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2021 was an odd year because of the pandemic. That doesn’t mean it was a bad year. There were definitely highlights, events that rank up there with some of the best and most memorable of my ministry. The year certainly started out slowly, but once I was fully vaccinated and completed the two-week waiting period, I was off and running. I think I’ve preached almost every Sunday since then. In my last newsletter article of the year, I have a tradition of looking back and lifting up some of these special events of the last 12 months. I’ve gotten into the bad habit, though, of lumping similar events in one category, which allows me to squeeze in a few more. It’s hard to choose, though, and I think these are all worth celebrating. In no particular order, here are the events that stand out to me...
Are you interested in learning more about what it means to be Presbyterian – what we believe, why we do things the way we do? Are you interested in the possibility of becoming a Commissioned Pastor? Then Presby Prep is for you! Join in as, from the Presbyterian perspective, we explore Biblical Interpretation, Reformed Theology, Church History, Presbyterian Polity, Worship, Christian Education, Stewardship and Mission, one course a month January-May and September-November.
Presby Prep will take place on Zoom with a 6:30-9:30 p.m. Thursday night option or a 9 a.m.-noon Saturday morning option; participants can choose which works best for them each month. While signing up for all the courses is less expensive, participants can pick and choose which courses they wish to attend. Registration is on a rolling deadline, although to complete the advance assignments, it will be most helpful to register at least 4 weeks in advance. If you have questions or need more information, contact Susan Sharp Campbell at or 304-667-9428.
An Expanding Your Ministry Toolbox course
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 29 on Zoom
Each Sunday, those who step into a pulpit to preach are expected to bring a word, the Word, to God’s people. Some Sundays that is harder to do than others. It can be a struggle when what we’ve always done doesn’t seem to be working, when other obligations seem to get in the way and drain us, when we’re still trying to find what works for us. Whether you’ve been preaching for months, years, or decades, Reverend Jennifer L. Lord, Dorothy B. Vickery Professor of Homiletics and Liturgical Studies at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, will guide participants in this Expanding Your Ministry Toolbox course in reviewing common methods of sermon preparation and exploring what can be learned from artists about the creative process so that our preaching conveys the Good News of Jesus with clarity, relevance and imagination. Register by Monday, Jan. 24.
Support the PRESBYTERIAN DISASTER ASSISTANCE response to the Dec. 10-11 tornadoes in the Midwest
Some congregation may have held their elections of ruling elders and deacons too late to participate in Zoom Officer Training in November, so here is another chance. To assist Pastors and Session Moderators with the period of study and preparation referenced in G-2.0402, Susan Sharp Campbell, Associate for Educational Ministry, will offer Officer Training 2-5 p.m. Sundays, Feb. 20 and 27 on Zoom. Participants are expected to attend both sessions; they will need a copy of the PCUSA Book of Order. Register by Friday, Feb. 4. People may register as individuals or register a group. To register, send an email with your name, church, email address, and phone number to If registering more than one person, please include email addresses for everyone.
Feb. 28-March 1 at St. John XXIII Pastoral Center
“Father Abraham’s Many Children” is the focus of this retreat with Tyler Mayfield, A.B. Rhodes Professor of Old Testament at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. It will explore religious difference by seeing parallels between reading Genesis expansively and engaging our contemporary religious landscape generously. The fuller story of Genesis, especially those figures we do not commonly consider blessed or chosen, the other brothers of Genesis – Cain, Ishmael, and Esau – will be the focal point. Each of these three characters has been derided, overlooked, and dismissed from discussions about Genesis and God’s ways in the world. Likewise, we pay attention to people in other faith traditions who are not regularly deemed faithful and blessed. Overnight rate is $120 per person, with a reduced rate for additional people from the same church; commuter rate, which includes all meals, is $80. Register by Thursday, Feb. 17.
July 24-27, Indianapolis, IN
It's almost time for another Presbyterian Youth Triennium! The 2022 PYT will be held Sunday, July 24 through Wednesday, July 27 in Indianapolis. Our delegation will spend the night together in Charleston on July 23 after having met to get to know one another in late May/early June; then, we'll travel by charter bus to Indianapolis. Do you have youth in grades 8-12 who are involved in the life of your church who you think would be interested in joining our delegation, or are you an adult advisor who would like to participate? If so, visit the title link for registration information related to this exciting event. You can find out more about the event itself, including the schedule and leadership, here.
