May 2020
The mission of this newsletter is to provide communication among the parents of Palo Alto Preparatory students. 
What's Happening this Semester?
May 25th Memorial Day {NO SCHOOL]
June 1st- 4th Fall Finals Review Week
June 8th- 10th Finals Week [Dismissal after last final]
June 27th Graduation [details below]
July 6th- 31st Summer School [8:30AM- 1:30PM] [details below]
Distance Learning Photos
Spirit Day Wednesdays

April 22nd: FANCY DAY
April 29th: DISNEY DAY!
Social Events

Mr. Howard does Ms. Seagrave's make- up!!
Ms. Seagrave shaves Mr. Howard's beard!
Bullet Journaling with Haley Keck and Julia Ziac
"Keep Talking or I'll Explode!"
Super fun race against the clock game hosted by Dylan. Check out the Student Hub for more times :)
Congratulations to Palo Alto Prep's
Class of 2020
This is not at all how we envisioned ending the school year. With the loss of so many significant senior moments during their last semester of high school, all of our seniors deserve a LOT of extra love before they take on a whole new adventure after PAP.

Our senior Class of 2020 is one for the record books! Each and every one of them is bound to do great things in this world and they have for sure left quite a mark on the PAP community.

So a note to our seniors: WATCH OUT WORLD! HERE THEY COME!!!! You will all forever hold a special place in the hearts of the PAP staff as we embarked on this challenging journey of the of COVID- 19 pandemic together. You all dealt with the situation at hand with such immense understanding and grace, which only proves that nothing can stand in your way of achieving your goals! All of us at PAP thank you for being the role models that you are for the lower classmen and future PAP students to come!
Good luck to you all on your next adventure and be sure to come back and visit!

Michael Bhirdo

" Insert quote here :)”

Tyler Casper- Kozak

" Life is a journey. Life can be a bit fun, but to be eccentric, is to have fun in life amplified by 1000!"

Ella Catron

“That's all folks!"

Ella will be attending the College of San Mateo in the Fall.

Stacey Chow

" When you don’t know how to spell one word so you change the whole thing."

Stacey will be attending the College of San Mateo in the Fall.

Ryan DelRosario

" Today ́s yearbook is sponsored by Audible.com .

Ryan will be attending Cabrillo College in the Fall.

Mason Elliott

" Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there’s a quizlet, there is an A.”

Mason will be attending Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver, Canada in the Fall.

Livia Fryer

"You are never too young to give up on your dreams."

Lane Huizinga

" Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."

Lane will be attending Mansfield Hall in the Fall.

Eli Jarvis

 “Religions are like butts, everyone has one, but like butts there is no need to whip it out in public.”

Eli will be attending Wentworth College in the Fall.

Kian Jessup

"Can I just not have a quote?"

Kian will be attending Lehigh University in the Fall.

Rodrick McGee Jr.

"I will email you my quote later."

Bailey Moran

“I just want to sleep.”

Iris Moroney

" Are you ready for a quest?"

Sophia O'Rourke

" M arry for money, hope for love."

Sophia will be attending Oregon State University in the Fall.

Luke Pierre

"Walk with authority and purpose."

Luke is currently attending West Valley College.

David Pinsky

Jasmine Scandalis

Jasmine will be attending Mills College in the Fall.

Ethan Shea

“I am the Denny of this story.”

Ethan will be attending CSU Humboldt in the Fall.

Zaira Solorio

" Later Losers” - Alex Russo"

Brigitte Starr

  “I outrank all of you.”

Brigitte will be attending San Francisco State University in the Fall.

Sarah Suker
Graduation 2020

Dear Senior and Senior Parents,
I hope this letter finds you all well, or as well as can be.
We have this period of time to construct a graduation that honors your child’s achievements. With the current shelter-in-place order and no way to predict when a large gathering could happen, we need to move forward with a clear plan for what our graduation will look like. Palo Alto Preparatory is planning an online graduation. If you have been to our graduations in the past, you know they are unique and special for each graduate. To make an event that is as special as possible, we are going to shift the date of graduation to Saturday, June 27 th . This will allow for us to develop a graduation that highlights your child. The shift in date is allowing for a more full graduation; it will allow us to develop a hybrid graduation that will be both live and previously recorded. This mode has some advantages as well: more family members can be apart of the moment, family members out-of-state can participate, you will have a recorded keepsake of the event.

Of course, this is not what any of us would have asked for, but it is what we have in this COVID-19 reality and we will choose to make the best of what we have. You have all done an amazing job getting to this point and you all will be honored for doing so.
We will keep you all posted as we develop the graduation day events.
My best to all,
Chris Keck
Summer School 2020
July 6th- 31st

Regardless of all that is happening, PAP still plans to have a summer program this year.  If we are all still at home, it will be a great way to keep your student busy, socially interacting with other students and continuing a sense of normalcy in this new world we are currently living in. Summer school is a month long program, but students receive just as many credits during this time as they would in a 3 month long semester, which is a great way for a student to get ahead or re-do a class for a better grade.

Summer session will mostly likely be held via Zoom classrooms and will utilize our distance- learning model.
Applications will go out in April, so please be on the look out!

