Palm Sunday Newsletter 04/02/23

"Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD!"

Psalms 118:26

Happy Palm Sunday! 

On this day, many years ago, Jesus traveled to Jerusalem to give up his life for our salvation. You and I need a savior. A savior is the one who rescues us without charge. Jesus rescues us from the consequences of our sins. Jesus rescues us from those situations of death you and I experience. Jesus rescues us from our worries, sadness, lack of love and forgiveness, judgements… Jesus came to give you and I a life that nothing else in the world can give us. 

Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week and commemorates the triumphant arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem before he was crucified. In the Gospel, Jesus enters Jerusalem riding a young donkey while the crowd welcomes him, throwing clothes, palms and small branches in front of him as a sign of homage. This was a customary tradition that showed honor and respect. 

Jesus on a Donkey

The use of a donkey instead of a horse is symbolic in the ministry of Jesus. The donkey represents a humble and peaceful arrival instead of a warrior riding a horse. This Palm Sunday, palms will be distributed to all parishioners, and because they will be blessed, they should not be discarded as trash. Instead, they can be returned to church before next Ash Wednesday to be used as ashes. 

Here at St. Anthony’s we are reenacting this entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem as we take part in the Solemn Procession with palms and the youth walking with a donkey and a colt on the streets around our parish beginning at 9:15am. (Franklin St.- Philadelphia St.- Washington St. - Sanial St. - Walnut St.)

We will be singing praises to Jesus, the King, who is coming to visit us. Let us welcome him spiritually into our lives. Let us welcome him as our savior. 

I invite you and your family to take part in our Sacred Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Holy Saturday Vigil. There are many amazing opportunities to pray as a community and to grow in faith. Morning Prayer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the Holy Week at 8am.

Join us on Good Friday for our Live Outdoor Stations of the Cross reenacted by our Youth at 7:30pm. Bring a flashlight. (Make this Holy Week Special!)

I am very thankful to God for allowing me to be part of Saint Anthony’s this Holy Week. May the Lord help us through the intercession of St. Anthony’s and the Blessed Mother to grow in faith and love of Him. United in prayer!

Have a beautiful Holy Week, and I hope to see you here! 

Fr. Carlos

Palms branches will be distributed in Church!

"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things

will be added to you."

Matthew 6:33

Bring your homemade Easter Basket for a blessing!

On Holy Saturday, we will have the visit of the Easter Bunny. There will be Free Easter Eggs and Scavenger Hunt.

If you would like to join us for Breakfast with the Easter Bunny sign up using the link: