April 10, 2021 | Palm Sunday
Join us for Palm Sunday!
Sunday Morning Worship
Join us for worship this Palm Sunday as we mark the start of Holy Week!

Because we will process into the church together this week, we ask you to gather on the front lawn for the 9 a.m. service, and at the NE corner of 7th and North Carolina Avenue ahead of the 11 a.m. service* (aim for 10:45!) We hope to see you at whatever service fits your schedule this weekend.

*11 a.m. service also live-streamed. By entering the church at 11 a.m., you consent to being filmed, as well as its release as desired by CC+WP. More information linked below.

Sunday Ministries for Children
Kids of all ages are joyfully welcomed at CC+WP during both services.

While we will continue to offer nursery care for our youngest attendees, we will pause Children's Chapel & Sunday School until April 24 so that your children can celebrate the holiest week of our calendar with you in the sanctuary!

Read more about our Children's Ministries & Sunday School
Adult Forum on break
We will also pause Adult Forums until April 24 so that we can spend more time in community over the coming season.
Seeking Readers for Holy Week!
We have even more opportunities to participate in support of our worship services as we head into Holy Week. Please consider signing up! We're happy to answer any questions if it will be your first time - just reach out to Jordan.
Last Call!
Your brew crew has limited quantities of pale ale and oatmeal stout remaining. Get a growler after either service on Palm Sunday and help us make room for our new brews, debuting on Easter!
Young Adult Dinner + Egg Stuffing!
Easter is coming & there are hundreds of Easter eggs to stuff for our annual hunt! Please join us for dinner (pizza & salad provided) and our egg-stuffing party THIS SUNDAY, April 10! BYO beverage of choice. Feel free to bring friends! All are welcome. Please RSVP here, and email Katie with questions.
General Announcements
Holy Week Schedule!
Don't miss our packed Holy Week schedule, including an all-ages outdoor Maundy Thursday service (all foot-washing optional!), a festive Easter coffee hour (feel free to bring plated treats!), and of course, the Bunny himself!
Easter Flower Donations
Would you like to make a donation in honor or in celebration of someone in your life? Funds will be used to purchase the array of joyful flowers we all enjoy on Easter Sunday, and names will be listed in the announcements and newsletter that day. Please feel free to donate any amount online (just choose "Easter flowers" from the drop-down) or by check (in both cases noting the dedication in the memo line) by April 11.
Compline Concludes
This week marked the final offering of our Thursday evening Compline service. Thanks to all of you who have taken part in this pandemic-era virtual offering. 
Spring Grounds Clean-up TOMORROW
 Join us TOMORROW, April 9th at 9 a.m. for our semi-annual clean-up ahead of Holy Week and Easter! Everyone is welcome. Bring your kids, rakes and clippers and gloves if you have them. We will provide lawn and leaf bags. Email Robin with any questions. 
Spring Confirmation Date
Confirmation will take place at the National Cathedral on Saturday, May 14 at 10 a.m. If you are an adult interested in learning more about confirmation, please be in touch with John.
Youth Confirmation Class
Our youth confirmation class is part of our Journey2Adulthood program, and youth confirmation will be offered in the Spring of 2023. If you have any questions about youth confirmation, please be in touch with Katie.
A prayer for Ukraine
We offer the following for your personal prayers, from the Rt. Rev Mark Edington, Bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe:

God of timelessness, From chaos and disorder you brought forth the beauty of creation; From the chaos of war and violence Bring forth the beauty of peace. God of compassion, You saw the humanity of the outcast and the stranger; Help us to see the evils of our hatreds and suspicions and to turn them into the embrace of your Beloved Community. God of peace, Through your love on the cross You overcame the power of violence and death;Turn us away from the love of power That we may transform a warring world through the power of your love. Amen.
Lenten Food Drive
On the first Saturday of the month Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid holds an event at Miner Elementary School (601 15th St NE) providing fresh food, masks, & other resources for the community. These events supplement their weekly food distribution programs to our neighbors in Ward 6. We continue to collect shelf-stable food for W6MA throughout Lent, and we thank you for your generosity thus far! Complete list of needed items is available here.
Afghan Family Support Update
One of our CC+WP volunteers, Andrea Harles, kicked off an English language effort for the family by spending time with them last week. Benafsha is an eager and quick learner, and has a great resource & teacher in Bilal, her husband. She now is fairly confident with her alphabet - a huge achievement - and her pronunciation is outstanding. Andrea was able to bring (and leave for the family) two story books to read to the boys, and for Benafsha to use for word recognition, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Andrea will be working with Benafsha daily by video for the next few weeks, and then incorporate other ESL volunteers in a variety of opportunities for her & her children. As always, if you'd like to help, please sign up online and email Sherry with questions.
Thank you, Calvary Volunteers!
A big thank you to Ben Chicoski, Susan Oakley and Kirsten Sloan for preparing this week's dinner for the women in Calvary's Transitional Housing, and to Barbara and Del Crandall for coordination and delivery. Calvary's Hope Awards Dinner will be at the Capitol Hill Hilton on May 18. More information will be coming soon on how you can support this event.
Friday Night Film Series
Join the film group for their final title of the Lenten Film Series tonight at 7 p.m. Hear from Brian Firth as he talks Invictus, and his own experience growing up in South Africa. Watch on your own and join us to dive deeper. Contact Paul Laymon with questions, or simply join via Zoom. We'll then be on break through Easter.
First Friday Book Group
Start reading, friends! The book group will return from break in May to discuss The Professor's House by Willa Cather. Put your loan request into the library, and then join us for our discussion via Zoom on Friday, May 6, at 7 p.m.
Men's Spirituality Group
Join us any Saturday from 9-10 a.m. for conversation and community (Zoom only for now!) Email Paul Laymon with questions. 
Church Business Hours for Staff & Clergy: Sunday - Thursday, 8:30-3 or by appointment