This month, we are excited to share the MHTTC National School Mental Health Curriculum. If you're interested in bringing the curriculum to your schools, we have a regional School Mental Health Learning Collaborative to support you.  

July is Minority Mental Health Month.
We've created a new resource compendium on evaluating community-defined evidence practices that work for diverse communities. Below, we also highlight a new framework to advance equity for students of co lor. 
Get in touch: Contact us for technical assistance and support on mental health topics. 
Spread the word: Your team can sign up for our news here:    
The Pacific Southwest MHTTC is a SAMHSA-funded center serving American Samoa, Arizona, California, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, Nevada, Northern Mariana Islands, and Palau.
adaptiveleadAdaptive Leadership Trainings in Arizona
Adaptive Leadership for the People:  
Championing Optimized Mental Health Services Systems

Thursday, August 1 - Friday, August 2
Day 1: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. | Day 2: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 
Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel 
100 N 1st Street, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 
There is still time to register for the upcoming Pacific Southwest (PS) MHTTC Adaptive Leadership trainings in Arizona! Learn more and register
Registration due by Monday, July 22. Grow your leadership skills from wherever you are in the mental health workforce. Each Track is a no-cost, 1.5-day training: 
Track 1 focuses on leading change to support a more diverse and inclusive culture in your workplace. Facilitated by Change Matrix.  
Track 2 guides young adults of transition age (18-30) to identify and build on their leadership strengths. Facilitated by Youth MOVE National. 
learninginstitutePS MHTTC Learning Institutes
Attendees at the PS MHTTC 2019 Summer Institute
June 24 and 25 marked our inaugural Learning Institute. Held in Sacramento, there were over 200 participants from the mental health field, including the school mental health workforce.
Our colleagues arrived from American Samoa, California, Guam, the Marshall Islands, and Nevada to attend two day-long sessions of intensive learning. Sessions included "Leading For and With Well Being, Resilience, and Healthy Workplaces," by the Pacific Southwest MHTTC; "Emotionally Intelligent Leadership and Social Justice," by the   Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM); "Creating School and District Systems for Employee Sustainability and Wellness," by The Teaching Well; and "Supporting Children, Staff, and Schools at Times of Crisis and Loss," by the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement. We were fortunate to have our partner TTC, the National Hispanic & Latino MHTTC, join us to offer their training, " Hispanic and Latino Culture: Dialogue on School-based Mental Health ."
Federal funding for the PS MHTTC allows us to offer these courses at no cost to participants. Our day-long format, with up to two sessions accessible per Institute, was designed in response to the field's call for more in-depth knowledge transfer opportunities. Hearing that many of you wanted an alternative to the brief session format of the traditional conference experience, our experts offered a full day of applied learning on priority topics for our region. We are pleased to report that attendees welcomed the experience:
"B eyond what I could possibly ever explain.  I have been highly empowered and I will forever keep this organization and these trainings close."
"The building of community during the trainings was a powerful reminder that we are not alone."
"A place for informed, engaged discussion around important topics of mental health issues across multiple cultures!"
We are planning to offer the next Learning Institute in Southern California by early 2020. With your input, we will continue to offer Institutes in other states and jurisdictions of our region and on topics responsive to the priorities of our workforce. Please complete our Needs Query so that we can plan learning experiences that are valuable to the work you do. 
Trainers Yolo Akili Robinson (BEAM), left, and David Schonfeld (National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement), right
2019 Summer Institute trainers
webinarsPS MHTTC Communities of Practice (CoPs)
CoP: Building a Diverse Workforce from the Ground Up 
Wednesdays: July 24 / August 28 
6 p.m. ET / 3 p.m. PT / 12 p.m. HT 

Workforce diversity is a critical strategy for improving health care access for communities of color. In this Community of Practice, we explore our organizational successes and challenges in building a diverse workforce. Together we identify action steps to incorporate workforce diversity practices into our organizational plans. 
CoP: Integrating Cultural and Linguistic Competence (CLC) - Leading from Where You Are 
Wednesdays: August 14 
6 p.m. ET / 3 p.m. PT / 12 p.m. HT 

