Pacifica Synod News & Notes
August 25, 2021

We share with you the following news, resources, information and event updates taking place within our synod and throughout the ELCA. If you have items or information to share, please email Terri Robertson at [email protected]. If you know of others who aren't receiving our emails, please share this with them and encourage them to contact us using the above email or sign up here.
Current Synod News & Resources
Pacifica Synod Bishop's Gatherings 2021
Hopeful Leadership in Changing Times is the theme of the Pacifica Synod’s 2021 Bishop’s Gatherings, to be held via Zoom throughout the month of September. We are in a time of enormous change, spurred on by a pandemic that feels like it will not go away, and many of our congregations have undergone significant change. Some of our churches have grown stronger during the pandemic, with more people and more financial resources than ever before. Others have found themselves weakened, losing longtime, generous members to death, moving out of the area, and other churches. The Bible tells us that God has always been faithful to God’s people in changing times. God led the people of Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land. God stayed with the people when they went into exile in Babylon. God came to earth as Jesus in order to change the world and us, to reconcile all creation to God through Jesus’ death and resurrection. That same God is with us. We will reflect on how the Holy Spirit is guiding us in this changing, challenging time, and how we can support one another as we walk together in faith.
We will gather by Conferences, and invite each congregation to attend with their pastors, their deacons, and at least two key lay leaders, but all are welcome! Each Gathering will last for about 90 minutes. The complete list of dates and times for each Conference Gathering may be found on the event web page. Pre-registration is required using the button below to receive the Zoom link in advance of each gathering and to ensure we have enough room on our Zoom feed to accommodate everyone. You may join by video using a computer, tablet or phone or call in from your phone using audio only. If you cannot attend your own Conference meeting, we invite you to Zoom in with another Conference. We hope you can join us!
"Undoing Racism" Training Workshop
October 20-22, 2021
Luther Glen Farm Retreat Center
Our Pacifica Synod Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Work Group is pleased to announce that the "Undoing Racism" Training Workshop postponed from April 2020 has been rescheduled to October 20-22, 2021 at Luther Glen Farm Retreat Center. Registration is now open through October 15.

Workshop Description
The fabric of racism is inextricably woven into the structures of every system and institution in our society, including the church. The workshop will focus on understanding what racism is, where it comes from, how it functions, why it persists and how it can be undone through effective anti-racist organizing with, and in accountability to the communities most impacted by racism.

This will be a faith-based anti-racism workshop that will explore how to bring about change within the church and how the church can participate in ending racism in society. By the end of the workshop, participants will be enabled to take further steps in the long-term task of creating an anti-racist church.

This workshop is open to lay and rostered leaders and will fulfill the 2019 Pacifica Synod resolution requirement for rostered leaders to complete an anti-racism/diversity training at least once every three years. Congregations are encouraged to send both a rostered leader and a lay person to this training. The workshop is limited to 32 participants.

Barbara Crain Major, B.A., M.S.W.
The Rev. Joseph Barndt

For more information about each of our speakers, please visit the event web page

Participants MUST be present for the ENTIRE event – Wednesday through Friday.

Wednesday, October 20
Check in begins at 4:00 p.m. – Programming begins at 5:00 p.m.

Friday, October 22
Program ends by 4:00 p.m.

Program Fees
Program fees include a shared room (no single rooms) and 6 meals (Wednesday dinner through Friday lunch).

Rostered Ministers - $250 full fee/$225 early bird fee if registered by October 1, 2021** 
Lay Leaders (Pacifica Synod Only) - $25* 
Lay Leaders (outside Pacifica Synod) - $250 full fee/$225 early bird fee if registered by October 1, 2021 

Full details about the event, including the link to register, may be found on the event web page
Registration Now Open for Theoasis 2021
October 18 to 20, 2021
Embassy Suites, La Quinta

A joint church leaders’ event (a theological oasis):
Rostered leaders, professional lay church staff, youth leaders, church administrators, office managers, outdoor ministry leaders, worship leaders…
ALL are welcome!

"Fling Wide the Door: Re-opening Our Preaching & Ourselves"
Speaker - The Rev. Wilbert "Wilk" Miller
To view his bio, click here

Costs (Program and two meals, excluding hotel):
$235 (rostered leader, lay staff, ministry partner) 
$165 (retired rostered, interns, candidates & non-rostered spouses)
$75 Optional Golf Tournament (Palm Desert Country Club)

Online registration is NOW open and will close October 4. 
CLICK HERE to register online.

