Palm Sunday Outdoor Children's Eucharist
Join us for Outdoor Children’s Eucharist at 9 am on Palm Sunday, March 28, on the Wydown Playground. Fr. Peter Speropulos will celebrate and Beth Wagner will provide music. Just as Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, we’ll be joined by a special guest donkey. Attendees should meet in the Page Garden and we will process to the playground.
Holy Week Prayer Centers
Holy Week Prayer Centers allow families to prepare for Easter together. These interactive centers include prayer and hands-on activities for children. Join us on Maundy Thursday, April 1 or Good Friday, April 2, between 4 and 6 pm. Families should enter through the Ellenwood Avenue doors and check in with Mary Beth Tipton before entering the Great Hall to begin the centers. Registration is required to assist with contact tracing if necessary. Please register using the link below and wear a mask in the building.
Lenten Giving Project
If you are joining us for Palm Sunday worship or Holy Week Prayer Centers, please consider bringing a donation of school supplies for Last Days Apostolic Church. Over the past year, CSMSG has supported this church in north St. Louis by donating to its food pantry. For Lent, we are asking families to donate school supplies to Last Days Apostolic. Items requested include wide-ruled notebooks and loose-leaf paper, pens, pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, erasers, and more. Visit our Amazon Lenten Giving Wish List and have items shipped directly to CSMSG. You also may drop off donations or monetary gifts at the church. A collection box is located on the stage in the Great Hall.
Reflections on the Heart
Week 6: Shifting Our Gaze
By exploring Gospel passages about treasures and matters of the heart, families will reflect on what kind of treasure matters to us, why we store treasures, and the power these treasures have in our lives. Each weekly session includes scripture, reflection, discussion questions, activity, coloring page, and prayer.

Scripture Reflection: Read the scripture for week six, Mark 9:30-37. Review the reflection with your family.

Activity: As you complete the activity pages, use the discussion questions to talk with your children about the scripture reading. Finish the lesson with the Closing Prayer. Take pictures of your creations and share with Children's Ministry!

Lenten curriculum packets are available for pickup at any Sunday service at CSMSG. To request delivery or arrange fro pickup other than Sundays, contact Mary Beth Tipton.
Register for Children's Ministry
We are still registering students for Children's Ministry for the 2020-21 school year. Please complete the online registration for your family. We will continue to send weekly updates through our e-newsletter and resources also are available at
Contact Us
Mary Beth Tipton
Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Amy Zimmerman
Assistant Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Church School | The Church of St. Michael & St. George | 314.721.1502 |