Issue 276 | January 23, 2025

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A Word from our Transitional General Presbyter

Our daughter was married in August; it was a wonderful celebration of two smart, strong, purposeful, beautiful young adults. Those of us who love Emily and Matt gathered for a festive weekend celebrating their love and surrounding them with our support. There were many speeches and toasts given to honor the couple, including a welcome to the wedding reception by myself and Matt’s mom, but one stands out in my mind. At the rehearsal dinner, Matt’s Aunt Lisa offered a toast of advice to the bride and groom that focused on the need to “show up” in their marriage. Strong marriages are built when each person shows up to do the work – the work of forgiveness and grace, the work of putting one’s partner and marriage first, the work of love and laughter, the work of details and day to day, the work of special times and events.

Bluestone Camp is a mountain treasure

Help introduce children to its wonder

There are many places to see and experience in our “wild and wonderful” surroundings. One of those is our own unique Bluestone Camp. Nestled atop a mountain, with awe-inspiring views, it is a place dedicated to nurturing children and youth from our churches and communities.

2024 Session Record Reviews

The Session Record Review events for 2024 records will be held quarterly in person and online. Clerks of Session (or a representative) will need to attend an event by October 2025. The events are:

  • February 2 – Village Chapel Presbyterian Church, 3 PM
  • February 3 – Zoom event, 7 PM
  • April 6 – Greater Bridgeport/Clarksburg Area in-person event, 3 PM
  • April 7 – Zoom event, 7 PM
  • August – Greater Lewisburg Area in-person event & Zoom event, dates TBD
  • October – Greater Huntington Area in-person event & Zoom event, dates TBD

The event checklists are on the website and are available by clicking here for in-person and here for electronic. Please use the correct form for the type of event you attend. If you have any questions, contact the Presbytery office or Stated Clerk Maureen Wright.

2025 Presbytery Directory information due Feb. 10

Only 19 of the Presbytery's 114 churches have thus far sent in their 2025 directory information to the Presbytery office. If your church has not, please do so by MONDAY, FEB. 10! You can fill out this form, then email it to or mail it to Presbytery of WV, PO Box 11720, Charleston, WV 25339. If your information has not changed from 2024, please let us know that, so we can confirm it is correct. It is important that we get this information, so we can keep the directory up-to-date. Thank you!

News from the Presbytery's Treasurer

  • 2025 Per Capita
  • 2025 Shared Mission Pledge Request
  • Year-end checklist
  • 2025 IRS standard mileage

  • 2025 Special Offerings Calendar
  • Church treasurers and finance committees

Church officer training

Feb. 16 and 23, 2-5 PM, on Zoom

This two-part course for newly-elected Ruling Elders and Deacons will be taught by Susan Sharp Campbell, Associate for Educational Ministry. These two sessions will build on and connect with each other, so participants are expected to participate in both. There is no cost to attend, but you do need to register by Feb. 7 in order to receive the Zoom link and advance assignment. All participants will need a copy of the 2023-2025 PCUSA Book of Order. Participants may register as individuals, or whole sessions may register and participate together. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-667-9428 or

2025 ECCA Retreat: "Be still, and know that I am God" - A Retreat on the Psalms

Feb. 17-18 at St. John XXIII Pastoral Center, Charleston

This year’s ECCA Retreat - for Christian Educators, Ministers of Word and Sacrament, Commissioned Pastors, Authorized Lay Preachers, and their spouses - will feature Tyler Mayfield, Professor of Old Testament at Louisville Seminary, who will lead participants in exploring how we might teach and preach the psalms of Israel’s faith, and our faith, to speak to our lives today. It will run from lunch Monday through lunch Tuesday, with content sessions Monday afternoon and evening and Tuesday morning. The registration deadline is Feb. 7. Cost, including housing and meals, is $120/person, with a discount for the second person from the same church. There is also a commuter rate of $90/person, which includes the retreat and 3 meals. If you have questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at or 304-667-9428.

Presbyterian Youth Triennium

July 28-31, 2025 in Louisville, KY

This national gathering of thousands of Presbyterian youth will be held at the Kentucky International Convention Center with housing at nearby Triennium-designated hotels. The Presbytery is planning to take a delegation of youth and adults. Eligible youth must currently be in grades 8-12, and adults need to be at least 25 years old. At this point, we are in need of 1 female adult and 2 male adults. The cost for youth will be $375. Because this cost is heavily supplemented by McClintic funds of the Presbytery, there are no additional scholarships available through the Presbytery. Churches are encouraged to assist youth who may be interested with registration costs. The cost for the adults will be covered for the 3 listed above; if other adults are interested, it may be possible for them to attend at the full cost. Get information and a registration form here. Please contact Susan Sharp Campbell, Associate for Educational Ministry (304-667-9428 or for more information or with any questions.

News from our Congregations & Partners

First Presbyterian Morgantown to host Rev. Jimmie R. Hawkins on Feb. 9

On Sunday, Feb. 9, First Presbyterian Church of Morgantown (456 Spruce St.) will host a visit by Rev. Jimmie R. Hawkins, the PC(USA) advocacy director. Adult Sunday school begins at 9:30 AM, then he will preach and lead worship at 11 AM; after that, there will be a luncheon at 12:15 PM, and a book discussion on his book, Unbroken and Unbowed: A History of Black Protest in America, at 2:30 PM. For more information on the visit, email

Glenville Presbyterian Church and Glenville State University offering Presbyterian Scholarship

The Presbyterian Scholarship is a $2,000 a semester, $4,000 an academic year scholarship good for up to 4 academic years. Students must be a member of the PC(USA) and a West Virginia resident, either already attending or preparing to attend Glenville State University as a full-time student. To apply, students must submit a GSU application as a degree-seeking candidate and supply proof of acceptance or current course schedule, a Glenville Presbyterian Church college scholarship application, and a personal letter of need, as well as provide two letters of recommendation and be willing to appear for an interview before the GPC College Scholarship Committee. For more information, email

Presbyterian Planning Calendar seeking photos for 2025-2026 calendar

The Presbyterian Planning Calendar for 2025-2026 will feature photos on the cover and throughout the monthly calendar pages showing the best of what PC(USA) churches are doing in mission and ministry, and the publication is currently seeking photo submissions from congregations and worshiping communities, mid councils, camps, conference centers and education centers. The deadline to submit photos is Feb. 14.

Mission trip to Alaska planned? Learn more about the state from a PWV pastor!

Rev. Bob Carter and his wife, Gladys, spent 30 years in Alaska in various native villages and rural commercial fishing towns where he served as a Presbyterian pastor. If your church is sending a work group or VBS team to Alaska this summer and would like a presentation on what life is like in our 49th state, please feel free to contact Bob and Gladys, who live in Greenville, at 304-832-6808 or


Westminster Foundation of West Virginia

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