Theoasis begins on Monday, October 18.
Registration will open at 12:00 p.m. The program will begin with Session 1 at 2:00 p.m. The event ends on Wednesday, October 20 by Noon, following closing worship. 
Additional information about Theoasis, including the hotel reservation link, scholarship information and event details, may be found on the Theoasis event page. Information will continue to be added as it becomes available.
Please check back often! 


Pacifica Synod Professional Boundaries Workshop for Rostered Ministers: 
Pacifica Synod will be offering a Professional Boundaries Workshop in Palm Desert following the close of Theoasis in the afternoon on Wednesday, October 20. Watch for more details and registration information to come soon.
If you have questions about this workshop, please contact Rev. Terry Tuvey Allen at [email protected] or Carol Youngman at [email protected]

"Undoing Racism" Training Workshop
Beginning the evening of Wednesday, October 20 and continuing through Friday, October 22, this valuable training event for both Rostered leaders and lay persons will be held at Luther Glen. See the article above or the event web page for more information.
Coaching for All Seasons - September 7, 2021
"What's Up, Pacifica?"
We invite you to join us via Zoom for our next session
on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at
11:00-noon (Pacific) and 8:00-9:00 a.m. (HI)
"What's Up, Pacifica?"
With Pastor Tom Goellrich
Pacifica Synod Director for Evangelical Mission
Pre-registration is required to receive the link and may be done HERE.

Pastor Tom will be updating us on:

  • Emerging issues in Pacifica Synod congregations. Resources and support available.  
  • Being Church in a pandemic: How Pacifica Synod and congregations are coping and adapting. 
Big or small, urban/suburban/rural we share similar challenges. This will be an opportunity for us to share our thoughts, our realities, and our coping strategies.  

Brought to you by –
Your Pacifica Synod Coaching Team to support Synod leaders during challenging times. Each monthly offering brings a presentation on a current topic and an opportunity to discuss it in a small group facilitated by an ELCA coach.
Pacifica Synod has invested in training coaches to work with rostered and lay leaders one-on-one or in groups. A coach’s role is to support leaders in naming challenging issues and identifying constructive responses to them.
For more information –
Click here to view our Synod Coaching web page for resources as well as previous presentations.
If you would like more information about coaching, please contact Deenna Eley, Pacifica Synod Coaching Coordinator at [email protected].
Matthew 25 Fund Grant
Application Period Now Open
The application period for the Pacifica Synod Matthew 25 Fund Grant is now open through October 15. The purpose of this grant fund is to honor Christ as he shared in Matthew 25:35-40. Jerry and Lynda Engelhardt established this fund through a strong desire to help people as in the verse.
The primary criteria for making awards shall be Matthew 25:35-40. A secondary criterion shall be to evaluate if the proposed project will help establish or maintain congregational outreach and unity as in the spirit of the verse. 
Preference will be given to congregations in the Pacifica Synod of ELCA. Consideration may be given to other Christian organizations with proven responsible management.
NEW FOR 2021 – Applicants may request an additional amount (up to $500) in matching funds to supplement funds raised and spent for this request’s purpose by the congregation/ministry. Please include information in your description detailing the source(s) and expenditures of these funds for this purpose.
Grant applications maybe downloaded here or obtained by contacting Terri Robertson in the Synod office at 714.352.8732 or by email at [email protected]. Be sure to click "enable editing" to complete the fillable form.
The deadline for applications is October 15, 2021.
Grants awards will be distributed by December 31, 2021.
Please keep in mind that if you have received a previous Matthew 25 Grant Award, you MUST have submitted a written report on the use and outcome of the previous award by October 15, 2021 in order to be considered for a future award. The link to the reporting form may be found on our Matthew 25 web page here.
A Reminder from Pastor JP Sabbithi
Assistant to the Bishop for Leadership Development

The next Cooperative Candidacy Committee meeting will be held online on Tuesday, October 5, 2021. All those who are interested in appearing before the committee are required to submit their paperwork by September 25 to Carol Youngman in the Pacifica Synod office at [email protected].

