Paper Industry Commentary
January Newsletter
18 Predictions for the Global Forest, Pulp & Paper, and Chemicals Industries in 2021

By: Pete Stewart, Matt Elhardt, and Dr. Charles Fryer

To help sharpen the focus of my predictions for 2021, I thought it most appropriate to enlist the expertise of some of the brilliant professionals that make up the new organization that now encompasses Forest2Market, Fisher International, and Tecnon OrbiChem: Matt Elhardt and Dr. Charles Fryer.
Pulp & Paper Industry 2020 Year in Review

By: Fisher International

For most of 2020, the pulp and paper industry experienced fluctuations in different segments due to the global COVID-19 pandemic that struck in March. Many industry trends developed that were unexpected, however some were expected and took shape at an accelerated rate, such as the decline in demand for printing and writing papers.
Is Fiber-Based Food Packaging a New Golden Opportunity for Specialty Papers?

By: Pirita Huotari

The global conversation surrounding sustainability and the ways in which we can incorporate more sustainable initiatives into our lives has accelerated in recent years, and it is poised to become increasingly important. Individuals and companies are beginning to assess the ways in which their actions contribute to environmental footprints, which presents a golden opportunity for the pulp and paper industry when it comes to developing innovative, sustainable packaging substitutes — specifically, fiber-based food packaging.
COVID-19 Poised to Structurally Alter Tissue & Towel Sector

By: Bruce Janda

The COVID-19 pandemic has touched all parts of the global forest supply chain and has brought new visibility into the pulp & paper industry (P&P) in particular. In North America and Europe, the P&P sector has been front-page news since the widespread run on toilet paper that took place from March through June.
What Developments Will Europe’s Plastic Tax Bring?

By: Javier Rivera

The global conversation surrounding the role of single-use plastics in forward-looking economies really boils down to tackling a central objective: reducing waste. Following the widespread acknowledgement of the significant negative environmental, health and economic impact of single-use plastics, a new directive on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (referred to as the SUP Directive) has been approved.
How the Rise in E-Commerce Has Facilitated the Value of Mixed Paper

By: Savannah Franklin

The effects of the stay-at-home orders and lockdowns that were set in place at the beginning of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic have created a number of changes in daily habits. The rise in e-commerce amid the pandemic has been one of the most significant changes to have occurred. This change in shopping habits has been beneficial for the pulp and paper industry as demand for paper and packaging materials used to ship goods to consumers has substantially increased. However, we are now seeing that this rise in e-commerce has also allowed US paperboard producers to turn recycled catalogs, boxes, and newspapers into new paper products.
Tissue World Japan, 2020: The Economy Shows an Upturn in Asia’s Leading Tissue Consumer

By: Bruce Janda

At 17 kg consumed yearly per person, Japan’s tissue consumption rate leads all of Asia and is more like that of Western Europe and North America. Paradoxically, Japan also leads the world with the development and consumer acceptance of automated toilets that replace the need for toilet paper for cleaning. These appliances have become routine in upscale hotels and homes. It is possible that the Japanese tissue consumption rate could be even higher without the automated toilet systems.
Fisher International’s Top 7 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2020

By: Fisher International

2020 has been an unprecedented year in more ways than we can count. In a year overwhelmingly dominated by headlines about COVID-19, global civil unrest, and continued political and economic uncertainty (just to name a few), it’s a wonder any of us have the bandwidth to digest the stories and developments that impact our industry. The global pulp & paper industry has undergone some significant changes this year as well – some expected, some unexpected – but the industry as a whole has emerged from a tumultuous year in a relatively strong position.

Sustainability Projects Making Headlines in January

By: Fisher International

A new brand of sustainable toilet paper has been launched in the UK. The Nurturing Co (TNC), which owns and operates the sustainable plastic-free home goods brand Bambooloo, explains they have achieved their goal of breaking into the UK market after successfully completing a crowdfunding campaign through Seedrs. The capital will be used to finance Bambooloo’s expansion into the UK in 2021, as well as to launch its new products.

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