Are you interested in leading efforts to drive culturally competent health care services at your organization? In this Community of Practice, we discuss a conceptual framework for CLC and what differentiates culturally competent organizations. We explore how to lead our organizations to become more culturally competent.  

cdeNew from PS MHTTC: Community-Defined Evidence (CDE) Evaluation Resources
New! Evaluating Community-Defined Evidence (CDE) Practices:  
Resource Compendium
There is a growing movement to identify and promote community-defined evidence (CDE) practices and strategies.  CDE practices are bottom-up/ground-up practices that come from the community and the organizations that serve them. CDE practices can range from mental health treatments to community outreach to other services and supports.
This compendium is designed to help organizations, providers, and communities establish evidence of effectiveness for CDE practices. It includes: 
  • Introduction to CDE
  • Examples from the Pacific Southwest
  • Evaluation approaches
  • Best practices for ethical evaluation
  • Annotated list of 25+ tools and resources
Are you seeking individualized support with growing, identifying, or implementing mental health practices for diverse communities? Contact us for technical assistance. 
  smhSchool Mental Health Feature
Fall School Mental Health Webinar Series 
Our Fall School Mental Health Webinar Series will begin in September. Have a topic request? Email Leora ( [email protected] ) with topic ideas, presenters, or requests for a repeat from this year's series.  
Webinar topics must focus on: school mental health evidence-based practices; school mental health literacy; school violence prevention and crisis response; or trauma-informed school policy, practices, or programs.  
smhcurriculum Join Us!
School Mental Health Learning Collaborative 
Pacific Southwest School Mental Health Learning Collaborative 
Along with our fellow MHTTCs, we are pleased to announce an opportunity to join our Pacific Southwest School Mental Health Learning Collaborative!
This year, the National Center for School Mental Health (NCSMH) and the National MHTTC Network collaborated to create a national curriculum for school mental health, including a train-the-trainer for school district leadership. The Curriculum is now available (learn more below). 
The Pacific Southwest School Mental Health Learning Collaborative is an opportunity to bring this exciting new Curriculum to schools in our region.  
Want to learn more about joining our regional Collaborative and getting trained in the new Curriculum (or becoming a trainer)? Register for one of the following 30-minute information sessions:
  • August 15 | 2 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. PT / 8 a.m. HT | Register
  • August 16 | 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT / 10 a.m. HT | Register
  • August 23 | 12 p.m. ET / 9 a.m. PT / 6 a.m. HT | Register
Can't attend an information session but want to learn more? Reach out to School Mental Health Lead Leora Wolf-Prusan ( [email protected]).  
New! MHTTC National School Mental Health Curriculum: Guidance and Best Practices for States, Districts, and Schools 
The new MHTTC National School Mental Health Curriculum is designed to be used by district teams to influence, develop, and oversee school mental health systems. It includes:
  • Trainer Manual
  • Participant Manual
  • 8 PPT slide decks (60 minutes each)
  • 5 recorded virtual learning sessions (75 minutes)
The Curriculum is ba sed on six core components:
  • Educators and Student Instructional Support Personnel
  • Collaboration and Teaming
  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports
  • Evidence-Informed Services and Supports
  • Cultural Responsiveness and Equity
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making
Each module can be adapted and expanded so that it is  contextualized to regions, states, and districts. Join the Pacific Southwest School Mental Health Learning Collaborative to explore how to customize the Curriculum for our region!
School Mental Health Upcoming Events 
California Teachers Association 2019 Summer Institute 
Register | July 28-August 1 | Los Angeles, California    
This year, the Summer Institute offers six full-week strands with tracks of instruction that span Sunday to Thursday. Strands include Instruction and Professional Development, Communications, Community Engagement, and more. 
The 2019 School Health Interdisciplinary Program (SHIP) Conference  
Register - View Flyer | August 6-8 | Columbia, Maryland   
SHIP is a multifaceted approach to continuing education on coordinated school health. This year's theme is "Advancing Innovation and Best Practices in School Health."
Arizona Rural Schools Association 2019 Annual Conference  
Register | September 12-14 | Flagstaff, Arizona    
The annual conference includes selected exhibits, recognized speakers, topical workshops, and opportunities for school board members and administrators to network and exchange valuable information.
HERE this NOW's Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference  
Register | October 23-25 | Temecula, California 
Join a unique, cohort-based conference. This intensive learning experience is designed to leave participants prepared, supported, connected, and inspired to champion trauma-responsive change in their schools.
2019 California PBIS Conference Leading the Way for Positive and Equitable Schools
Register - Flyer | October 28-29 (Post Conference: Oct. 30) | Sacramento, California 
We're a workshop and post-conference presenter! The theme this year is "Leading the Way for Positive and Equitable Schools." More information coming soon (hint: we'll focus on school mental health referral pathways). 
2019 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health (ASMH) 
Register | November 7-9 | Austin, Texas  
We're a presenter! ASMH is the premier interdisciplinary conference on school mental health. Attendees include educators, administrators, support personnel, mental health practitioners, and others. This year's theme is "Safe and Supportive Schools for All Students." 
School Mental Health Research and Resources 
Equity in Mental Health Framework 
This month is Minority* Mental Health Month. While student mental health is important universally, it is crucial to thoughtfully engage in practices, policies, and programs that ensure equitable student and school mental health access and experiences.
Key Resource. The JED Foundation and The Steve Fund created the Equity in Mental Health Framework and accompanying Toolkit to help colleges and universities strengthen their mental health programs and supports for students of color. Any p-12 school setting can benefit from adapting their set of ten actionable recommendations and key implementation strategies. As Care for Your Mind notes:

