Freshman Welcome Week
by Kim Hodges, Director of Student Activities
During the week of March 22-26, 20221, SJM will celebrate the traditional welcoming of freshmen. The purpose of this event is to introduce the freshmen into the SJM community and fill them with the spirit that we share. This is a great opportunity for freshmen to talk to seniors about classes, teachers, activities, etc. Freshmen are not required but are strongly encouraged to participate. This is a voluntary activity and freshmen are paired randomly with seniors (students must participate in order to receive the t-shirt and lunch at no cost).
This year’s theme is “Welcome to the Herd”. Seniors will guide freshmen through the following activities:
Friday, 3/19/21: Meet Your Senior
During Second Break - Freshmen can meet their Seniors to exchange information.
Monday, 3/22/21: Welcome to the Farm
Blue Day
Seniors dress up Freshmen in the Farm Animal/Farmer theme
Lunch Activities: Musical chairs
Tuesday, 3/23/21: Freshman Mass
Red Mass Day (socially distanced)
All students will be in SJM Mass attire
Wednesday, 3/24/21: Zoom Day
White Day
Announcement Video & Social Media posts dedicated to FWW 2.0
Thursday, 3/25/21: Red, White, Blue Day
Blue Day
Seniors will dress up their Freshman in all things “School Spirited/Colors/Spirit wear” with uniform bottoms or blue jeans (No body paint)
Music and lunch activities for both Seniors and their Freshman
Friday, 3/26/21: FWW 2.0 T-shirt Day
Red Day
Seniors and Freshmen will wear their FWW 2.0 t-shirts
Lunch will be provided for Seniors and Freshman to enjoy together after school
(1:10pm in the stadium...socially distanced)
***Seniors will give their store bought (prepackaged) costume to their Freshman at this time or may ask the Freshman to bring from home items to be used for the costume theme.
ALL SENIORS are to report to the cafeteria with their Freshman NO LATER THAN 8:30 A.M. for costume dress up time & approval on ALL dress up days: Monday, March 22 & Thursday, March 25. NO DRESSING IN SENIOR LOT