For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Jackie Calzadilla
Public Information Officer
Palmetto Bay Village Council Continue to Strongly Oppose Bridging on SW 87 Avenue
PALMETTO BAY, FL, MAY 08, 2017 - It has come to the attention of the Village Administration that the Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works is propos ing the bridging of SW 87 Avenue from SW 164 Street to SW 163 Terrace and that a recommendation to include funding for the project may be coming forth as part of the 2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The Palmetto Bay Village Council strongly opposes and will continue to oppose bridging of any kind on SW 87 Avenue and SW 77 Avenue.
T he TIP , which is currently in draft form, w ill be presented before the Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) in June seeking approval t o fund the proposed bridge . Miami-Dade County is searching for mobility alternatives and while we understand this need, it is our belief that with the extension of the light rail system and implementation of the SMART plan , the new bridg e would be unnecessary.  

In 2016,
the Village Council unanimously passed Resolution 2016-89 strongly opposing bridging on SW 87 Avenue and SW 77 Avenue within the Palmetto Bay municipal limits. Many residents and the Village Council, alike, believe that bridging either SW 87 or SW 77 Avenues would profoundly and negatively impact residents living along those streets/avenues, significantly diminishing their quality of life. While the Village of Palmetto Bay remains committed to long-term traffic infrastructure solutions to alleviate traffic, the bridging of SW 87 and SW 77 Avenues is not an option that the Village is willing to consider.

Residents are encouraged to contact their County Commissioner and the County's Department of Transportation and Public Works  to express their opposition to the proposed bridging of 87 Avenue.
About Palmetto Bay
Palmetto Bay is a vibrant, family-oriented community in the South Miami-Dade area, situated along the beautiful Biscayne Bay.  Known as the "Village of Parks" for its amazing park facilities and bountiful recreational amenities, Palmetto Bay is one of the most desirable places to live in South Florida.  Adding to its allure are the excellent private and public schools within the Palmetto Bay boundaries.  To learn more about our awesome community, please visit our website.
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