Welcome & Congratulations!
Ordination of Christina Jindra (De La Cruz)
We are excited to welcome and celebrate with Christina Jindra (soon to be Christina De La Cruz) as she is ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament at Advent Lutheran Church in Uniontown, Ohio on Saturday, September 4th at 10:00 a.m. PDT/1:00 p.m. EDT. Christina has been called to serve as pastor of House of Prayer Lutheran Church in Escondido and will begin her call on October 1, 2021.

Christina was born and raised in Uniontown, near Akron, Ohio. She began seminary at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago after almost ten years of discernment. Before seminary, she studied Psychology at the University of Akron. After graduating with her bachelor’s degree, she had what she likes to call her “midway-to-midlife crisis.” Instead of pursuing a job in her field, she moved to Jacksonville, Florida and joined a L’Arche community, where she lived as a caregiver alongside folks with and without disabilities. After a year, she moved to the Dominican Republic, where she taught English and facilitated youth programs among marginalized communities. She was in the D.R. for two years. When she returned to the States, she spent some time volunteering with a non-profit immigration attorney in Immokalee, Florida. These experiences gave her a passion for accompanying immigrant communities in the United States. 

Christina finally applied to seminary at LSTC after four years of service work. During seminary, she completed her internship in Santiago, Chile, from the Fall of 2019 until Spring 2020. She was brought back to the States prematurely due to COVID, but some good was still possible in the midst of the overwhelming tragedy of the pandemic. Christina met her soon-to-be husband, Candelario shortly after her return from Chile. The two are looking forward to their wedding on August 28th and their move to Escondido at the end of September. Christina will begin her call among the people of House of Prayer Lutheran Church on October 1st. 

We invite your prayers for Pastor Christina and the congregation as they begin their ministry together.
Tell Us About Your Summer!
We'd love to learn more about and see your photos of VBS, day camps and other summer activities in your congregation (virtual or in-person) and share them in an upcoming issue of our Pacifica Synod News & Notes!

Please email any photos and descriptions to Terri Robertson in the Office of the Bishop at [email protected] no later than August 31. Please note that any photos shared must have the permission of those in the photo (parental permission needed for minors) before we can use them in our publications. (Photo shown is from Hope, Temecula's Day Camp in Summer 2019).
Save the Dates for the
2022 Pacifica Synod Assembly

Pacifica Synod Assembly 2022
May 19-21, 2022
Irvine Marriott

2022 is a Bishop Election year,
so please plan to attend!

From the ELCA
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton Invites You to
"Gods work. Our hands." Sunday
On Sunday, September 12, congregations will join together for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday. This annual day of service is an opportunity for us to celebrate who we are as the ELCA — one church, freed in Christ to love and serve our neighbor.

We encourage you to plan your day of service in compliance with local health guidelines. Consider offering options that are outdoors, drive-through or virtual.

To help you plan for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday, we invite you to visit for resources including videos, planning toolkit, worship resources, and promotional items.

Old Lutheran has T-shirts and other items available for purchase. The deadline for ordering your congregation’s personalized T-shirts is Aug. 19.

Don’t forget to share your participation with the synod and ELCA. Send your stories and photos to [email protected] and [email protected] so that together we can celebrate what God accomplishes through you. Participate on social media using #GodsWorkOurHands.
Disaster & Humanitarian Response Around the World
The Sierra Pacific Synod is collecting funds and working in partnership with Lutheran Disaster Relief and Lutheran Social Services of Northern California to provide immediate relief for those affected by the Dixie Fire and other fires expected to affect California and Nevada this season. Your contributions will go to emergency relief support for congregations and members impacted by the wildfires. We invite you to make a donation here:

Valuable information on preparing for wildfires may be found at Cal Fire's website at

Haiti Earthquake & Tropical Storm
A devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwest Haiti on August 14. Over 1,400 people were killed, and that number is expected to increase as search-and-rescue efforts continue. Blocked roads are delaying the delivery of vital supplies to hospitals, which are overwhelmed with more than 6,900 injured people. At least 26,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, but the full extent of damage is still unknown. Haiti is also suffering through a political crisis and was hit by Tropical Storm Grace on August 16, which caused severe flooding in communities already damaged by the earthquake. Donations may be made to support the work of Lutheran Disaster Response or Lutheran World Relief.

