Pacific Update

Week of June 22, 2020  
In This Update
Quick Links...

2019 Age Group Standings  


Club List 


PacMasters Calendar 




Open Water  


USMS Insurance  


Places to Swim  

In this issue you will find information on upcoming pool events and other information of interest to the local adult swimming community.
The next issue of the Update will appear on July 6, 2020.  The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, July 1, 2020. 
Stay fit,
The Pacific Masters Swimming Committee
Swimming is a Two-Way Discourse

We swimmers are a lucky lot. We have dedicated and talented coaches willing to meet us at the pool day after day, rain or shine (or snow), to impart their wealth of knowledge about swimming.

But do you realize that coaches can learn from you too? You are a great resource for shaping their coaching ideas. Asking questions, sharing insights that occur to you during practice or racing, can open avenues of learning not only for you the swimmer, but also for them.

Why Coaches Need to Hear From Their Swimmers by Trey Taylor will help you understand your own important role in your coach's life.

USMS Award Nominations and Championship Bidding

Bidding for USMS Open Water and ePostal Championships remain open until August 24.  Click here for more information.
Nominations for USMS Volunteer Awards remain open until July 1.  Please see USMS Awards page for details.
2019 Laura Val Swimmer of the Year

Congratulations to Rich Burns and Daniela Barnea, the Laura Val Swimmers of the Year for 2019. All 2019 age group winners for 2019 can be found here.
Coach Of The Year Award

Pacific Masters Swimming Coach of the Year Award goes to Mary Kahn, coach of Davis Aquatic Masters (DAM). More on Mary in the next issue of the Update.
Pacific Masters Monthly Meeting
July 15, Meeting at 7pm, Doors Open at 6:45

The meeting will begin promptly at 7 pm via the Zoom platform. If this is your first time Zooming, we suggest you sign on a little early. You can ask questions and make sure everything is working technically... ALSO we'd love to see you for some catching up. All members are encouraged to participate. Our monthly meeting reminder email will provide the Zoom link. If you are not on that list and would like to attend, please contact Chris Ottati, Administrator for details.
Pacific Masters Delegate Needed for the 2020 USMS Convention

We have a new opening for a Pacific delegate for the USMS 2020 Annual Meeting. This year the meeting will be virtual with no travel required. The meeting details are still being worked out, but delegates should set aside September 24 through 27, with the likely meeting dates being September 26-27. If you are interested, please contact Chris Ottati, Administrtor
Open Water Swim Season 
Due to the ongoing safety and health concerns in our communities, events have been cancelled and r efunds are being processed for those people who have already registered.  

August 1-2 Santa Cruz Open Water weekend is cancelled.
August 15 Donner Lake registration is on hold until July 1 pending the outlook.
Other Open Water Races 
Save the Bay, a virtual swim to fund raise for the beautiful Narragansett Bay in New England, is ongoing from  May 6 - August 31. For more information click here.
Masters Swim Caps Around the World

With so many swim competition events cancelled, we are missing out on the serendipity of hanging out on pool decks and seeing all the colorful swim suits and caps competitors are wearing. Here is a fun video of masters swim caps around the world courtesy of Youtube.

Easing Your Way back into the Water
A lot of pools are beginning to open and Masters Swimmers are jumping for joy. It's been a long time coming! It's different and the same. Many pools require swimmers to wear masks up until they get in the water. Hand sanitizer bottles decorate the pool decks. Showers are restricted. Temperatures are taken at entry points. You may have to make an appointment to use a lane. If you share with someone, you will most likely swim from opposite ends. 
But the water is glorious. It's still your friend, your home away from home. Your swimming muscles wake up the minute you take your first stroke! You feel the coolness of the water and the power of resistance when you take your first stroke. The movement  and thanksgiving that comes after a long hiatus from our beloved sport is beyond joyful.

The National Senior Games Association has added a video page where seniors can share athlete home videos offering advice, encouragement and entertainment to help seniors all feel like we are in this together. The videos are archived and they can be viewed here. Swimmers who wish to make a home video for the site are welcome to participate.

Great Swimming Books

During Sonoma County's Shelter-in-Place, the closest Pacific Masters swimmer Kate Matwychuk came to going for a swim was going for a walk through the park and pausing at the chain link fence protecting her local pool from people like her. When the SIP was first announced, she had just returned from a lovely swim and she felt great. How long could this lock down possibly last?

It lasted long enough for her to revisit many of her favorite swimming-related books, as well as to dive into a few new ones. Click here for a summary of some classic, must-read, books as well as a few new, or lesser-known ones that deserve your attention. Kate is an open-water baby, so her picks lean towards tales of wild swimming, stories about endurance athletes and books about the healing nature of water. We hope you'll find a few on this list to tide you over until you are next able to jump in and enjoy the water yourself.