Trade War Impact on WA and
Local Trade Resources & Opportunities
Adam Smith famously said, “Every man lives by exchanging.” This goes for nations and states . . . and especially ours.
The WTC Tacoma, WTC Seattle, and the Heritage Foundation called attention to the importance of trade in July with a roundtable at the WTC Seattle, “Free Trade and Washington State.”
The Heritage Foundation’s trade economist, Tori Whiting, gave a
thorough overview
on the
negative economic impact of tariffs
on Washington State
WTC Tacoma Senior Trade Consultant, Mike Fowler, highlighted the
impact on supply chains and trading patterns
, including:
At the time of publication of this letter,
talks between the US and China have been set
for October in DC
. There is a
better prospect than the last round for a breakthrough
given that both economies are feeling the pain, but the outcome is difficult to predict. Follow our
Facebook page
for important updates.
In the
previous issue
we highlighted
opportunities in markets where there is a rapid growth of the middle class, including China, India, Nigeria, etc.
As illustrated, the population of the middle class in these markets will equal several times the entire population of the US within five years.
These markets are not only
export destinations, but sources of components and incoming foreign direct investment
. The
Breaking International Barriers event
Business Transition Advisors on Mercer Island on September 24th
will be focused on this topic. Fowler will represent the WTC Tacoma as a panelist giving an overview of some of Tacoma's
FDI successes
realized with the help of proactive measures. One of the most recent being
investment opportunity zones
that allow investors to realize substantial reductions in capital gains taxes.
Finally, please note that we will hold a
reception for a business delegation, including trading companies, from our Sister City of Fuzhou, China
from 7:00PM-9:00PM on September 20th. Please visit our
events page
for more information.
AD: WTC Tacoma Export Store
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* average for 2019 (January-June)
AD: WTC Tacoma Trade Desk
Trade Desk
is an affordable, state-of-the-art service desk perfect for:
- an entrepreneur with a vision who needs help putting it into action,
- a small business seeking to expand, or
- an established mid- to large-sized company looking to explore new avenues, gain further efficiencies of scale or searching out new suppliers or customers.