April 16, 2021
Dear Residents,

Starting Sunday, a vaccine scheduler will be open to all residents age 16 and over. The new vaccine scheduling system,, displays available doses from approved vaccine providers across the county, including the Health Department, pharmacies, hospitals and some private practices.

I have enjoyed hearing from many of you during our budget public hearings this week. If you were not able to testify and want to give your feedback, public comments are still open. The Board of Supervisors will adopt the FY 2022 budget on May 4th.

I am also thrilled that Blake Lane Park was officially transferred to the Park Authority on Tuesday after a public meeting, and I am looking forward to our Blake Lane Corridor Safety Meeting on Monday evening.

In this newsletter, you can find the following Providence District updates:
  • COVID-19 Vaccine for 16+
  • Blake Lane Park
  • Blake Lane Corridor Safety Meeting
  • Affordable Housing
  • Transportation Updates
  • Solarize NOVA 2021
  • Police Department Crime Prevention Meetings
  • Providence Spotlight: Eli Edwards
  • Featured Events

I hope this newsletter finds you and your family safe and well.

With Gratitude,
Supervisor Dalia Palchik
Vaccine Open to 16+ April 18, New Scheduling System
Beginning Sunday, April 18, all individuals in the Fairfax Health District who are 16 or older will be eligible to directly schedule a vaccine appointment through as Fairfax County moves into Phase 2 with the rest of Virginia.
Blake Lane Park
After years of community discussion and work from the Board of Supervisors, the Park Authority, and FCPS, I am thrilled that the Board voted unanimously to transfer the property of Blake Lane Park officially to the Park Authority.  I want to thank the community members who advocated for this, Chairman McKay for his leadership, and county staff and my colleagues on the School Board who have worked collaboratively on this initiative. What is most exciting about this move, is that we can now work with the Park Authority to begin a community-focused master planning process to update the plan from 1999.  
Blake Lane Corridor Safety Meeting
Please join us for a Blake Lane Safety Corridor Meeting on Monday, April 19th at 7:00pm.

To participate on video for the opportunity to ask questions, join by

Or Telephone:
Dial: USA 602 333 0032 USA 8882709936 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 262409

- Opening by Supervisor Palchik
- Updates from Speakers:
  • Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
  • Fairfax County Department of
  • Transportation (FCDOT)
  • Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD)
  • Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA)
- Questions
- Next Steps
Affordable Housing
Affordable housing in Fairfax County and the Providence District is a priority. I joined Supervisor Foust and Chairman McKay in presenting a board matter asking the Board to endorse the recommendations of the Affordable Housing Prevention Task Force. The Task Force has the following goals:

  • Goal 1: Preserve the affordability of approximately 9,000 market affordable multifamily units at 60% AMI and below
  • Goal 2: Preserve the affordability of existing committed affordable multifamily buildings and units when affordability covenants are set to expire.
  • Goal 3: Preserve through a combination of means the affordability of the approximately 1,750 housing opportunities that exist in manufactured housing communities.

Transportation Update
Please join Providence District residents on Wednesday, April 28, at 7 p.m. to hear about the Active Fairfax Transportation Plan and share how you bike, walk, scoot, run, rock and roll through the county. Go here for information and please take the online survey through April 30, 2021.

For its new faregates, fare boxes, and fare options, Metro is phasing out old (pre-2012) fare cards which do not have “0167”in the serial number. This change starts in June at some stations. To see examples of cards which need replacement and for more information, please go to this link.
Lane Closures

The left lane of Old Meadow Road heading toward Route 123 will be closed from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Friday, April 16, for asphalt repairs. For more information, please go here.
I-66 Construction
The ramp from Route 50 East to I-66 West will be closed from 9 p.m. Friday, April 16, until noon Saturday, April 17.
Westbound I-66 from Nutley to Blake will be reduced to a single travel lane through Friday, April 16 at 5 a.m.
For more I-66 construction information, please go here.
Solarize NOVA 2021
Join now at and help us make Fairfax County solar.
Our clean energy future starts with your roof!
Police Department Crime Prevention Virtual Meetings
The Fairfax County Police Department is hosting virtual meetings for the public to discuss crime prevention.

Sign up at the links on the dates below: 

Scams & Frauds Presentation: April 28, May 12 and May 26: Fairfax County Police Department: Scams and Frauds (

Neighborhood Safety Presentation: April 21, May 6 and May 20: Fairfax County Police Department: Neighborhood Safety Presentation (

Personal Safety Presentation: May 5 and May 19: Virtual Personal Safety Presentation Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
Providence Spotlight: Eli Edwards
Eli Edwards, 13, a Scout in BSA Troop 987, worked towards receiving his Hornaday Badge by leading a project that consisted of pulling invasive plants, primarily, pachysandra, from a section of the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail off Miller Heights Road in Oakton. 
With support from Hornaday advisor Sara Holtz and sponsor Fairfax County Park Authority’s Invasive Management Area (IMA) program, he was able to get the job done. The goal was to replace the pachysandra with native plants and trees. During this project there were 164 volunteers who removed 124 bags of invasive plants from the parkland and 170 native plants were planted.
Eli is a determined and hardworking individual who has significantly given back to his community. Thanks to his dedication, the Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail is a step closer to being free of invasive plants. 
Featured Events
Earth Day Events
Green Springs: April 24, 1:00pm: Celebrate Earth and say thanks with face painting, poetry, pictures and puppets. Make a special Earth Day craft and help us decorate a tree. The program at Green Spring Gardens runs from 1 to 2 p.m. The cost is $10 per person.
For more information, call 703-642-5173. Cost: $10.00 Register Online

Nottoway Park: April 24, 9:00 - Noon: Like working outdoors with friends and family? Need community service hours or a scout project? Learn something new while removing invasive plants and planting native species at Nottoway Park. Join the volunteer habitat restoration team and help take back the forest!
Address: Nottoway Park, 9537 Courthouse Rd, Vienna 22181
DTA Virtual Tax Relief Workshops
The Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration (DTA) will be hosting a Virtual Tax Relief Workshop on Thursday, April 22, 2021, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. DTA staff will present information about the real estate and personal property tax relief programs for seniors and people with disabilities. Make an appointment here.
No registration is required for residents to attend the session – however, a free download of  Microsoft TEAMS will be required for a video link. An audio only call-in option is also available. To join a Tax Relief workshop, please go to and select the virtual link to participate using Microsoft Teams, or call in using the phone number and conference ID number provided. Questions? Please email or call 703-222-8234; TTY 711
Cooking Club at James Lee Community Center
Join us today, Friday, April 16 at 4:30pm for a cooking club program at James Lee Community Center.

You can find more information on the NCS Connects After School program website.

Join the zoom link to join the program.
Pups and Pints
During the first two weekends in May, Capital One Center will convert the McLean Metro Parking Lot into a dog park complete with food trucks powered by Curbside Kitchen, a biergarten, live music, local businesses offering dog-friendly products and services, and a full day of activities!

This event is free to attend with a $15 donation recommended to support our charity partner, Lucky Dog Animal Rescue. Registration is required for entry to ensure a safe, socially-distanced environment. Click here to register.
Contact Us
We want to hear from you! Please reach out to us with questions, comments or just to say hello.
Office Phone: (703) 560-6946
Email us HERE if you would like events included in our newsletter or you would like a member of our team to join your HOA meeting.
Follow us on Social Media!