New Burgee with Tekton
Connections Update Header
 Volume 12 No. 9

It’s the first week in May, and despite unseasonably cold temperatures in Pointe au Baril this week, and even some unwelcome snow , Spring is definitely on its way. You can feel the anticipation and excitement of getting back to cottage country.

Of course, as a water-based community, we need our boats to get out to our cottages! Here’s an update on the present situation for getting back into our marina-stored boats given the Covid-19 Pandemic. Recent announcements from the Ontario Government are encouraging! Some businesses, including marinas, have been authorized to begin preparing for the eventual easing of isolation restrictions.
  • While not cleared to begin welcoming customers just yet, marinas in Ontario are now authorized to begin pulling boats out of storage and getting them in the water prepared for pick-up.
  • Of course, all of these approved activities are allowed only under the careful social distancing and infection protection protocols as specified in the directives.
  • We also understand that there is yet no authorization for owners to access or use their boats – at least not yet.

We will attentively watch over the next two weeks in anticipation of further announcements and will pass along all the news as it arrives.

Your PaBIA Board of Directors
In this eBlast:
  • Cottage Off Season Patrol for Spring
  • Possible Delay of PaBIA's Navigational Markers
  • WPSHC VIRTUAL Walk, Run & Pole Fundraiser
  • GBBR Calling All Kids!
  • GBF Water Level Webinar in May 2020
  • GBF AUV "Georgie" Explanation
  • GBBR Growing Together - How We Can Help
  • GBF Microfibre Webinar May 12 or June 12
  • Lake Michigan-Huron Water Levels May 4, 2020
  • Lost and Found - Exhibition Turquoise Kayak on A-400
  • Yearbook Update
  • In Memoriam - Barbara Lawler
PaBIA Burgee Logo Tekton
Red Marker
Navigation Markers May Be Delayed

Normally each spring, PaBIA arranges to have our navigation markers put in place by the May Long Weekend. According to Andy Blenkarn at Desmasdon’s, it typically requires the equivalent of two or three days to place the markers after the work of repairing, painting and assembling the markers is complete. Getting a string of calm days back-to-back in Pointe au Baril in May is a rare occurrence, so the markers get placed only as Mother Nature permits!

Unfortunately, this year it’s not only Mother Nature who is controlling the timing of our marker installation! With the restrictions in place for COVID-19, it is necessary to be sure we are complying with the Provincial and Federal laws with regard to the installation of these markers.
While we are determined to have the markers installed as soon as possible for everyone’s safety, we need to do so only when legally and practical to do so within Government’s policy.

Please be notified that this may mean a delay in the installation of the markers installation.

We are working to have all the dry-dock preparation completed now so that as soon as authorized, markers may be quickly installed. Watch your PaBIA E-Blasts for updates as we work to stay on top of the latest developments.
Spring Off-Season Cottage Patrol
As of last Thursday, Bruce Tiffin had reported damage to 8 structures, 7 of which were dock/boathouse related, caused by ice and/or high water and docks during his spring rounds. He has taken pictures and notified Nancy who has in turn notified the owners. So no news from Nancy Rogers is good news for you .

There have been 2 high water events in PaB in the past 2-3 weeks which has prompted a Water Safety Warning until May 11th. From the Parry Sound North Star on 4/15, " the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry — Parry Sound District is advising area residents that a Watershed Conditions Statement — Water Safety is in effect for the shoreline of Georgian Bay until Monday, May 11. This statement indicates that high flows, melting ice or other factors could be dangerous for such users as boaters, anglers and swimmers, but flooding is not expected.

"Residents within the Parry Sound-Muskoka area on Georgian Bay should keep a close watch on conditions, regularly check for updated messages and exercise caution around the shoreline as water levels are expected to remain high through the coming weeks and months. Any storm surge and waves from wind and storm events is expected to worsen shoreline conditions as those events occur.

"Heightened risks, while water levels remain at or above their current level, include
  • shoreline flooding,
  • beach submersion,
  • crawl space and septic system inundation, and
  • wave-driven erosion along some reaches of the shoreline.
Residents may wish to consider taking action to ensure their sump pumps are working properly and to secure or protect any property in flood-prone or vulnerable areas."
Latest Updated Calendars for
July ( 3/25) and August (NEW 3/25)
Until we know for sure how the calendars are affected,
no changes will be made.
Of Interest
Calling all Kids in the Biosphere!
Are you ready for exploration and adventure this summer?
The Georgian Bay Biosphere will be offering the 8 th season of Kids in the Biosphere in partnership with the Township of the Archipelago. This free program provides participating families with activities to keep you outside and learning about nature all summer long. Kids in the Biosphere began in 2013 and has reached over 500 families!

