Planning for the Future
Padre Dam's current Strategic Plan and 5-Year Business Plan are coming to a close next year - it is now time to think about what's next. We want your input as we continue the planning process. Join us for a virtual community workshop on Thursday, June 3 at 6 pm.

During the meeting we will explore: What topics and/or projects are most important to you? What do you think Padre Dam has done well? What do we need to be thoughtful about in the next 5 years? What is on the horizon that we should be considering and planning for?

To sign up to receive a link to the meeting, click here. If you are unable to attend the community meeting but are interested in providing your insight please email [email protected]. 
WaterSmart Landscape Survey
Is your landscape ready for the summer heat? Get free personalized water savings recommendations from certified irrigation professionals through the WaterSmart Checkup Program.

After a walk-through of your property is completed, you will be offered observations and suggestions. You can choose to implement what you've learned as part of your water conservation efforts. Learn more about the program and apply for a checkup here.
Awards Spotlight
Padre Dam has recently been recognized by several state and local organizations. These acknowledgments are a reflection of the excellent work of Padre Dam staff, who work tirelessly to bring reliable, high quality services to our community.
Public Works Project of the Year
American Public Works Association - San Diego/Imperial Chapter
The Mountain View Connector Pipeline created a new two mile pipeline to help improve water reliability for the communities of Alpine, Dehesa and Harbison Canyon. The project was completed under budget and six months ahead of schedule.
Small Collections System of the Year for 2020
San Diego Section of the California Water Environment Association
Padre Dam's collection system was recognized for outstanding maintenance programs, regulatory compliance and safety and training procedures. In addition to the local San Diego chapter award, Padre Dam was awarded second place for Small Collections System of the Year from the statewide California Water Environment Association.
Outstanding Water Project
American Society of Engineers San Diego Section
The Eastern Service Area Secondary Connection Project is the largest capital improvement project in Padre Dam's history to date. The project included a new reservoir, pump station, pipeline, and water connection. It created a redundant water supply for the District's Eastern Service Area, improving water reliability for Padre Dam customers.
Outstanding Small Project
American Society of Engineers San Diego Section
Padre Dam's engineering team designed a permanent bypass system for the Mission Creek Sewer Lift Station. This bypass system allows maintenance to be performed without interruptions to the operation of the sewer lift station while helping to eliminate odor for surrounding residents. 
Padre Profile: Dan Stevenson
Dan Stevenson is a Systems Operator, and is part of the team responsible for monitoring the millions of gallons of water that flows through Padre Dam’s pipelines and is stored in reservoir tanks.

Systems Operators are not only responsible for ensuring that this water is there when you need it, but that it is safe to drink. A Systems Operator must be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Because of this, they take turns working long shifts, day and night to ensure that someone is always monitoring the system.

“It takes a lot of effort to get water delivered to someone’s house,” Dan said. “There are people following and monitoring the water from the moment it enters our system to the moment it reaches your front door.”

Several Systems Operators are out in the field every day while another is stationed at the District’s SCADA room. SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, and is the system that monitors Padre Dam’s infrastructure throughout its 73 square mile service area. The SCADA system continuously relays information to the operator regarding water storage levels, chlorine content and pumps station operations. From this room, Operators have a comprehensive system overview from which to manage the distribution system.

Dan’s favorite part of his job is the variety of activities he performs. While he might be stationed in the SCADA room one week, he knows it’s not long until he will be out in the field checking meters, testing water and performing reservoir inspections.

Dan’s responsibilities include ensuring that all of the water in Padre Dam’s system is properly disinfected. Very specific levels of chlorine must be maintained in drinking water to keep it safe to drink. Chlorine dissipates over time, so water must be monitored to ensure that proper chlorine levels are maintained. Monitoring over 393 miles of distribution system pipeline is a big job, but automated chlorine monitors that transmit data back to the District’s SCADA system help provide guidance. Additionally, Systems Operators test water at connection points and pump stations in the system daily. If chlorine levels are off, Dan calculates the amount of chlorine necessary to add to the water to keep it safe.