In this issue:

Food Safety Farmer Focus Groups

CDC Guidelines

Food Safety Focus Groups
~Paid Opportunity~

To learn more about how produce farmers are integrating food safety practices on the farms, the National Young Farmers Coalition is hosting online food safety focus groups. Each hour-long virtual focus group will feature a farmer co-facilitator discussing their operation and 8-10 farmers asking the lead farmer questions and sharing their own experience with the topic. Focus groups are open to farmers of all ages!

The farmer co-facilitator and participants will be paid for their time, $250 and $50, respectively. They will be joined by Maggie Kaiser from the Coalition and Billy Mitchell from National Farmers Union.

Topics may include:
  • ·CSA/Boxed Share Distribution during COVID-19
  • Creating SOPs
  • Wash & Pack Station Design for Produce Safety, Efficiency, and Ergonomics
  • Worker & Volunteer Training
  • Aquaponics and/or Hydroponics
  • Making Compost On-farm
  • Managing Livestock and Fresh Produce/Rotational Grazing 
  • Produce Safety in Urban Environments
  • Other produce safety topics of interest to farmers like you!

For more information, contact Maggie Kaiser at 518-643-3564 ext. 713 or
CDC COVID-19 Guidance for Agricultural Workers and Employers

The Interim Guidance from CDC and the U.S. Department of Labor on Agricultural Workers and Employers is now available. This document discusses how to conduct worksite assessments for risk of COVID-19, guidance for shared worker housing and recommended prevention practices.

Subtopics in this document include:
  1. Exposure risk among agriculture workers and employers
  2. Creating a COVID-19 assessment and control plan
  • Control plan includes engineering controls; cleaning, disinfection, and sanitation; administrative controls; and PPE
  1. Screening and monitoring workers
  2. Managing sick workers
  3. Addressing return to work after worker exposure to COVID-19
  4. Special considerations for shared housing, shared transportation, and children
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