Your gifts to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service's Neighbors in Need: Afghan Allies Fund will provide food, housing assistance, clothing, and other basic needs for our Afghan friends as they await the official services available to them.
From Presiding Bishop Eaton
"The Life He Promises Will Prevail"
Prevail. In her August column in Living Lutheran, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton writes: “This is the faith which declares that through pandemics, droughts, floods, famines, deadly bigotry, war, all the death-dealing things in nature and the human heart, life—the abundant life that Jesus promises—will prevail. Plant something in the summer.”

Read her column in English at and in Spanish at
In Memoriam
ELCA Vice President William "Bill" Horne II
CHICAGO (August 17, 2021) – William "Bill" Horne II, vice president of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), died Aug. 14 of a suspected heart attack. Horne was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Clearwater, Fla. He served as city manager of Clearwater since 2001. 

"Bill was a man of absolute integrity and a deep, living faith in the grace and love of Jesus. Bill embodied the Lutheran understanding of vocation as husband, father and city manager," said ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.

Horne was elected vice president by the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. The position is the highest a layperson can hold in the ELCA, and in this role Horne presided over the ELCA Church Council. In his reports to the council, he often spoke of his practice of meditating on the Sunday lessons "to hear what God is up to in my life, and how I might apply the word to my work vocation and daily walk with my congregation, family and neighbors."

Horne loved Christ's church. He was invited by a Lutheran Air Force chaplain to be part of the community and never looked back. He was active in his congregation and sang in the choir. He also had served as the vice president of the Florida-Bahamas Synod and on the ELCA Church Council as a member and, these past five years, as the ELCA vice president. "Bill was energized by being the churchwide representative to synod assemblies. His leadership was strong, thoughtful and wise," Eaton said.

Following his election in 2016, Horne told the assembly, "Brothers and sisters, I love this church. I love you. We have a lot of work to do, and I know that our dedication and our commitment to each other and our hard work will make the ELCA what God wants us to be."

We ask that you continue to keep Bill's family, friends and colleagues in your prayers.
ELCA Coaching's "Courageous Leadership" Series
You are invited to join ELCA Coaching at 11:00 a.m. PDT on the First and Third Wednesdays through at least November to learn some possibly surprising, and some definitely humorous, things about COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 1.

We are inviting you to bring a spirit of curiosity and openness to discerning how and where Spirit might be calling you forward as a leader in your life, family, work, ministry, community, and the world. There will also be time for small groups in breakout rooms so that leaders across the church can continue to learn from each other and leave each gathering with at least one action step.

For more information and the Zoom link to join, click here.
ELCA Advocacy Network's
Advocacy Summer School Continues September 1
Wondering about how advocacy fits into our Christian and Lutheran presence in policy discussions? Session 1 of ELCA Advocacy Summer School will paint a picture of what advocacy is and how advocacy is shaped with a faith foundation, especially as members and affiliates of the ELCA. With discussions, examples, and ways to connect! 
The 30-minute virtual session begins on Wed. Aug. 11 at 2 p.m. EDT – and you’re invited to be part of the question & answer session for 15 minutes following the presentation. For more information and to register for each session, click here.
ELCA 2022 Youth Gathering News!
Upcoming Key Dates
  • Sept. 22, 2021 - Early-bird registration begins 
  • Nov. 22, 2021 - Regular Registration begins 
  • Nov. 22, 2021 - Servant Companion application opens 

Financial Assistance Application Period Now Open
The application period for Financial Assistance opened on July 22, 2021 and closes when all funds have been disbursed. For information and instructions on how to apply, visit

Getting Ready Materials
Getting Ready Materials (all free to download) are now available here!

Gathering Webinars
The Gathering webinars provide lots of valuable information. If you missed any of them, they are still available to be viewed using the link below. You can also register for upcoming webinars.: The next webinar on Safety & Security will be held on Wednesday, September 8.

Kickoff Celebration - Now Available to View
The Kickoff Celebration for Youth Gathering 2022 will went live on Sunday, July 25 via Gathering social media. Join Gathering hosts Matthew and Claire and hear from our host city and our partners from across the country, dive into our theme, learn what's new for the 2022 Gathering, and more. The video is now available for congregational groups to view as they start their Gathering planning. Get your congregational group together to view this 30-minute video at your convenience.

