Paperdoll Review
Paperdoll Review Newsletter
Paper Doll Artist Spotlight, Sandra Vanderpool

I'm happy to introduce you to Sandra Vanderpool, the paper doll artist whose beautiful and imaginative work has garnered her many fans. Her technique is pure art, meticulously rendered figures and outfits painted with impressive skill. Even though her elegant name may conjure visions of a high society grand dame, Sandy (as she is known to all in the paper doll community) is a warm, friendly, down to earth woman with a wry sense of humor. From the tip of spiked red hair, right down to her toes, Sandy is a true artist, creating a body of work that is treasured by collectors everywhere. 

We are pleased to offer several of Sandy's paper dolls through Paperdoll Review, and for a limited time we're offering the Hollywood Goes to Egypt paper doll book for just $6 (Reg. $12). The special offer ends July 15, 2013.  
Sandy Vanderpool
Sandy Vanderpool with her clever jointed dolls
Sandra Vanderpool

How did you discover the paper doll community?


While my husband, John, was attending an artist workshop in Tarrytown, NY, I would hang out in the local library. There, I found a book about collecting paper dolls by Anne Wallach. In the back, she listed various paper doll publications and there I found Midwest Paper Dolls and Toys Quarterly. I subscribed and decided to try my hand at making new paper doll sets. Placing an ad in the quarterly launched my career and I've been self-publishing paper dolls for 25 years.  


Did you have formal art training or are you self-taught?


I graduated from Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles with a BFA in illustration and then worked for several years as a fashion illustrator.


What was your career before paper dolls?


In addition to my fashion illustration work I made miniatures for various shows, and I also taught art for adult education centers.


How did your first published paper doll come about?

Hobby House Press was my first publisher thanks to Charlotte Whatley who suggested me to them. My first book, The Enchanted Realm of Fairyland was published in 1991 followed by Forever Children in 1994.

Fairy paper dolls
Fanciful subjects are a specialty of Sandy's as evident in her two fairy themed paper doll books: "The Enchanted Realm of Fairyland" (out of print) and Fairy Land Paper Dolls, currently available from Paperdoll Review. 

What media do you prefer to use for your paper doll projects?


I use opaque watercolors and colored pencils.


How much time do you spend working on paper dolls?  


I am usually in the studio for at least five hours every day. If I miss work during the week I catch up on the weekends.

What was your most rewarding paper doll project?


My Queen Elizabeth I paper doll received the People's Choice Award at the Kansas City convention. I was truly humbled and proud.  

Queen Elizabeth I
Sandy's Queen Elizabeth I received the People's Choice Award at the 2010 Paper Doll Convention.
What was your most challenging paper doll project?


Anything I did for John Axe, be it in Doll News when he was editor or when he was in charge of convention souvenirs. He always wanted the best from me and challenged me to use all of my talent.   


Doll News
"The Pigs Go Baroque" was one of the first paper dolls Sandy created for Doll News,
the official magazine for the United Federation of Doll Clubs.


When did you feel like you "made it" as a paper doll artist?


At my first paper doll convention everyone went crazy over my things, and it was then I challenged myself to be a "star" in the paper doll world just like Judy Johnson, Charlotte Whatley, Richard Rusnock, Peggy Jo Rosamond and Tom Tierney. That was back in 1987 and by the next convention I felt like I was "in."


What paper dolls can we look forward to seeing from you next?


More self-published sets of people who interest me, be it historical or modern. Also more of my altered books which incorporate paper dolls. For Paper Studio Press, I recently completed the art for Signs of the Zodiac paper dolls, and my next subject will be witches.   


Zodiac Paper Dolls
All 12 star signs are represented in Signs of the Zodiac, coming this August, 2013.


Are you involved with a paper doll club or group?  


We have an 18-member club in Colorado called Cut It Out. Having a theme each month keeps us looking for treasures in our own collections. We also have a show and tell time to share new sets that we have found.   


Do you sell your paper dolls through a website or mail order catalog?


I sell at conventions and through my mail order catalog. [To receive her 28-page catalog, send $5 to Sandra Vanderpool, PO Box 695, Erie, CO 80516. Subjects include historical figures, classic Hollywood, brides, children, fashion history, foreign costumes, animals, Art Deco and quirky subjects. For those who like to color, Sandy offers b&w sets as well. Prices range from $15-$35 for color sets and $3-$20 for b&w sets.]   


Princess Kate
Available exclusively through Sandy's mail order catalog, her Princess Kate paper doll includes 17 outfits representing Kate's real clothes. To order this set send $35 to Sandra Vanderpool, PO Box 695, Erie, CO 80516.


Did you play with paper dolls as a child?  


Yes, the Elizabeth Taylor sets were favorites as were the bride sets. It was the artwork that got my attention, even as a kid.


Do you collect paper dolls?  


I have nearly all my sets I played with in the 1950s, so now I'm collecting the beautiful paper dolls from the late 1800s and early 1900s... and anything else that catches my eye.


What other things do you collect?  


Postcards and Colonial "Made in Japan" figurines and anything Art Deco and Victorian. 


Do you have other creative outlets?


I make altered books which have a paper doll somewhere in them and collaged arty greeting cards and my "Fancy Flutters" collaged paper dolls which hang up.


What would you like to see for the future of paper dolls?


Just that they are still available in whatever form they take. Kids today like the sticker format or the type that Velcro on. Cutting out with scissors seems to have gone the way of the transistor radio. And I hope Jenny keeps publishing the books that we collectors love to see.


Sandra Vanderpool Paper Dolls
Beautifully detailed costumes fill the pages of Masquerade Party and Hollywood Goes to Egypt, currently available from Paperdoll Review. 
Next, we'll feature Sandy's good friend and fellow paper doll artist, Brenda Sneathen Mattox. Meanwhile, I hope you'll visit the Sandra Vanderpool section of our Paperdoll Review website for her published titles including Hollywood Goes to Egypt at the special price of just $6.

I also encourage you to order Sandy's mail order catalog for the dozens of paper dolls available exclusively from her. (See above for info on how to get her catalog.)

To further support paper doll artists of today, I highly recommend the Paper Doll Studio Magazine. Published by the Original Paper Doll Artists Guild (OPDAG), each issue is filled with dozens of paper dolls in full color! It's a great way to see paper dolls you wouldn't find anyplace else. The U.S. subscription rate is $28 or try a single issue for $8.  

Happy paperdolling!
Contact Information
Jenny Taliadoros
Paperdoll Review
P.O. Box 14
Kingfield, ME 04947
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