"the recommendations...incorporate structural changes in policy and practice that can reduce the stigma associated with student mental health challenges, increase proactive responses from colleges and universities, and provide more opportunities for students of color to thrive." 
The EMH Framework's top-level recommendations follow, and we've adapted them here for our Pacific Southwest community.  
Equity in Mental Health Factor 
Select PS MHTTC Guidance & Resources 
Identify and promote the mental health and well-being of staff and students of color as a school-wide priority, including community mental health providers and partners.
How might you center student well-being (and student of color well-being) within the mission, vision and prioritization of programming in your school, district, and youth-serving organizations?
Engage students to provide guidance and feedback on matters of student mental health and emotional well- being

Create dedicated roles to support well-being and success of students of color

Help students learn about programs and services by advertising and promoting through multiple channels 
Student voice is a central driver in trauma-informed systems, principles, and equity.

This is especially crucial regarding school mental health referral pathways and MTSS design and implementation.
Next year, we will be offering trainings and workshops on youth-centered and culturally competent referral pathway design. Our Intensive Learning Experiences Training Menu will be revised soon to reflect these new opportunities. 
Actively recruit, train, and retain a diverse and culturally competent faculty and professional staff 
There are many ways to approach this factor, and one of them is to examine and identify the intersection between Microaggressions, Implicit Bias, and School Climate (webinar by School Mental Health Lead Dr. Leora Wolf-Prusan and colleague Dr. Greg Peters).
Create opportunities to engage around national and international issues
This includes but is not limited to creating thoughtful, intentional, and authentic discourse with students about immigration issues, national student leadership efforts; voice and choice is a trauma-informed principle.
Support and promote accessible, safe communication with campus administration and an effective response system
Are your school crisis readiness, response and recovery plans culturally responsive? How might "safety" be examined intersectionally to ensure equitable school mental health?
Offer a range of supportive programs and services in varied formats
Locate diverse mental health partners that can provide students with options for meeting their needs--this can be local or virtual. Our partners at Taulama for Tongans, BEAM (the Black and Emotional Mental Health Collective), the National Hispanic & Latino MHTTC, and the National American Indian and Alaska Native MHTTC are great resources. 
Identify and utilize culturally relevant and promising programs and practices, and collect data on effectiveness
We love ED Trust West's guidance on ensuring a positive school climate and culture, which names interrupting disproportionate use of exclusionary discipline as a focus for data collection. 
For technical assistance support on the above and related topics, contact us. We're here to support you. (844) 856-1749 or [email protected].
*As Mental Health America notes, "while the term 'minority' is traditionally associated with racial, ethnic, or cultural minorities within the US, Mental Health America (MHA) is focused on expanding this term to include individuals from a wide-range of marginalized and underserved communities, including those who may identify as part of the LGBTQ+ spectrum, refugee and immigrant groups, religious groups, and others who are often overlooked."
Arizona Spotlight: Improving Connectedness for Native American Youth 
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) highlighted efforts by Native Americans for Community Action, Inc. (NACA) in northern Arizona to prevent Native American youth from entering the juvenile justice system. NACA partnered with reservation schools to implement Coping and Support Training (CAST), an evidence-based program. Click the link about to learn more and find resources to build connectedness.
SAMHSA and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a new joint informational bulletin describing how schools are using Medicaid state plan benefits and other Medicaid authorities to fund mental health and SUD treatment.