To find out more about the 2022 Youth Gatheing, check out the Gathering website or contact Molly Farrin, Pacifica's Gathering Synod Coordinator. Molly's role is to answer your questions and help your journey to the Gathering be as smooth as possible.
From Our Other Partners
Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences
Christian Camp Classic Golf Tournament
You're Help Is Needed!
We need your help! 
The Christian Camp Classic Golf Tournament scheduled for September 30th is in jeopardy of being cancelled. We need 70 golfers to sign up in order to continue. As of August 23, we have 37 registered. If we don’t meet the required 70 golfers by Friday, September 3rd we will have to cancel the tournament. If you plan to play, PLEASE register now. If you can’t play, but wish to support this event, please make a donation to LRCC at www.lrcchome/giving. Your financial support keeps camp going and is especially needed at this time.
The Christian Camp Classic is a long running event and has benefited LRCC for many years. This is the 30th year (we missed last year due to COVID-19). 
The support and commitment of Trinity Lutheran - Ventura and all the golfers who have participated over the years has been a blessing. 
Please help us keep the tournament alive and register today. Thank you!
Lauri Egertson, Dave Erickson, Don Hynek, Rich Hougardy & Matt Hall
Golf Committee

The CAUSE: The Christian Camp Classic supports our two Lutheran Bible Camps, El Camino Pines and Luther Glen Farm. COVID-19 caused a 16 month shutdown at each camp… and over $1.1 million dollars in lost income from cancelled retreats and rental groups. The pandemic is finally ebbing, but the financial struggles are ongoing… even now. Today, the best thing you can do to help our camps is to call your golfing buddies and invite them to play in the 30 th Christian Camp Classic this September.

Please, register today at

For a PDF flyer to share with others, click here.
Cal Lutheran's Fifty and Better (FAB)
Fall Session Registration Now Open!
Cal Lutheran’s Fifty and Better (FAB) Fall Session: FAB’s 6-week Fall Session begins on September 8th and will include both an in-person course and virtual courses! Registration is now open. Courses will explore subjects such as the history of the U.S. through the lens of baseball, an exploration of how the holidays we celebrate today were driven by historical forces, a look at the work of Vincent van Gogh and his influences, rock art in the ancient world, and more! Join us for these stimulating courses. 50+ are welcome, please share with your friends and family! Virtual courses are $35 each, and the In-Person course is $50.
For more information about Fifty and Better, visit our website:, and join our contact list to receive updates as they are announced. To download a flyer to share, click here.
You're Invited to Rocky Mountain Synod's
Excellence in Leadership Initiative Program
“It’s not easy to be the church these days”. This is a common sentiment in mainline Christian denominations, and the ELCA is no exception. We know there is a need for hope and grace and the power of the gospel, but the ways of communicating that and the ways of being church in the world are shifting beneath our feet. How much more has this become true in the past 18 months as we have attempted to negotiate the added challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic?

In response to this truth and the desire to raise up courageous, resilient, and faithful leaders, the Rocky Mountain Synod has created a leadership initiative called Excellence in Leadership. It is a two-year investment, with classes meeting 1-2 times per month, that will provide tools and resources to last a lifetime.

This initiative is grounded in authentically claiming our identities as individuals and as church. By engaging deeply in the studies of adaptive leadership, vulnerability, emotional intelligence, family systems, TheoryU, and spiritual practices, we will be stepping forward to meet the future boldly. The Rocky Mountain Synod is inviting participants from all regions and walks of life – lay or rostered, young or old. That includes you!

During the time in the pandemic, they have begun offering online cohorts for this program. This September they will begin two new ones, one on Thursday evening and one on Friday morning.

Truly this initiative is helpful for not only congregations, but for all people who wish to improve their leadership skills and increase their capacity for emotional intelligence. Whether you would like to do it as an individual or would like to participate as a group, this initiative is for you.

Listen to this testimony from The Rev. Will Johnson, a participant and trainer in the program -

We don't know exactly what the future holds, but we do know that it begins with each personal journey toward emotional and spiritual wholeness. Let’s embark on this journey together. Find out more information and registration here:
Lutheran Social Services - Back to School Backpack Giveaway & Community Resource Fair - August 28
LSS Long Beach/South Bay will be hosting a backpack & school supply giveaway for the first 300 children in attendance as well as a community resource fair with over 10 organizations present. 

