportunity for anyone involved in leadership in the educational ministry of their church, whether as paid staff or a volunteer, to share ideas, resources, concerns and support. We will end at approximately 1:30 p.m., following lunch at a nearby restaurant with those who can stay. For more information, contact Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-645-4568 or susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com.
rominePaul Romine retirement celebration
Jan. 28 at First Presbyterian Church, St. Albans
     Rev. Paul Romine, who has been the pastor at First Presbyterian Church of St. Albans for 15 years, will retire at the end of this month. On January 28, the church is hosting a celebration from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to mark this retirement after his dedicated service.  
     Within a few months following retirement, Romine and his wife plan to move to Lawrence, KS to be near their son, Russell, and his family and closer to their daughter, Ellyn, and her family.  
     The church is located at 201 Kanawha Terrace in St. Albans. For more information, call 304-727-2241.
ydos2018 Youth Day of Service Service: MISSION POSSIBLE
Feb. 10 in three locations in WV
      February will be here before we know it and, with it, the 2018 Youth Day of Service. This event for youth in grades 6-12 and their adult advisors will be held in three different locations across the presbytery - Bridgeport Presbyterian Church; Old Stone Presbyterian Church, Lewisburg; and Village Chapel Presbyterian Church, Charleston (with South Park Presbyterian Church assisting). This will be an opportunity to join with other youth across the presbytery in a time of service and mission at a variety of sites. 
     Information and registration forms, along with covenants and medical forms, were sent by email in late November and can also be found here. Please contact Susan Sharp Campbell (304-645-4568 or susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com ) with any questions. 
brainLay Academy: The Aging Brain
Begins Feb. 18 at First Presbyterian, Charleston
     The new Lay Academy of Religion class, The Aging Brain, will begin on Sunday, February 18. It will give participants a new understanding of what happens in the brain as we age and specific strategies to help keep your mind sharp as you age.
     The course, taught by Dr. Robert G. Newman, meets weekly through May 13, with the exception of April 1 (Easter). Class runs 4-5:30 p.m. Sundays in the First Presbyterian Church of Charleston's activities building dining room. 
     Each class begins with a half-hour DVD lecture, followed by a panel discussion with local professionals. Topics include The Aging Mind: What Changes, Is Aging a Disease, Emotional Aging, Strategies for an Aging Memory, Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, and Aging Well.  Click here for a flyer with all topics and their dates.
     The Lay Academy is free and open to the public. For more information or to register, call the church office at 304-343-8961 or Newman at 304-345-0225.
retreat2018 Educator, Clergy, CRE Retreat
Feb. 19-20 at Hawk's Nest State Park
     The 2018 Educator, Clergy, CRE Retreat will be held Monday, February 19-Tuesday, February 20 at Hawks Nest State Park. The focus will be "New, New Ways to Tell the Old, Old Story" with presenter Tracy Radosevic, a professional biblical storyteller. Christian educators, Ministers and Commissioned Ruling Elders are encouraged to attend, along with their spouses. Click here for more information. Please note this event has a limited audience.
toolboxExpanding Your Ministry Toolbox 2018 
     These courses are provided through the Presbytery's Leadership Development Coordinating Team for church leaders who may have limited resources for continuing education. Each course, led by a leader in the field, is an independent opportunity to gain skills in particular areas of ministry. 
     Dates and courses for 2018 are as follows: 
  • Thursday, March 15: Evangelism (see article above)
  • Tuesday, April 17: Mental Illness Awareness and Response
  • Saturday, June 2: Leading Congregations through Change
  • Saturday, September 8: Biblical Storytelling
  • Saturday, October 27: Preaching 
     Complete information and registration forms will be sent out approximately 10 weeks in advance of each course. There will usually be an assignment to be completed prior to the course. For more information, click here.
logosLOGOS Encounter Training
March 17 at First Presbyterian Church, Charleston
     On Saturday, March 17, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., there will be an opportunity for anyone interested in providing a weekly intergenerational program designed to nurture children and youth in faith. LOGOS, part of GenOn Ministries, is designed to work in churches of all sizes and settings as it provides opportunities for children and youth to build relationships with adults in the church as well as experience study, fellowship, worship and a shared meal as a child of God and disciple of Jesus Christ.  
     Event participants will experience the four parts of LOGOS and the why behind each; understand why there is a strong on emphasis on relationships; discover a biblical process of calling volunteers to assist and staff the LOGOS program; and network with others who share similar joys and challenges in nurturing people in faith.
     If you are in need of financial assistance, the presbytery has some scholarship funds available through the Nurture Committee. You will find an application here.  
     For more information on this training, click here, or f or more on LOGOS, click here. Register for the event here.
montreat Montreat Youth Conference II
June 9-16. Register by March 31.
     Montreat Youth Conferences provide opportunities for youth in our churches to connect with hundreds of high school youth from across the country to engage in faith conversations through keynote, worship, small groups, fellowship and recreation. 
     Youth currently in grades 8-12 are encouraged to join the presbytery's delegation. The cost per person is $350, with $175 due at registration. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis until the deadline of March 31. Information and a registration form was distributed by email in mid-December; click here for it.
     If you didn't receive the information or need it sent another way, please contact the presbytery office. Please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at  304-645-4568 or  susan_sharp_campbell@hotmail.com with questions
April 16-19 at Montreat
     Trent@Montreat is  a conference about practical ministry and is specifically designed for people in the beginning stages of their ministry. Its goal is to help pastors through those things they can only learn through experience and to do so by connecting with someone who has serious experience in that field.
     Participants choose a track when they register and focus on that topic for the whole conference.  There are 12 topics to choose from, including Convergence: Exploring New Paths for Music, Worship & Justice; Leadership in Times of Conflict; Ministry with Youth 101; Ministry with Young Adults; Exegeting Your Community; and The Glory and the Grind of Preaching. 
     Cost, which includes meals and lodging, is $455.50 for single occupancy or $322 for double occupancy. For more information, click here