Here are some audiobooks you may want to check out from the Resource Center for your travels.
- 2021 Year-End Benevolence Processing
- 2022 Per Capita
- 2022 Shared Mission Pledge Request
- Board of Pensions news
- It's that time of year (to look at 2022 budget and review church's insurance coverage)
- Year-end checklist
- Minister & Staff appreciation/Christmas gifts
- Church financial leadership grants available
- 2021 Special Offerings
The Reverend Annie McMillan began her ministry with the First Presbyterian Church of Parkersburg on May 3. That means that she and the pastor nominating committee were going through the call process during a pandemic and around the high holy day of Easter. In spite of that, the call process went smoothly and quickly. God is good! She came to the church in Parkersburg between Sundays and preached her “neutral pulpit” sermon there. It was recorded for the PNC, and this same recording was played later for the congregation. Through the advances of technology, she was thus able to lead First Church in worship the day of the congregational vote.
Dedication of two bridges built using PWV funds
The dedication of the Molly Street (left) and Blizzard Gate bridges in Harman, Randolph County was held at 11 a.m. Dec. 9. We previously shared that PWV and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance funds were used to rebuild these bridges after they were destroyed by flooding in May 2019. Now, 30 families have safe access to their homes, thanks to this undertaking by the WV VOAD Bridge Project, which to date has replaced 115 bridges in the state not covered by insurance. PWV and PDA funds continue to help, along with those from other partner denominations.
Fueling healthcare workers for the fight against Covid
St. Albans First Presbyterian Church recently supported healthcare workers at Thomas Memorial Hospital working in the battle against COVID-19. Healthcare workers put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe, and it’s been a long, tiring fight for them. As a service project during the church’s Wednesday night programs, 170 bags were filled, which were distributed to 80 ER employees, 60 ICU employees, and 30 respiratory therapists. In the bags were energy bars, crackers, gum, lotion, candy, chips, and a handwritten note with prayers and words of encouragement from members of the congregation. Thanks go to Donna Merguc for spearheading the efforts, Kathy Weed for organizing the hospital staff upon the arrival of a group from the church, and Rev. Mark Boyd, Andi Pease, Jennifer Burgess, and Connie Ivey, who were part of the delivery crew.
At the same time as our Presbytery meeting on Nov. 13, the Synod presented "Called Out to Serve: Living Out Our Missional Identity in Christ – YES, Even During Covid" with Rev. Dr. Alonzo Johnson of the PCUSA's Self-Development of People program. Now, they are offering the workshop again for all interested congregations who were not available the first time. The new webinar will be 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 27. Register here.
As I have shared before, the Presbytery recently learned that the incorporation of churches is legal in West Virginia. Per the Book of Order (G-4.0101), where permitted by state law, each congregation shall incorporate. Therefore, all churches in the Presbytery should begin the process of incorporation as soon as possible to comply with the Book of Order. To assist with this process, all pastoral leaders and Clerks of Session received a packet of information in late May. The packet included a template for Articles of Incorporation, a template for Bylaws, and a template for Board of Trustees Consent, and instructions for completing these documents. If your church’s session is beginning the conversation about incorporation, please read the articles from the June through October newsletters (listed within the article) before you move forward.
Free to a good home
As the Presbytery partners with churches who have chosen to dissolve, small treasures are discovered. The treasures here - including paraments, two silver plate offering plates, and a variety of church certificates - are looking for a good home; if your church can offer that home, please contact the Stated Clerk ( These items are offered on a first come, first served basis.
We invite you to print and include this newsletter in your bulletin or church newsletter, share it with members, and/or distribute it in your community. Click for the December newsletter in color or grayscale.
Need a Presbyterian planning calendar for next year?
If so, you are in luck as the Presbytery office has several extras. If you or your church would like any, please contact Amy Robinson at or 304-744-7634. Cost per calendar is $11 for pick up at the office, and there is an additional fee for mailing ($3 for one calendar, $3.50 for two or three, or $4.25 for four or five).
Got information on COVID-19? We do!
Editor's Note: In order to keep PWV News fresh, articles will generally run for two consecutive issues. If you would like a piece to run longer, please update (with refreshed content, new wording and/or a different photo) and resubmit.