What’s new with Kids in the Biosphere in 2020?
This season, GBBR staff have altered the delivery of Activity Kits to stay in line with physical distancing and COVID -19 recommendations. We will be mailing all Activity Kits through Canada Post to Canadian and American families who sign-up online. (According to Canada Post, the World Health Organization and Public Health Agency of Canada assure it is safe to handle mail and there is no evidence of COVID-19 transmission on goods and packages) .

Here is how it works:
  1. Sign up to receive your family’s Activity Kit; a reusable bag containing outdoor games, crafts, and a nature notebook.
  2. GBBR staff will mail your Activity Kit to the address you provide.
  3. Throughout the summer, check out online Photo Album of everyone’s findings and the Kids in the Biosphere Blog for weekly info on nature’s happenings and answers to your questions.
  4. Complete activities and keep track on your Summer Scorecard included in the Activity Kit (optional).
  5. Optional: At the end of the summer, or when you've completed as many activities as possible, email us a picture of your Scorecard. You will be entered to win one of three grand prizes!

We’re looking forward to a summer of distant and safe adventures with you! As the GBBR office is currently closed, Activity Kits are only available through the mail. The sign-up form will remain active throughout the summer to reach as many families as possible. We will provide updates on the situation as the summer progresses. For more information, contact Delaina.
Georgie AUV
Article by Helen Bryce Regarding Georgie!

What's That? What Does It Do? by Georgie McBayFace
Georgie is an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). It is basically a small, robotic, research submarine that scientists can program and send out on data-collecting missions into any area of the Bay they want to learn more about. Georgian Bay Forever (GBF) will be operating Georgie this summer to undertake water quality missions that are being determined by GBF's Science Committee.
Learn about 10 water quality measurements that the AUV (Georgie) can assess. 
How We Can Help: Growing Together - 
Providing Fresh Food at a Time of Need
GBBR Garden project
A new campaign called “ Growing Together ” is going to help people grow some of their own food. The Georgian Bay Biosphere is working with partners to have ready-to-grow planters of vegetables and herbs safely delivered under Covid-19.

Seasonal residents are invited to join the campaign, if they are able. Many are concerned about the local economies and well-being of year-round residents. With less tourism in 2020, communities in cottage country have already felt the impacts, and this campaign is one small way to contribute to broader health and well-being at a time of need. All donations over $20 are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

Executive Director, Becky Pollock says: “Since 2008, we have been committed to promoting food sustainability, gardening and food preparation skills. Our ‘Growing Together’ campaign will meet a short-term need but contribute to long-term food security. The GBBR has raised $11,200 to match with all new donations. Our goal is to raise enough funds to supply at least 1,000 planters in our area and to support all interested gardeners with online resources, tips, and eventually workshops again.” Resources are available at .

Donations can be made at or by contacting Laura Peddie at or 705.774.0978.

Upcoming Events
Pointe au Baril Cottager's Team VIRTUAL
Run, Walk, Pole 2K, 5K, 10K on May 31
WPSHC RUN register
Pointe au Baril Cottager's Team (PaBC) is gearing up for the 2020 VIRTUAL Georgian Bay Walk, Run, Pole – Do It For Life on May 31 in support of the West Parry Sound Health Centre. This hospital needs our support very much, especially at this most critical time, and this donation will go directly to provide new defibrillators.

Last year PaBC raised over 22K and the hospital was truly thrilled. We again won the top fundraising title and with your support, we can win the fundraising competition in aid of this critical health centre again - please support us! We are looking for more team members so please email Helen if you or someone you know might be interested.

To sponsor a member of the PaBC, click here and type in the name of the person you wish to pledge.

We have a team from PaB worth supporting!!!!
On May 31
Let's support them – for a very worthy cause!!!
Or sign up as an individual participant here
WPSHC RUN verbiage
GBF May Webinar - ONE Date in May
GBF Logo
What's Up with Water Levels??

The Great Lakes are home to 20 percent of the world’s surface fresh water. But only about one percent of that water is replenished each year. The other ninety-nine percent is there because the glaciers melted and filled the deep scars on the earth’s surface.
Water levels are the result of a variety of processes -- rainfall, evaporation, historic dredging, erosion, ice cover, diversions, managed regulation, power generation and other factors. All interact in a complex and chaotic dance. And climate change is altering that dance – instead of a regal Viennese waltz the Great Lakes are now moshing in the pit at a rock concert.

The coming decades hold a promise: “nothing in their water levels past is a predictor of what will happen in the future.”
Join one of our two webinars with David Sweetnam to learn about the forces driving extreme variability in water levels (content will be mainly the same, so just register for one)!

