If you appreciate books such as David Brooks’ The Road to Character or Adam Grant’s Give and Take, or exploring how experience shapes values and consistent behavior creates character, you will find kindred spirits on the Stewardship Commission. This commission is about so much more than managing the pledge campaign.

We are reading Beyond the Offering Plate, a series of essays to provoke our thinking of the virtue of Christian stewardship in all aspects of our lives. How do we steward our minds? What about stewardship of the community? Or our work life? Or our privilege? Or our end of life?

Such thinking calls us to consider how we stand before God and account for the blessings in each of our lives. We are equipping ourselves to elevate and expand the way we serve this congregation.

If you have any curiosity of the impact of generosity, gratitude, and giving, call me. Call Dave Heilman. We are looking for members just like you, intellectually and emotionally curious. Let’s talk.