Registration is required. Children must be present. COVID Protocols will be enforced. All attendees must wear a mask and maintain social distancing. For more information visit For a flyer to download, click here.
Save the Date
Haiti Benefit Concert - September 26
St. Paul Lutheran Church in Fullerton will host a benefit concert for Haiti relief on Sunday, September 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT. It will also be live-streamed on St. Paul's Facebook page.

Performers include Chris Winn and the St. Paul house band, Nicholas and Kathleen Preston, Pastor Nate Allen, and a special guest to be announced! 
All proceeds will be split between Lutheran World Relief for Haiti and the Lutheran Church of Haiti. Watch for more details to come soon!
Addiction & Faith Conference
October 7-9, 2021
The Center of Addiction & Faith will hold its third Addiction & Faith Conference October 7-9, 2021 in Bloomington, Minn., to give faith communities tools for responding to the addiction crisis. 

Registration is open for in-person and virtual attendance and more information may be found at: A one-page flyer may be found here.

The Center grew out of the Fellowship of Recovering Lutheran Clergy. Founder Ed Treat was an active Lutheran pastor in 2018 when he held the first Addiction & Faith Conference. The success encouraged him to leave parish ministry after 25 years and dedicate himself full-time to the Center of Addiction & Faith, which became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2020.

Contact:  The Rev. Dr. Ed Treat[email protected], (651) 356-1073 or 
CAF Director of Communications & Advocacy Stephanie Werner at [email protected], (804) 986-2953, @virtualdeacon
Care Connections Network
Aging. Better.
Care Connections Network is changing the face of aging in Orange County. We are dedicated to helping older adults, 50 and over, age in their own homes and communities. We connect our members to the community programming and expertise they need to continue living lives of purpose and promise. We strive to empower older adults by offering educational opportunities to help them age with confidence, social and cultural events to keep them connected with the community, referrals to vetted service providers and a volunteer program providing additional support and assistance.
To find out more about upcoming events and other services, click here for the Care Connections Network August newsletter.
ELCA & Other Partners
News & Ministry Links

ELCA Advocacy Connections - July 2021

ELCA Worship News - August 2021

ELCA Administration Matters - July 2021

ELCA World Hunger "Go & Do News" - July 2021

ELCA Global Links - August 2021

ELCA "Seeds Monthly" Newsletter - August 2021

ELCA Foundation "Insights" - May 2021

ELCA Lutheran Men in Mission Ambassador-Gram - July 2021

Clergy & Religious Workers May Now Qualify for
Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Under new regulations effective July 1, 2021, clergy and religious workers may now qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF).

According to attorney Adam Minsky writing for, the PSLF program was launched in 2007 as a way to help those working in public service with their student loan debt. Under the program, an individual who meets the program qualifications including performing qualifying work for a qualifying employer may submit an application to have their student loans forgiven.

When the program was first initiated, religious work was not considered qualifying work and was specifically excluded from PSLF eligibility. These new regulations, now in effect, have expanded PSLF eligibility to include time spent on religious instruction, worship services, or any form of proselytizing as part of the job responsibilities being counted toward meeting the full-time employment requirement.

The Department of Education has updated its website to reflect this change in the definition of full-time employment and qualifying work.

While the expansion of PSLF for clergy may be good news for many, Minsky cautions student loan borrowers to be aware of certain challenges. The program continues to struggle with application backlogs and low approval rates. Also, there is no guarantee that the program will continue in the future. The federal government could end or alter the program at any time.

To learn more and determine eligibility for Public Service Loan Forgiveness, visit the helpful tool at the Federal Student Aid website. (Source ECFA)
Job Postings
Choir Director (Part-Time)
Community Lutheran, Rancho Santa Margarita
Position Details
Reports to: Pastor – Status: Part-time – Compensation: Commensurate with education and experience – non-exempt

Job Summary
Serve as Chancel Choir Director for Sunday worship services, as well as for seasonal worship services. Lead Thursday evening rehearsal and coordinate recruitment and scheduling of vocal or instrumental soloists. Will coordinate scheduling with the Directors of other music groups within the congregation (e.g Bell Choir, Children's Choir), as well as our cantors. 

For a position description, click here.

