One of the things that Bishop Chris pointed out during his time with us last weekend was that Anglican Christians often speak using plurals, "we" or "us," rather than "me" or "mine."
Our individual faith deeply matters. At the same time, we practice being Christians together as the body of Christ, the church.
Part of practicing our faith together is walking together through Holy Week beginning this Sunday. We will celebrate Palm Sunday at 8 and 10:15am. Then, on Maundy Thursday we will remember the last Supper together at 7pm. Good Friday services will take us to the Cross and Crucifixion together at noon and 7pm. We will begin our Easter celebration together at Epiphany when the sun goes down at 7:30pm on Saturday with the Great Vigil of Easter, and then celebrate Easter Sunday at 10:15am.
Let me challenge you to attend Holy Week services this year. Many of us do already. At the same time, there is room for more. We walk to the Cross and witness the Resurrection together.
"Mingling joy with fear and happiness with grief,
the women returned from the tomb, as the Book teaches
to the apostles and they said,
"Why are you downcast? Why do you hide your faces?
Let hearts be on high. Christ has risen.
Form your choirs, and say with us, 'The Lord has arisen.'
The one born before the morning star has shown forth
So do not be sad, but sprout again,
The spring has appeared, flower, you branches,
with a harvest of fruit, not misery.
Let us all clap our hands and let us say, 'He has arisen,
the One who grants resurrection to the fallen.'"
-Romanos the Melodist, 6th century hymn