October 18, 2023 - Issue 11

Good evening!

WOW! We have had a blessed week! Thanks to the response of our Panthers, we collected enough socks for today's Lorain County Homeless Stand Down at Sacred Heart Chapel in Lorain and also to share with PATH (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness) and various Lorain County shelters. Your outpouring of kindness and generosity was overwhelming. Thank you!

In addition to SOCKtober, we also asked for you to help us Pack the Pantry this week. As you can see below we have made great strides, but I think we can still make that pile grow. We have until tomorrow, so go through your pantry and share a little. Our students who volunteered at the Homeless Stand Down today agreed that they all left with a good feeling in their heart, because they made a difference for someone else. Isn't that what it is all about? I say we created a GREAT ripple effect this week. Thank you.

Keep it going, Panthers!

Annie Cunningham

Socktober - loaves & fishes

Administration News

Attention AP Students

Any AP student planning to take an AP test in the spring must submit their registration form and payment to Mrs. Adkins by Tuesday, October 31. Each exam is $98. Checks can be made payable to Elyria Catholic High School. Mrs. Adkins will be visiting AP classrooms on Tuesday, October 10 to discuss further with students.

Photo Retake Day is Oct. 30

Please use this LINK to reorder photos for Retake Day only.

Campus Ministry

The Avon Catholic Community has offered FREE tickets to any EC student who would like to attend REBOOT LIVE. Chris is an incredible speaker who will inspire you to rediscover the JOY of Christ in your life. During his talk, Chris will inspire you to live out your faith and provide practical methods to incorporate new approaches into everyday routines.

Chris is speaking at St. Joe's in Avon Lake on Wednesday, October 25th at 7pm (Doors open at 6pm).

St. Joe's address: 32929 Lake Rd. Avon Lake, 44012

This is an incredibly generous offer, as tickets are normally $20.If you are interested, please complete the Google form HERE by this Friday, October 20, 2023. Tickets will then be distributed next week.

Annual Youth Conference

CLE 2:16 is the Diocese of Cleveland's annual youth conference, held at John Carroll University on Saturday, January 6, 2024. It's a fantastic day and students who have attended in the past always look forward to attending again. Registration forms are available outside the Campus Ministry office. Registration will close on Friday, October 27 so get your form in soon!

FREE Concert

Damascus Worship will be holding a FREE concert tomorrow, Thursday, October 19 at St. Bernadette's in Westlake, 2256 Clague Road, Westlake, at 7 pm

Damascus Worship is a Catholic missionary worship movement. Glorifying the Lord and seeing His people come alive is their greatest passion, along with awakening, empowering, and equipping a generation to encounter the presence of God, live an abundant life, and transform the world.

Damascus Worship will also be the house band for the Eucharistic Revival Rally on November 1, so come check out a preview!

Class of 2024

The $10,000 Cash Raffle is in full swing! If you did not receive your student's personalized sales link on Monday morning, please let Mrs. Essenmacher know right away. The email used for our Cash Raffle was pulled from the Final Forms database. If you have any questions, email Mrs. Essenmacher at essenmacher@elyriacatholic.com. Thank you!

Multiple Student Families

Attention families with multiple students! Please know that the Cash Raffle office will "even out" any sales between students in the same family so that the 20 ticket quota is met. So, for example, if Student One sells 30 tickets and Student Two sells 10 tickets, we will be sure to level out the family so that both students are credited with meeting their 20 ticket sales goal. If you have questions or concerns about Cash Raffle tickets, please contact Mrs. Essenmacher at essenmacher@elyriacatholic.com or visit elyriacatholic.com/cashraffle for more details. Thank you!

Class of 2024

ECHO Senior Shout Outs

Calling all proud senior parents and family members! If you are the proud parent of a senior, buy an ad to recognize and congratulate their achievements in the 2024 Yearbook! If you click this LINK and select “Yearbook Recognition Ads” – you can create and pay for your ad online. The deadline to create an ad is May 1, . Don’t wait to get started! The site is mobile optimized so you can create the ad in the car before a game, watching Netflix….anywhere!

Coming Soon!

Panther for a Day Visit

In addition to touring EC at our open house and taking the HSPT, current 8th graders have the opportunity to experience a day in the life of a PANTHER. Schedule your Panther for a Day visit by calling Mrs. Terry Ziegelmeyer at 440.230.8606.

Junior Senate Fundraiser

Please support Junior Senate by dining at Buffalo Wild Wings in Elyria on Monday, October 30 from 4:00 - 9:00 PM. Please bring a copy of the FLYER with you or mention Elyria Catholic High School Junior Senate when you place your order.

Support the Band/Color Guard and get some early holiday shopping done at the "March Into Christmas Holiday Craft Fair". Over 50 vendors will be at Elyria Catholic on November 11 from 9-3 with homemade food, crafts, and other wares! There will also be chances to win a raffle basket, lottery tree, and more. Admission is $5.


Fall Programs.

The Athletic Department has about 20 fall programs left to sell. The cost of each program is $5. They can be purchased from Mrs. Linda Schuster in the Athletic Office.

Tickets will be on sale soon!


College Now News

Our College Now advisor, Mrs. Faust, is now on campus once a week. Please schedule a meeting to help with future planning, college planning or financial aid via this LINK.