GBF Webinars on Microfiber Plastic Pollution
GBF Blog image fish
There will be a NEW Georgian Bay Forever (GBF) 1 HR. WEBINAR. Water pollution comes from tiny fibers in your clothes.
Discover research and solutions to change that.

What is this about? We think there is something important for everyone. Something for newcomers to this issue, and important info for those more in the know.

If you have heard or read about microfibers and the Parry Sound project from GBF before, join the webinar to learn preliminary results from about a year in on the project from the researchers and the coordinator making it happen. Teaser: Preliminary findings show a reduction of microfiber pollution not getting into the water of Georgian Bay from Parry Sound!…join to find out what that could mean if the solution was scaled up and the preliminary findings hold. Plus, have the opportunity to ask questions of the knowledgeable speakers.

If you’re new to the issue: Every single time we put our clothes in the washing machine, thousands of tiny plastic pieces wash away in the form of small fibers (microfibers). Millions get through wastewater treatment plants and into our water daily. Listen to the state of research on effects and the progress of the Parry Sound study on proving a solution. Find out what you can do to help stop this form of microwaste.
We’re looking forward to virtually connecting with you on this important issue.

Register now:

How to register: Click on one of these bitly urls of a date and time that works for you, or copy the bitly url and put it in your browser. If you are still having trouble, email  to help.
Lakes Michigan/Huron Water Levels
May 4, 2020
To better read the charts, please  click  on the chart for the
Daily or Six Month Forecast Water level chart and the corresponding websites
Daily Water Level Key 2020
kayak found on A 400
Lost and Found
 This expedition kayak was found on A 400-1 in UGO IGO Channel. Please contact Nancy Rogers should you recognize it!
Yearbook Update
Each eBlast, we will provide you a list of names for those who have provided updated information. The details of all the changes since the Yearbook's came out in April is provided in a printable format for you to print out and insert into your own Yearbook copy!

Brooks, Joyce (addition)
Clendenin, Carol & Bruce (addition)
Dekar, Paul ( email change)
Evans, Mike & Edwards, Susan (address correction)
Garnet, Kim & Arsenault, Suzie (added information)
Griggs, Alison (addition)
Macdonald, Robert & Morris, Heather (island property change)
McDonald, Martha & William (addition)
Robertson, Deborah & Simon, Robert Scott (correction)
Solomons, Stephen & Troy, Gerry (addition)
’t Hooft, Teddy (email addition)
Weeks, Weeks & Cadwell Families (addition)
Woodward Estate (addition)
In Memoriam
Barbara Lawler , A118 – 1 ‘High Pine Is.’, wife of the late Bill Lawler, mother of Dave (Connie), Sue, Nancy, John (Heather), Judy (Rod), April 2020
Advocating for the Island Community,

Your PaBIA Directors
Pointe au Baril Islanders' Association 

PaBIA reserves all rights regarding decisions on communications to its members
in accordance with the PaBIA Policy on Communications
Fire Rating

Please click on the logos below for further information on
  • PaBIA Bulletin Bd
  • Hydro Outage App,
  • Coast Guard Environment Canada and
  • Weather for PaB.
If you have trouble with the Bulletin Board, please contact Dave to add it to you.

All 'new' shortcuts are bolded

As of March 25, 2020  

 • Emergency Considerations,
  Country ( 4 docs above)
  •  Search and Rescue
  •  800-267-7270

• Survey 2018 -
    •  Exec Summary
   Detailed Report
   Deep Dives
   •  Communications
   •  Safety and Emergency
 •  More About PaBIA  
 •  Contact Us  
 •   •   PHONE #  647-545-9283 (cell) 
 •   • Seasonal: June 27 - Sept 1
 •  Water Levels 


 •  Arts on the Bay CANCELLED
 •  Britt Coast Guard
  •  •  705 383 2241
 •  MNR Bear Wise
 •  Ojibway Club   
 • OPP Report Phone # for  •  •  Poor Boating 888-310-1122
 •  •  Suspicious Activity
 •  •  PS OPP 705-746-4225
To   SepticSmart
  •    Bay News July Rpt
  •    Bay News June Rpt
  •    Apr & May Rpt
 •   •  Mar Rpt
 •   •  Jan Rpt  

  •  Excessive Wakes
  •  Fires
 •  Cormorants
 •  Water Levels

    Cage Aquaculture

GBLT GB Land Trust
  •  Birds April/2020

GBBR GB Biosphere Reserve
 xx •  Fish 7.25.18

Affiliated Organizations  
 •  FOCA  - Federation of  •  Ontario Cottagers' Association
 •  IJC - International  •   •   •    •  •  Joint Commission 
 •  CGLR - Council of the Great  •  •  Lakes Region

 •  GBBR What you Can Do to  •  •  •    help our natural habitats

In Depth Articles
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PaBIA's Yearbook's 
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