YYAYouth & Young Adults Feature
Spotlight on Got Transition 
Got Transition
Got Transition™ is the federally-funded national resource center dedicated to improving the transition from pediatric to adult health care for youth and young adults. Got Transitionsupports this work through the use of new and innovative strategies for health professionals, youth/young adults, and their families. Got Transition™  works with a broad range of practices and health care systems around the country to expand the use of the  Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition™ in pediatric, family medicine, and internal medicine practices. The center also engages youth, young adults, and families on the importance of a planned transition from pediatric to adult health care.  
Since 2013, The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health has operated Got Transition through a cooperative agreement with the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (HHS/HRSA). Got Transitionpartners with a variety of state and national organizations (including the formation of a new Network with the AAP's National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home and Boston University's Catalyst Center) to promote health care transition best practices widely.  
You can learn more about Got Transition by visiting its website or signing up for its quarterly newsletter.
Key Resources from Got Transition  
Are you ready to transition to adult health care?
This online quiz ( English and Spanish) helps youth and young adults find out how ready they are to transition to adult care. It also gives tips and resources to address many health care needs.
Turning 18: What it Means for Your Health
This one-page resource for young adults and families notes the legal changes in confidentiality and decision making that occur when they turn 18. 
Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Transitioning to Adult Health Care

This tip sheet offers discussion topics and questions for youth and young adults and their parents to discuss with primary care doctors to prepare to transition to a new adult doctor.  
Youth and Young Adult Resources & Events 
Best Practices in Supported Education for People with Serious Mental Illness (SMI)  
Register | July 24 | 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET / 10:00-11:30 a.m. PT / 7:00-8:30 a.m. HT   
Completing school or going back to school are common goals for people who might have dropped out or fallen behind because of disruption caused by SMI. This webinar will explore Supported Education for youth and young adults with SMI. 
Study: Youth Connectedness Linked to Lower Likelihood of Negative Health Outcomes   

New CDC findings published in Pediatrics suggest that youth who feel connected -- cared for, supported, belonging -- at home and at school were less likely to experience health risk behaviors. Find resources at the CDC's new youth connectedness page.
Nominations Open for Youth MOVE Rockstar Awards 2019 

Youth MOVE National presents the Rockstar Awards to people and organizations have made an outstanding contribution toward the improvement of youth or youth-serving systems-like mental health, juvenile justice, education, and child welfare.
Pathways Transition Training Toolkit, 2nd Edition: A Self-Study Guide for Service Providers 

Promoting Positive Pathways to Adulthood (PPPA) is an online knowledge translation initiative consisting of ten hour-long training modules. This accompanying self-study guide was created to help providers put their learnings from the modules into practice.  
Interactive Learning Tool: Youth-Driven Conversation - Avoiding Some Common Mistakes 

Pathways RTC's new e-Module is a short online training to help those who work with youth develop effective motivational interviewing techniques. The "Avoiding Some Common Mistakes" module builds on the previous module, "Questions in Person-Centered and Youth-Driven Conversation." 
Missed Opportunities in Youth Pathways Through Homelessness 

The sixth in a series of briefs on addressing youth homelessness, this brief centers on the voices of youth who have experienced serious challenges and limitations due to their homelessness. It recommends policy and practice changes to support them. 
Emerging Strategies for Engaging Young People in Systems of Care 

