Winter Session 2020
It’s been a challenging year academically and emotionally. Most of our students adapted readily to the virtual and hybrid programs. However, we recognize that some students still need additional help. Given the unique circumstances of a shorter semester, a new learning platform, and online finals, SJM will be offering a Winter Session program for students to retake core classes in which they’ve earned a D or F in Fall 2020.
Please check your student’s grades in the FACTs Family Portal and consider if a review course during the winter break is needed and fits with your family’s plans.
Counselors are recommending Winter Session to students who earn a D or F in the following courses: all levels of English, math, and religion; US History; World History; Biology; Ag. Biology; and Zoology/Botany.
Our goals for Winter Session courses are:
1) help prepare a student for spring semester coursework
2) meet graduation and college admission requirements, and
3) allow an opportunity to regain academic eligibility for extra-curricular
activities in the spring.
Look for Winter Session enrollment information to come.