Interested parties can email a letter of interest along with a resume to [email protected]. Please contact the church office at [email protected] for more information.
Music Minister (Part-Time)
St. Peter's by the Sea, San Diego
St. Peter’s by The Sea Lutheran Church, San Diego is seeking a passionate, versatile, and faithful individual to serve as our music minister. We currently worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and have services mid-week during Lent and Advent. Music is one of the central ways that we express our faith as a community in worship.

We are seeking someone who can honor our liturgical heritage as well as diversify our repertoire to include a variety of musical styles (spirituals, contemporary, hymns, chants, etc.) We will work with our new music minister to invigorate our communal life of faith through music; whether that be through congregational singing, choir, music with kids or special music

For a complete job description and information on how to apply, click here.
Development Manager
Survivors of Torture, International - San Diego
Survivors of Torture, International in San Diego is seeking a full-time Development Manager.

The general purpose of the position is: Responsible for the development and execution of SURVIVORS’ fundraising program including annual fundraising event, special community events and individual donor cultivation with an emphasis on generating five-year pledges in the range of $1,000-$25,000 per year.

To download a complete position description, please click here.
Naturalist & Outdoor School Instructor
Lutheran Retreats, Camps & Conferences (LRCC)
Lutheran Retreats, Camps & Conferences is seeking a community-oriented individual who is passionate about the environment to join our team as a Naturalist and Outdoor School Instructor. Stationed at camp El Camino Pines, located in the Los Padres National Forest in Southern California, the Naturalist/Instructor will lead weeklong Environmental Education programs with other members of the year-round team. This is an onsite position with room and board included. In addition to teaching, the job includes retreat hosting, dishwashing, light maintenance, winter retreat programming and other camp responsibilities. El Camino Pines is one of two sites under the umbrella of Lutheran Retreats, Camps & Conferences. In addition to a year-round Outdoor School, we host retreats groups most weekends and run a summer camp program June-August. 
Training is provided. Flexibility is a must. Fun is a given.
  • Strong commitment to the care and appreciation of God’s creation and communicate and practice that with students and staff.
  • A desire to teach students of all ages uses the outdoor education curriculum.
  • At least one year of post-high school experience - college or work. Undergraduate degree, camp experience and leadership experience are preferred.
  • Must be flexible and willing to help in all areas of camp life.
  • Must be able to communicate with and work with others.
  • Must have interest in living in a Christian community and a willingness to live in community with others.
  • Understanding of the philosophy and mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the programs and sites of LRCC.
For more information and to apply contact:
Meredith Smith
Camp Director, El Camino Pines
Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences

Webinars and Other Events
"Enfleshing Witness"
Virtual Theological Conference - August 26
Church Anew –– a ministry of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Eden Prairie, MN –– is hosting a virtual theological conference on August 26th. This event is called Enfleshing Witness and may be of particular interest for those ministering to diverse communities. Enfleshing Witness has been designed to provide Christian leaders of color space to imagine the future of the Church.

We invite preachers, storytellers, activists, and community leaders of color to perhaps hear some of your own stories in the pieces shared. White leaders are welcome but expected to participate with a posture of overhearing the witness rather than expecting it is for you.

The event is free to attend virtually and we invite support from congregations and institutions to form in-person viewing gatherings for conversation and creative response. Institutional supporters will receive bonus material and a discussion guide for facilitating conversation following the gathering. Mutuality groups for people of color interested in connecting and continuing the conversation will be provided immediately following the event for those who wish to participate.

Register for the free live event:
Luther Glen Farm Visit and Workday
Saturday, October 2
Members of the Congregations of Rejoice Conference (and all other interested) are invited to join us for a fine and fun day in the Mountains and at the Farm.

The Luther Glen Farm sits nearly a mile high on 40 sunny acres, in the heart of apple country in beautiful Oak Glen, California. The camp offers outdoor adventures such as archery, rock wall, swimming, & hiking, as well as programs on sustainable agriculture, with sheep, goats, chickens, horses, pigs & now, alpacas! The Luther Glen Farm offers camping and retreat programs for all ages, and the ministry spans the southwestern United States and Hawaii— from the mountains to the oceans, the deserts to the beaches and the Mexico border region to the heart of the city. If you haven’t visited Luther Glen Farm yet, - this is your opportunity!

