Homecoming Spirit Week & Red Ribbon Week
This year Red Ribbon Week coincides with our Homecoming Game. Our Homecoming Game against Pin Oak is Tuesday, October 26.
Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to participate in our Homecoming/Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days:
Monday 10/25 – Shade Out Drugs- Hats and Shades Day
Tuesday 10/26 – Pandas Say No to Drugs -“Red Out” Day. Wear a red shirt and show your Panda spirit
Wednesday 10/27 – Say 'A' Ole to to Drugs -Wear your favorite Hawaiian gear
Thursday 10/28 – Our Future is Bright Without Drugs- Stand out and Glow in NEON
Friday 10/29 – Scare Away The Drugs - Wear your favorite (must be school appropriate) Halloween costume. Costume face masks are not allowed.