Parent Connection
Helping you stay connected to your student, their culture and Student Ministry News

Friday - November 9, 2018
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Current Middle School Bible Study
November 14
Scripture: Psalm 95:2

Take Away: We can serve others through our hearts for giving thanks.

Current High School Bible Study
November 14
Scripture: John 8:2-11

Take Away: It's a good thing for all of us that mercy trumps justice.
Illuminate and Life Groups
Sunday, November 11
"Jesus - The GOAT"
Revelation 19:11-16
Parenting Helps
In a world where it seems that everyone is a potential victim of something, help your teen understand that they do have more control than they might think. 
Read through the attached link to understand a new wave of potential teen exploitation

Upcoming Events:
Reindeer Games; December 9 / no cost
Get Connected 2019, February 8-10 / Register now
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