Volume 42 * Issue 11 * May 2015


2015 SC Lions Hall of Fame Inductees


Each year fellow Lions are recognized for one of the highest honors in Lionism, induction into the South Carolina Lions Hall of Fame.  This year it was a privilege to have many well deserving Lions awarded this great honor.  We extend our congratulations to each member on their induction and thank them for their hard work and dedication.


Do We Need to Change Our Way of Thinking?

Greetings Fellow Lions,


Do we need to change the way we are thinking for our clubs to grow?  Of course, because the way we are thinking right now is only leading to a declining membership.  Do we need to change the way we are thinking how we run our club meetings?  Yes.  We get a lot of new members in, but they leave because of 1) lack of service projects and 2) poorly run meetings.  This has been documented by LCI many times.  Do we need to change the way District and Zone meetings are held?  Yes.  Many clubs do not attend these meetings because they see little benefit in attending.  


Raffles Pass, Are You Really Ready?

On November 4th, 2014 the long awaited raffle legislation passed with a public vote to change the South Carolina Constitution. The legislature ratified this Bill in March and raffles officially became legal on April 5th, 2015.


Although it is now legal to hold a raffle, there are many "Do's and Don't's to holding a raffle. Some of the questions needing answers before you begin your raffle are:

  1. Is there a fee to register to hold a raffle? Is that fee per raffle or per day?
  2. What can the net proceeds be used for? 
  3. Will the Secretary Of State review nonprofit organization's financial statements?

  4. What does it mean by "a nonprofit cannot lend their name to another organization" for a raffle?

  5. How should expenses be tracked if a raffle is held at the same event as a silent auction and a live auction?

  6. What is the difference between an exempt raffle and a non-exempt raffle?

  7. Are "Casino Nights" allowed now?

  8. Is a Door Prize a Raffle?

  9. Can an organization sell raffle tickets online?

  10. Are nonprofits allowed to do auctions?

If you can't answer all of these questions then you most definitely need to very carefully review the presentation below. This presentation was developed and provided by the Secretary of State's office. Please read carefully and contact your District Governor if you do not understand this information.

Raffles can be a great revenue source but you must do them legally. The fines are very stiff!  

Southeastern Lions Leadership Institute

June 4 -7, 2015 will be the dates of the Southeastern Lions Leadership Institute. If you have been considering furthering your leadership role in Lions, this will be your opportunity. Additionally, you will not have to travel very far as the institute will be held here in South Carolina at the School for the Deaf and Blind in Spartanburg.

COST: Registration $95.00 and includes three breakfast, two lunches, two dinners.

Thursday night dinner on your own. Everything under one roof.

Presentation Topics:

 Working in Teams

 Diversity

 Public Speaking

 Time Management

 Member Motivation

 Lions Fundamental

 Goal Setting

 Personal Mission Statement 


SCLCS Annual Meeting Recap


SCLCS held its annual meeting on April 25th with approximately 80 Lions members in attendance. The meeting was packed full of reports and celebration with awards and presentations.


Chairpersons Louis Drucker, SCLCS and Diane P'Pool, SCLF, thanked everyone for the support of our two "Lions" charitable organizations this year. They both noted the continued growth in requests for services of SCLCS and asked all Lions to remember to support our own Lions' causes first.


Gregg Turner, SCLCS President and CEO, gave a compelling address about the organizations growth over the past 15 years. I would like to share some of address with you.

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Memorial Day, Remembering Those Who Paid for Our Freedom
It was first widely observed on 30-May-1868 to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War American soldiers, by proclamation of Gen. John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of former Union sailors and soldiers. Originally called  Decoration Day,  is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America. The establishment of a public holiday was meant to unify the celebration as a national day of remembrance instead of a holiday celebrated separately by the Union and Confederate states. By the late 19th century, the holiday became known as  Memorial Day a nd was expanded to include the deceased veterans of all the wars fought by American forces. In 1971, Memorial Day became a federal holiday.

2015 President's Medals Presented 

Each year the International President presents personal awards to recognize Lions and Leos who have performed significant service and leadership contributions to the association. The awards are:


International President's Certificate of Appreciation: given forsignificant service to the association. (Fourth Highest Award Given by the Association to Its Members)


International Leadership Medal: given for a significant leadership contribution to the association. (Third Highest Award Given by the Association to Its Members)

International Presidential Medal: given for both leadership and services contributions to the association. This award is special because the International President presents only 775 of these awards worldwide during his presidential year. (Second Highest Award Given by the Association to Its Members)


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We Must Remember Our Support System

District 32-B Article

The year is passing by quickly and we need to consider what each of us can do to strengthen our organization.   At the recent SCLCS/SCLF annual meeting, I learned that our contributions are far less than the previous year.  Declining membership is a factor, but it is obvious from the report that many clubs are contributing a very small amount or not at all.  The staff at SCLCS has been able to provide amazing support to people we refer for help with the limited funds.  I am asking each club to please support our organization and send in a contribution.


