Attention Families of 11th Grade Students at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School,

On Wednesday, October 5th, 2022, Cristo Rey plans to take every 11th-grade student with a signed Handbook Agreement to the Minnesota National College Fair at the Minneapolis Convention Center during the school day from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. The National College fair is a yearly tradition for 11th-grade students to kick off their college research process. The National College Fair will host 500+ colleges from around the country, offering opportunities to explore different types of schools, majors, and scholarships. Cristo Rey will provide transportation and supervision at the college fair.

Students should plan to arrive at Cristo Rey at their regular scheduled time at 8:30 am in full uniform, where they will attend first period. This day is NOT a free day, as attendance will be taken. Students will attend their regularly scheduled afternoon classes upon returning from the college fair.

11th-grade students will be allowed to attend ONLY if they have a signed Handbook Agreement on file with Cristo Rey. If you have not signed the Handbook Agreement by October 4th, your student will not be allowed to attend the National College Fair with their peers.

If you have any questions, please call Raquel Gudiel, Director of College and Alumni Counseling, at  612-244-0260 or email [email protected] with questions.

2022-2023 Student Handbook

Atención Familias con Estudiantes en el 11º Grado 

El miércoles 5 de Octubre, Cristo Rey planea llevar a cada estudiante de 11º grado a la Feria Nacional de Universidades de Minnesota localizado en el Centro de Convenciones de Minneapolis durante el día escolar de 9:30 am a 12:30 pm.

 La Feria de Universidades es una tradición anual para que los estudiantes de 11º grado inicien su proceso de investigación universitaria. La Feria Universitaria tendrá a más de 500 universidades de todo el país, ofreciendo oportunidades para explorar diferentes tipos de escuelas, carreras y oportunidades de becas. Cristo Rey proporcionará transporte y supervisión.

Los estudiantes llegarán a Cristo Rey a su hora regular a las 8:30 am con uniforme donde asistirán a su primera clase. Este día NO es un día libre. Cuando regresen de la Feria Universitaria asistirán a sus clases de la tarde.

Los padres tienen que firmar el Acuerdo del Manual de Cristo Rey  si desean que su estudiante asista. Si no firma el Acuerdo del Manual de Cristo Rey antes del 4 de Octubre, desafortunadamente a su estudiante no se le permitirá asistir a la Feria Universitaria con sus compañeros.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a Raquel Gudiel, Directora de Consejería Universitaria al 612-244-0260 o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] con preguntas.


2022-2023 Manual de Estudiante