We will be offering:
English (all levels- 9, 10, 11, 12)
World History, US History, Gov and Econ 
Executive Functioning
Living Skills (Health)

**Availability is on first come basis, and classes are created based on interest.

If you do not know what your student should take or you want to know more, please email Lisa Keck.
Join these social opportunities from home!

Come to the "MPR" during breaks and lunch: https://zoom.us/j/872888340

D&D and "Magic: The Gathering" everyday at lunch with Joe: https://zoom.us/j/503511738

Student Spirit: Every Wednesday there will be a new "Spirit Day" for students to engage in! May 13th: HIPPIE DAY!

Please be sure to check the Student Hub for further details and dates of all activities that we are currently offering!
(be sure to be logged into your paprep.org accounts to access the hub and all PAP Zoom links)
Parent Praise for PAP!

We wanted to take a moment to thank our wonderful parents who have sent praise to our staff on our transition into distance learning! This has been a stressful and challenging time for our staff too, and we GREATLY appreciate that you took the time to send us your words of encouragement! Here is a sample of your kind words: 

“We are blown away by how fast PAP was able to implement live classrooms so our kids can keep learning and stay occupied. Thank you so much!!!”

“I’d like to add my voice to the chorus of those singing your praises at this difficult time. Thanks for continuing to educate our kid in an outstanding manner!” 

“Just want to say I think you and the rest of the PAP team are doing an awesome job during a very challenging time. The update note from yesterday, the quick embrace of Zoom and rolling out some of the additional remote learning classes (yoga, lessons etc) are simply amazing.” 

“...You are each so creative, flexible, and caring. We realize how difficult this time is for everyone and would like you to know we appreciate you. Thank you!”

“Including PAP we currently have kids in four different schools. No question that PAP was/is the most prepared for at-home-lessons.”

“...Thank you PAP for all of your hard work --and the teams. Wow. I am in awe of all you have done and continue to do in this transition and ongoing. From our position the transition has been seamless. The pandemic is a challenging time for us all but PAP Zoom school has been a positive experience for my child.” 

“I want to pass along that I’m thrilled with how PAP has risen to the distance learning program. Far better than other schools. Great job to all!”

“I hope you are all holding up well. I continue to be very impressed and grateful!”
Staff Profile
Quarantine Mad Lib Edition
This month we decided to mix it up and have some fun! So instead of just interviewing Joe Cannon, we made a Mad-lib for him to fill out (his answers are in bold). The result below may or may not include actual facts about Joe Cannon! :)

Joe Cannon has been on staff at PAP for 11, wonderful years as an ASL, Creative Writing and Study teacher. Before becoming a purple teacher, Joe worked as a clarinet farmer . Not a lot of people know this about Joe, but he is an avid collector of dish soap and quails . He has 44 kids, so he is really busy outside of school. Joe was burping prepared to go into quarantine due to his early work in mice training . Since quarantine started, he has been teaching class from Zimbabwe . Since being quarantined, Joe has learned how to fight bears without leaving his house and has been teaching his kids how to tell him when bears are outside his house. Joe has been described by his co-workers and students as hungry, angry and fiercely tired. In his free time he likes to go juggling , spend time with his kids and lose a fight to a bear.  
Joe is such an amazing addition to the Palo Alto Prep staff because of his skills which include, eating all of the staff room carbs, helping kids with academics and life in general and pancake miscreant. We are so happy to have Joe Cannon on our staff at PAP! 
Pathways Meeting
Palo Alto Preparatory offers a free monthly support group! This group is open to all parents of adolescents/young adults who a) have their child currently in an out-of-home treatment program (such as a Wilderness Program, Therapeutic Boarding School or Residential Treatment) and b) parents who have had their child in a residential program and their child has graduated/completed the program and has transitioned home successfully.
Many parents have told us about feeling quite alone in this process and would love to have a place to talk about their experience, gain continued skills, knowledge and support! Thus, we provide this free group, to help families continue to thrive! There is a large community of parents who have gone through this very difficult and trying time and we believe, the more support you have, the better.
This group meets on a monthly basis.

Next meeting: May 13th, 2020 (6:30pm-8pm)
Via Zoom
Events Coming Up
All events for the coming semester have been cancelled with the hope of rescheduling once we re- open our doors.

Thank you for understanding.
  Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram! 
 Palo Alto Prep now has an official Facebook page and Instagram. Please follow us! If any parent has something fun, cool and interesting to share about their child, feel free to use #paloaltoprepschool to add it to the page!

Amazon Smile for all your Holiday gifts!
When shopping on Amazon, we'd really appreciate it if you would use this link when shopping. It will provide Palo Alto Prep with donations at no additional cost to you!
Be sure to designate "In Your Hands, DBA Palo Alto Preparatory School" during check out
Good news!! "In Your Hands, Inc."(DBA Palo Alto Prep), is now eligible for Matching Funds on  benevity.com so Apple employees can match funds as well as other companies that use the service for matching funds.
Quick Links
All of these organizations below present monthly seminars, which may be of interest to you. Please click on the below links to learn more!
Thanks :) 