Welcome to the twenty-sixth edition of 
Panther Press, 
a biweekly electronic newsletter sent to families and friends of 
San Joaquin Memorial High School
The Fall 2020 semester is rapidly drawing to a close and the holiday season is approaching! Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. This issue, we are looking at some of the accomplishments of SJM students this semester and highlighting end-of-semester housekeeping including our finals schedule and information about Winter Session.
Winter Session 2020

It’s been a challenging year academically and emotionally. Most of our students adapted readily to the virtual and hybrid programs. However, we recognize that some students still need additional help. Given the unique circumstances of a shorter semester, a new learning platform, and online finals, SJM will be offering a Winter Session program for students to retake core classes in which they’ve earned a D or F in Fall 2020.

Please check your student’s grades in the FACTs Family Portal and consider if a review course during the winter break is needed and fits with your family’s plans.

Counselors are recommending Winter Session to students who earn a D or F in the following courses: all levels of English, math, and religion; US History; World History; Biology; Ag. Biology; and Zoology/Botany.

Our goals for Winter Session courses are:
1) help prepare a student for spring semester coursework
2) meet graduation and college admission requirements, and
3) allow an opportunity to regain academic eligibility for extra-curricular
activities in the spring.

Look for Winter Session enrollment information to come.
Counseling Corner
Finals are coming!
SJM comprehensive finals are just a few days away.

Fall 2020 Finals Schedule
Final exams will be ALL VIRTUAL. Faculty will be on campus and students will be at home. 
Monday 11/23/20: period 1: 9:00AM-10:30AM
               period 2: 11:00AM-12:30PM
               period 3: 1:00PM-2:30PM
Tuesday 11/23/20: period 4: 9:00AM-10:30AM
               period 5: 11:00AM-12:30PM
Wednesday 11/24/20: period 6: 9:00AM-10:30AM
                  period 7: 11:00AM-12:30PM

Grades will be posted on Monday, 12/7/20; in/eligibility for spring activities depends upon these grades.

Counseling Google Classrooms –
Counselors have Google Classrooms set up for each grade level. Students can access the Counseling Classroom from their SJM email/Google Classroom account.

How to request a Counseling Meeting
Use the Google form “Counselor Meeting Request 2020/21 here:

College Applications Class of 2021:
All seniors should have college applications in the works or completed. Please check college undergraduate admissions websites for application information and timeline.

Links to college applications:
CSUs (California State Universities): https://www2.calstate.edu/apply
UCs (Universities of California): https://apply.universityofcalifornia.edu/
Student-Athletes Sign National Letters of Intent

Several student-athletes have signed their National Letters of Intent in the past week. Last week, SJM celebrated four of those student-athletes with a signing ceremony in the gym.

Congratulations to all the student-athletes who signed!

Tanner Sagouspe-Baseball-Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Eddie Saldivar- Baseball- Long Beach State
Jaden Geron-Men’s Basketball-Rice University
Macie James-Women’s Basketball-Oklahoma State University
Samaria Velazquez-Women’s Basketball-San Francisco State
Angela Whitfield-Women’s Basketball-Fresno State

Athletics Schedule

Download the most recent Fall and Spring athletics special below.
Students Celebrate Dia de los Muertos

Members of the SJM World Language Club, Spanish teacher, Alicia Luna, and Counselor, Lisa Cameron, celebrated culture and heritage with a Día de los Muertos Ofrenda (Day of the Dead Altar) in the Academic Center. On November 2, we celebrated All Souls Day or Day of the Dead. Día de los Muertos is a traditional Mexican holiday and sacred time when we honor our deceased loved ones, by welcoming back their memory and souls.
Veteran's Day Celebration

Students honored our veterans with a ceremony on Friday. It featured highly decorated veteran Mr. Andrew Zaragosa as well as a color guard of his fellow veterans.
Financial Aid Deadline

The financial aid application deadline is approaching fast! Apply for financial aid by November 30th at https://sjmhs.org/financial-aid-facts
Scholarship Deadline

The 2021-22 scholarship application will open for applications on December 1. Keep an eye on future Panther Press issues for more information and the link to the application!
The SJM 2021-2022 Application for NEW incoming freshmen and fall transfers is now open on the SJM website. The application fee will be waived during the priority application period, October 1 to December 31. We have extended the waiver period for one time only due to COVID-19. Help us spread the word by passing this information on to prospective parents and students! For assistance in the application process or to schedule a private, socially distanced tour of the SJM Campus, contact Rainey Lewis at (559) 475-5837 or [email protected].

Alumni Contact Update

Panther Alums, even though your time here at Memorial has passed, this is still your home! Please stay connected with us so that you can be part of our exciting engagement opportunities such as our sporting event tailgates, alumni mixers and so much more! To stay connected please fill out this form.

Join our Parent Guild or Booster’s Club!

Interested in getting involved at SJM and supporting the school? Join our Parent Guild or Booster’s Club! Contact Shirley Boujikian for more information regarding the Parent Guild at [email protected], (559) 475-5831 and [email protected] for more information on the Booster’s Club. 

Click here for the application forms: 
San Joaquin Memorial High School | sjmhs.org