pcusacalPC(USA) 2018-19 calendar seeks photos of vital congregations & mission activities
Submission deadline is Monday
      The PC(USA)  Presbyterian Planning Calendar  is seeking photo submissions from congregations, camps, conference centers and education centers for its 2018-19 edition.  Focusing on vital congregations and mission activities, the request for images also asks, "Who are the unsung heroes of your congregation?"
     Images should feature congregation members engaged in activities including worship, mission service, creativity and the arts, and direct outreach. Calendar planners ask that staged photos of groups and photos of people sitting at tables be avoided.
     The calendar is landscape format, meaning photos should be wider than tall, and high resolution photographs, with a minimum resolution of 2000 x 1500 pixels (no smaller than 1 MB), are requested for best printing. Please include caption and photo credits with all image. If children are pictured, please ensure the use and distribution of your photo complies with your safe church policy.
     Submission deadline is January 15. Photos should be emailed to J ackie.Carter@pcusa.org. Call 502-569-5772 with questions.
elkinsDoor to Davis Memorial Church's Blessing Box is always open
By Mike Givler, Synod of the Trinity
"Take what you need. Leave what you can. Above all Be Blessed!"
 These are the words that are written on the glass door of a "Blessing Box" that stands outside  Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church in Elkins, WV. Inside are canned goods and other non-perishable items that are free to the community, not only now during this holiday season but throughout the entire year.
     "This church definitely feels called to serve the community and feels it's part of God's mission here in the community to feed folks," explained the Rev. Dr. Peter Vial. "It's part of our call."
     Davis Memorial is home to a long-running food pantry that is open 5 ½ hours each weekday. That means that if someone needs food and is not available during those hours, they must go somewhere else to find food. This Blessing Box, which holds roughly 20 total cans and boxes, allows those in need to be able to get food every day and at any time of the day. Click here to read more
stewartRev. Joan Stewart named Summersville Presbyterian's permanent pastor

     On November 12, members of Summersville Presbyterian Church (SPC) voted unanimously to call The Rev. Joan Stewart as their permanent part-time pastor. Presbytery approved the call at the November stated meeting. Pastor Joan is no stranger to SPC since she has preached and assisted with pastoral duties for more than a year and a half as the interim pastor. She plans to continue her work as executive director of WVMAW, assisted by her husband, Tim. Joan and Tim are already residents of Nicholas County. The SPC Pastor Nominating Committee felt Spirit-led to call Pastor Joan, and the congregation agreed! May God continue to bless SPC and The Rev. Joan Stewart.
resourcenewsResource Center News
Winter choices for adult study, Part II
By Nellie Howard, Resource Center Director
      Winter is here, and with it, a new season of study for our adult classes. Here are some choices available through the Resource Center. 
  • The Jesus I Never Knew: Six Sessions on the Life of Christ by John Yancey
  • Everything is Spiritual by Rob Bell
  • Modern Parables: Living in the Kingdom of God, Volume 1 by Thomas Purifoy Jr. and Jonathan Rogers
  • When Your Life is on Fire: What Would You Save by Erik Kolbell
  • Animate

Click here to read more

     You never know what will capture the mission imagination of the next generation!  For this young man, it happened in worship at Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church on Homecoming Sunday. He  heard the reading of prayers from the neighborhood prayer box and learned about Bream's community food pantry. He was so moved that he invited his friends to donate food at his birthday party instead of giving gifts.
     Telling our stories inspire the stories of others. Don't just do mission; share your stories! That is how the passion for service to all God's people gets passed on. If you have a story, share it and a photo (if you have one) with us at missions@wvpresbytery.org, and we will include it in the newsletter.
beechtree Sign up for The Beech Tree
The Beech Tree, the Friends of Bluestone newsletter, is now electronic. If you wish to receive it, go  here  to sign up.
*Also on the webpage
You will find located on the Home page of the website (scroll down past the banner and grant buttons) direct links to recent newsletters, the Pray-For church list and Nurturing Faith Ideas for 2017 and more. Please let us know how we can improve the website and whenever you encounter any problem with it. Thank you.
Editor's Note:
In order to keep the PWV Newsletter  fresh,  articles sent 
for publication will generally run for two consecutive issues.  
If you wish for a piece to continue to run, please resubmit. 
We encourage you to reword, add a photo (or different photo), 
or change the piece in some way so that the news stays 
fresh and interesting. 

Presbytery of West Virginia, 520 Second Avenue,  South Charleston, WV 25303
Phone (304) 744-7634, Fax (304) 744-7649, 

Office Hours: Monday -Thursday  8:30AM-5:30PM