Dear PMI Family,
This has been an exciting month that culminated in a whirlwind of this past week. Our former Project Director in Uganda, Michael O'Neal, moved home on Tuesday with his wife Amanda to undertake a new position with PMI as Director of International Projects. Michael's leadership has been an integral part of our initiatives in Uganda, and we are excited to have him spearhead the development of our new international projects.
We didn't waste any time once Michael was home last week, as we met with global leaders in healthcare and policy and attended a conference, Child Survival Call to Action, in Washington, DC. The conference was a mark in history, as people from all sectors joined together to see child survival rates increased for children under the age of 5. PMI was honored on stage alongside other organizations who have agreed to adopt behaviors to improve child survival rates and decrease infant mortality rates globally.
This conference and Michael's new position are increasingly positioning our organization for success as we aim to establish new medical clinics. Thank you to each and every one of you who commit your time, talent, or financials to support this organization. Your involvement has positioned us in a ripe place for growth, starting with our expansion into Nicaragua in 2012.
Matt Alexander
Executive Director
After dedicating over two years of their lives to service in Masindi, Uganda, Michael and Amanda O'Neal have returned home to Charleston, SC.
Michael and Amanda uprooted their lives in February 2010 to commit to the development of the Masindi-Kitara Medical Center. Michael's leadership on the ground has guided our Masindi project to operational sustainability, thousands of thankful patients, and innumerable lives touched. No words can express the gratitude and pride we have for these trailblazers, and we are excited that we get to see more of them now that they are back in Charleston.
Michael will be transitioning into a new role at PMI as the Director of International Projects. Michael's new role will lead him to oversee the development of our Nicaragua project site and additional projects in the future. We are thrilled to have him back and are excited to have him at the forefront of our international projects.
Apply now for our December Medical Trips to Masindi and Nicaragua!
Volunteer Spotlight // Paula Ann Mauss
I am a Registered Nurse, and I was blessed to be a member of the May 2012 Masindi Group.
What is your favorite memory from the trip?
My favorite memory of the trip is when I was given the privilege of fitting people for reading glasses. As the Lord would have it, I had my local newspaper and 100 Bibles (provided by a special Gideon from Sumter, SC) in my backpack to test the "fit" of the magnification. After fitting one older gentlemen with a pair, I gave him each material to test his glasses. When he came to the Bible, he smiled wide and joyfully stated, "This is God's Word, The Bible!" Nothing can be more humbling than witnessing an appreciation for God's Word, an appreciation that is often overlooked or taken for granted. It was a blessing to behold! Why should someone go on one of these trips?
In our lives, each of us comes to a point where we ask ourselves if we are making a difference. This is a hands down guarantee to make a difference. Each and every person you come in contact with is deeply affected; be it the driver of the van wondering why people all the way from American would care to come serve, or the mother of a child with malaria that is thankful to God that someone was there to help her child. Then there is the hard working farmer whose back and neck are on fire each and every day, whom you instruct on body mechanics and lengthening their working implements. There are so many ways to make a difference. Even the children peeking in the windows of the pharmacy can see a person from the other side of the world come to give care. Stop asking and know that you can make a difference in this world.
The Real Office Space
This month brought about an exciting change, as we moved offices to a great new spot just down the road.
After a little heavy lifting and meticulous picture hanging, our new office is starting to feel like home.
Palmetto Medical Initiative is responding to those in need by creating sustainable healthcare projects internationally. We invite you to join.
Thank you for your love & support,
Your Friends at PMI