District 32-C Article

"Loyalty to petrified opinions never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul in this world-and never will," Mark Twain.  Mark Twain is my literary hero and some of his characters I am envious of.  It is said that some his thoughts are timeless. I agree, especially with the "redistricting issue."

All four of the Governors believe that if we do not redistrict South Carolina Lions and our clubs are doomed.  Membership is dropping and it is costing Lions money, leadership and service opportunities for our communities.  To Twain we do not want to make changes... Why?

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South Strand Lions Moving the Community Forward

South Strand Lions Club presented a check for $11,000 to Reverend Robert Hayes, pastor of South Strand Assembly of God to benefit the church Food Bank. The funds for this donation were raised by proceeds from the South Strand Lions Club 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Wachesaw East Golf Club in March. Making the presentation are Lions Monty Crossley, 2nd Vice President and Golf Committee Members Lions Carl Blake, Terry Brown and Steve Barbour. Not pictured is Golf Chair Lion Bob Bonadonna.


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Manning Club Welcomes 
5 New Members

Manning Lions Club had the honor of inducting 5 new members. District Governor Lion Randy Croom conduct the installation.  From left to right, Lion Dawn Huffman, Lion Bill Meek, Lion Celeste Wegner, Lion Joe McNeil (sponsor), Lion Nancy Weitzel (sponsor), Lion Donnie Pelly, Lion Gloria Joseph (sponsor), Lion Jack Pelly and District Governor Lion Randy Croom.  Club is honored to have these 5 new Lions as members and look forward to their active participation in the club's service and fund raising activities.  


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District 32-D Articles
Fellow Lions


When we took the oath to become a Lion, was there anything said about "When" we would be a Lion? Did our oath say anything about how often we would be called upon to provide "Service" to our Club, our District, our Community, our Nation? No, in accordance with the Oath that we use at the Abbeville Lions Club and that I have heard used across the District, it simply states "I take this solemn obligation to abide by the Constitution and by-laws of the club and international association, to attend all meetings regularly, to support and further the interests of the Club, to contribute my fair share. I further declare that I will assist in maintaining, building, and strengthening the membership of the Club that I will help the Club where my efforts are needed".


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Blythewood Lions and LEO's Serve Athletes

Blythewood Lions were on hand at Fort Jackson on Saturday, May 2nd, for the Special Olympics State Games.   The Lions, accompanied by LEOs and many eye doctors from different areas of the state worked together to screen 96 athletes.    The athletes who need eyeglasses receive them completely free, and those that don't need vision correction receive great sunglasses.  This special program is called "Opening Eyes", a joint partnership between Lions Clubs International and Special Olympics.   This was the 13th year that Blythewood Lions have participated at Fort Jackson.


Blythewood LEOs Host Awards Ceremony

The Blythewood High School LEO Club hosted an Awards Ceremony and Officer Induction on Monday, April 27th.  The LEOs prepared their own ceremony and invited Lions from the local Blythewood Club and the District to attend. DG Rick Pressly and PDG Gregg Turner were on hand for the ceremony.  The LEOs raised money this year and chose to send $1,000 to SCLCS  for a Dr. Franklin Mason Fellowship.   


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Jerry Bedenbaugh Honored

Zone Chairperson Jerry Bedenbaugh, a member of The Mathews Lions Club, was honored with the International President's Certificate of Appreciation at the February District Convention in Columbia.   Lion Jerry and his wife, Jean, had to leave the District Convention early due to an illness in the family, so Lion Jerry was not present when the honors were bestowed by International Director Mike Molenda.

Blythewood Lions Hold Annual Appreciation Night

The Blythewood Lions continued their annual Appreciation Night in April. And a special added treat to the annual event, a new member inducted!  What better way to celebrate than to add a new Lion to our organization.  The Appreciation Night tradition started in the early days of the club to recognize their community partners and those that received service from Lions.   This special event brings the Lion's service to the forefront.   


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SC Lions Multiple District 32
866-32-LIONS * www.sclions.org
"WE SERVE" the vision and hearing needs of 
South Carolina residents.