Program on Saturday, October 2, 2021
Arrival and welcome:                       10:00 am – 10.30 am
Tour of Premises and Projects:         10:30 am –12:30 pm
Lunch ($12 per person)                     12:30 pm – 1:30 pm 
Afternoon Continued Projects:          1:30 pm – 3:00 pm  

Projects Include:
Gardening/weeding, animal care, maintenance, cleaning etc. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, bring water, and sunscreen.

Departure from Danish Lutheran Church in Yorba Linda at 8:30 am, if you want to carpool; otherwise, we will meet at the Farm.

Please register at [email protected] or call Dean of Rejoice Conference Pastor Anne-Grethe K. Nielsen at (714) 993-6362.

Our Savior's, San Diego Will Celebrate 25 Years!
Survivors of Torture
"Helping Survivors Heal" Virtual Fundraiser
September 14, 2021
SURVIVORS was founded by Kathi Anderson and Pastors George Falk and Bill Radatz to provide comprehensive, client-centered, linguistically appropriate care for survivors of politically-motivated torture in San Diego County.
With support from community members like you, SURVIVORS is able to help clients and their families rebuild their lives, with healing programs including psychological services, psychiatric care, forensic documentation for asylum cases, as well as medical and social services case management.
We invite you to join us on September 14 at 8:00 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. PDT for SURVIVOR’s annual virtual fundraiser. Contact [email protected] with your preferred time for your registration link.
Spirituality & Aging Certificate Program
Southern California Coalition on Spirituality & Aging
Lombard Mennonite Peace Center
Upcoming Events
Registration is now open for Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders, to be held on October 11-15 and November 15-19, 2021.  

The two identical sessions will be held remotely via Zoom. This workshop is designed to help church leaders deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. 

For details consult this MSTI Brochure. For a complete list of training events being offered by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center — including our one-day Conflict Transformation Skills and Healthy Congregations — please consult this LMPC 2021 Program Calendar

For online registration go to our website at Plan now to take advantage of these outstanding opportunities for spiritual and professional growth!

We Remember in Our Prayers
We ask that you hold the following people and situations in your thoughts and prayers:

  • For the Afghan people, our allies, and vulnerable populations in the midst of this humanitarian disaster.
  • Cindy Jorstad
  • The family and friends of ELCA Vice President, William Horne II, upon his death.
  • For the people of Haiti in the face of earthquakes, tropical storms and political unrest.
  • Those affected by wildfires, floods, tropical storms and other natural disasters, as well as emergency personnel responding to these situations.
  • For those in countries facing political and civil unrest - Afghanistan, Cuba, Haiti, Myanmar and others.
  • For peace in Palestine and Israel and for those who have lost loved ones and their homes due to violence and unrest.
  • Our nation and its leaders.
  • Those affected with the COVID-19 virus and those who have lost loved ones.
  • Our healthcare providers, first responders and all who continue to care for those battling COVID-19.

In our synod e-newsletter, prayer requests may be shared for our synod's rostered ministers, spouses, key lay leaders and congregations.

 Prayer requests included are subject to the following guidelines:
  • Only the names of those to be prayed for will be included in our communications. Additional information (with permission) may be shared with the bishop or synod staff, but will not be publicized.
  • Those being prayed for must have provided the requester with explicit permission for their names to be shared with the synod.
  • Names will remain in the synod communications for one month, unless we are notified by the Conference Prayer Coordinator to extend the request.
  • Prayers MUST be added through your Conference Prayer Coordinator, who will submit the prayers to the synod office for distribution.

The following people are serving as your Conference Prayer Coordinators:

E. San Diego Conference - The Rev. Richard Vevia - [email protected]
W. San Diego Conf - The Rev. David Nagler - [email protected]
Harvest Conference - The Rev. David Jorstad - [email protected]
Raincross Conference - The Rev. Linda Brown - [email protected]
Big Bear Conference - The Rev. Matt Anderson - [email protected]
Saddleback Conference - The Rev. David Mattson - [email protected]
Son & Surf Conf - The Rev. Jennifer Schultz - [email protected]
Rejoice Conference - The Rev. Anne-Grethe Nielsen - [email protected]
Hukilau Conference - The Rev. Kathryn Zurcher - [email protected]
Pacifica Synod - ELCA
Lutheran Center for Mission & Learning
1801 Park Court Place, Bldg. C, Santa Ana, CA 92701