College Now is offering webinars to help students prepare for college. Please see information below to register:

Finding Your College Compass - Comparing Colleges and Understanding Best Fit

  • Oct 17, 2023 06:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
  • A comprehensive guide to comparing colleges and pinpointing the best fit for your academic and personal journey. Discover the factors that matter most, from academic programs to campus culture, and align them with your aspirations.
  • Click HERE for more details

Share Your Story. College Essay writing and AI tools

  • Oct 18, 2023 06:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
  • Join College Now and Lake Erie Ink to dive into the art of college essay writing in an AI-Driven World. Learn to share your authentic story amidst technological advances. Explore how you can use AI tools to support, inspire and enrich your essay without losing your voice.
  • Click HERE for more details

Admissions Unveiled

  • Oct 24, 2023 06:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
  • Join a panel of seasoned college admissions officers as they pull back the curtain on the college application process. Gain insights into what colleges really look for and get your burning questions answered.
  • Click HERE for more details

Accounting Opportunity

Scan the QR code or click to register if you are interested in a career in accounting!

The Red Cross needs your help!

Click HERE volunteer opportunities with the Red Cross. This is a great way to get your service hours done if you are thinking about a career in the medical field! For more information and to register!

Bullying Prevention Month

Please see Student Safety poster on a brief overview of bullying that we have shared with students and what to do if they experience bullying.

Archbishop Hoban Scholarship

Are you thinking about attending John Carroll University, Notre Dame College, or Ursuline College next spring? Apply for the Archbishop Hoban Scholarship attached. If you have questions or concerns please let your school counselor know.

Apply HERE


College Now Greater Cleveland’s PSAT/SAT/ACT afterschool program, impact! The Fall 2023 Session will take place at the locations listed below and during the dates and times indicated for that location. Eligible students are those who demonstrate need both financially (often based on free and reduced lunch eligibility) and academically (often based on PSAT/SAT/ACT score or math/reading scores/grades).

Listed below are the session locations for Cuyahoga, Lorain, and Richland counties.

Bedford High School: 481 Northfield Rd. Bedford, Ohio 44146

  • Dates: 9/19/23-11/10/23
  • Times: 2:30 pm-5:30 pm
  • Grades: 9-12

Lincoln West High School: 3202 W. 30th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44109

  • Dates: 10/2/23-12/13/23
  • Times: 3:30pm – 6:30pm, M-F
  • Grades: 9-12

Cleveland Guardians @ Cleveland Public Library Main Branch: 525 Superior Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44114 (Louis Stokes Wing)

  • Dates: 10/2/23-12/13/23
  • Times: 4:00pm-7:00pm, M-F
  • Grades: 9-12

Euclid High School: 711 E 222nd St, Euclid, OH 44123

  • Dates: 9/20/23-11/17/23
  • Times: 2:30 pm-5:30 pm
  • Grades: 9-12

Garfield Heights High School: 4900 Turney Rd, Cleveland, OH 44125

  • Dates: 9/19/23-11/10/23
  • Times: 2:30pm- 5:30pm, M-F
  • Grades: 9-12

Maple Heights High School: 1 Mustang Way, Maple Heights, Ohio 44137

  • Dates: 9/25/23-11/17/23
  • Times: 3:10 pm-6:10 pm
  • Grades: 9-12

Cleveland Institute of Art: 11610 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106

  • Dates: 9/18/23-11/9/23
  • Times: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
  • Grades: 9-12

Warrensville Heights Middle School: 23401 Emery Rd. Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128

  • Dates: 9/25/23-11/17/23
  • Times: 3:00 pm-6:00 pm
  • Grades: 7-8

Lorain High School: 2600 Ashland Ave, Lorain, OH 44052

  • Dates: 9/25/23-11/17/23
  • Times: 2:30pm – 5:30pm, M-F
  • Grades: 9-12

Wellington High School: 629 N. Main Street Wellington, Ohio 44090

  • Dates: 10/16/23-12/15/23
  • Times: 3:00pm – 6:00pm, M-F
  • Grades: 9-12

Listed below are the session locations for Richland County:

Mansfield Senior High School: 629 N. Main Street Wellington, Ohio 44090

  • Dates: 10/16/23-12/15/23
  • Times: 2:45pm-5:45pm (M-TH)
  • 1:35pm-4:35pm (F)
  • Grades: 9-12


This fun and educational experience is an investment towards your students’ academic and post-secondary success! To complete the program, students must attend 30+ of the 40+ program days offered. Additionally, students must increase their PSAT/SAT/ACT math, reading, or composite score. Upon completing the program, students will receive stipends between $400-$500 (depending on site) and will be eligible for college tours.

Registration for our Fall Sessions are open! Please follow this link to register


Kent State Pre-College Program

Please click HERE for more details.

Extra, Extra, read all about it!

Please CLICK HERE for information about the Knights of Columbus Scholarship. This can help offset your tuition at EC!

Elyria Sports Hall of Fame


Elyria Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship-Calling all athletes! Please consider applying for the Elyria Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship! Click HERE for application, which is due March 1, 2024.




Fall Open House - Invite your friends and family to tour EC and explore the opportunities!



  • End of Quarter 1



PLC (Faculty - Professional Development)

  • Delayed Start - 10:00 am for all students

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