This new brief from Pathways RTC presents best practices and examples of how to engage youth and young adults in systems of care, with three key strategies: 1) Create a welcoming space; 2) Make formal services accessible following informal engagement; 3) Have peers be the "face" of the system of care. 
moreresourcesMore New Resources 
Wildfire Preparedness and Response Resources  

Wildfire preparedness is critically important in the Pacific Southwest states. The Disaster Technical Assistance Center (DTAC) compiled key resources and guidance for preventing wildfire, protecting yourself during wildfire, and recovering after.   
Also visit SAMHSA's Wildfires page and the American Psychological Association's Recovering from Wildfires to learn about symptoms and coping mechanisms for disaster-related distress. 
New Book: We've Been Too Patient: Voices from Radical Mental Health   

We've Been Too Patient is a new collection of stories and research written by people with lived experience of the mental health system. They challenge the biomedical model, bringing the focus back to the experiences of survivors and ensuring that "there is nothing about us without us." Editor Kelechi Ubozoh was a presenter for the PS MHTTC's webinar Trauma-Informed Suicide Prevention for Educators.  
UpcomingMore Upcoming Learning Opportunities  
Conferences and Workshops 
46th Annual Arizona Rural Health Conference 
We're hosting a pre-conference! This event addresses health care issues relevant to rural and tribal communities while fostering collaboration and networking. This year's theme is "The Five Cs of Rural Health in Arizona: Care, Capacity, Connection, Culture & Collaboration." Join the PS MHTTC for our pre-conference on July 31: "Building a Diverse Workforce from the Ground Up." Open to mental health leaders, providers, and human resource officers who want to create a more culturally responsive workforce.
2019 Trauma-Informed Care Conference: A National Conference for Helping Professionals  
Register | August 23 | Los Angeles, California    
Hear from leaders in vicarious trauma research, attend experiential workshops in vicarious trauma and wellness, and participate in discussions on trauma and culture.
2019 Mental and Behavioral Health Symposium
Enhancing Suicide Prevention Through Connectivity 
Register | September 12 | Las Vegas, Nevada  
This Nevada annual cross-agency statewide event brings together professionals, clinicians, first responders, veterans, and others for a day of phenomenal learning from recognized experts on topics and skills in suicide ideation and prevention.
16th Statewide Conference: Integrating Substance Use, Mental Health, and Primary Care Services 
Enhancing Foundations for Change
Register | October 23-24 | Universal City, California 
This integrated care conference will address a wide array of topics and intersections, including peer services, care for veterans, supports for LGBTQ communities, pain management, mental health treatment, treatment for opioids, and more.  
Webinar - Working with Gender-Diverse Individuals: Implications to Enhance Services 
Register | July 24 (Part 1) / July 31 (Part 2) | 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET / 9:00-10:30 a.m. PT / 6:00-7:30 a.m. HT   
Participants will gain an understanding of behavioral health care disparities impacting gender-diverse individuals, and will learn strategies for improving services for them. 
Webinar - Incarcerated Mothers: Understanding the System and their Unique Mental Health Needs
Register | August 23 | 3-4 p.m. ET / 12-1 p.m. PT / 9-10 a.m. HT  

This session will provide increased understanding of how to support women experiencing pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period while incarcerated. 
advisoryJoin Our Advisory Board
New Date! Seeking Volunteers: PS MHTTC Advisory Board 
We are seeking volunteers from the Pacific Southwest states (AZ, HI, NV, and CA) and islands to serve on our Advisory Board. The PS MHTTC Advisory Board provides insights on critical mental health topics for this region. The Advisory Board meets by videoconference quarterly for 90 minutes. Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 7, 6:00-7:30 p.m. ET / 3:00-4:30pm PT / 12:00-1:30 p.m. HT.  
Will you join us by serving on the Advisory Board? Email Suganya Sockalingam to let us know you are interested: [email protected] 
  queryShare Your Insights with Our Team
Please Complete Our Needs Assessment    
As your MHTTC, we are eager to learn about your organization's mental health services, challenges, and priorities. We deeply appreciate your time. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please share with your networks:
Contact the Pacific Southwest MHTTC
Toll-Free: 1-844-856-1749    Email:  [email protected]