June 15, 2018
 Hartford Union High School District
Congratulations Class of 2018
Click here for more fun grad photos.

Idzamary Aguirre-Figueroa, April Ann Alsum, Abigail Margaret Ames, Cecilia Joy Anania, Jontawn Anderson, Kylee Claire Anderson, Adriana Ann Andrews, Adrianna Lynn Apel, Dante Christian Aranguiz, Nicholas Robert Arvidson, Tyler John Barker, Regan Margaret Barlow, Eduardo Reyes Barraza, Nicholas Scott Barrie, Colton Arthur Bartell, Harlan William Bast, Sierra Allison Bauer, Kristopher Jordan Bender, Emily Louise Bendlin, Caden Brian Benson, Holly Elyse Beske, Taylor Sue Bever, Evan George Biddulph, Julia Lynn Biedenbender, John Ross Binns, Brianna Marie Blake, Hailey Ellia Blonigen, Bethany Lynn Bogart, Melissa Ann Bohn, Tryistan James Boushack, David Boyd IV, Grant Joseph Boysa, Tristan Todd Bradley, Chloe Faye Brahm, Jack Dalton Brandt, Zachary Tyler Braun, Logan Michael Broker, Logan Michael Brue, Tabitha Ann Bryzek, Brandon Richard Buending, Jordan Re' Bui, Anna Elizabeth Bujak, Theresa Rose Burakowski, Justin Scott Burgardt, Olivia Mae Burkholz, Spencer Andrew Captain, Benjamin Lee Carter, Abigail Rose Casper, Karen Marie Cherek, Brandon James Cherney, Ethan Robert Chivas, James Michael Chivas, Jordan Paul Christnovich, Morgan Leigh Cina, John Robert Cleary, Adam James Collett, Jeremiah Walter Lamont Cooper, Robert Harrison Crandall, Madelynn Caroline Cypher, Mckayla Nicole Daley, Antonisha Monae Davis, Ethan James Deadman, Jacob Dyllan Demler, Dylan James Denhartigh, Sheyenne Marie Detaege, Cheyanne Marie Dipaola, Victoria Ann Disch, Jessica Dobraff, Kamren Patrick Donnell, Alyssa Marie Downing, Alyssa Lynn Drake, Andrew John Driessen, Sadie Ann Driscoll, Skylar Marie Dueck, Mikeal Jerome Duursma, Lauren Cora Ehlers, Kyle Brian Ehmke, Paige Marie Ehmke, Callie Catherine Ellis, Cameron Marie Ellis, Savanna Stebion Elm, Kenneth Allen Endisch, Alyx Regan Evans, Bethany Rose Everts, Kain Raziel Faccio, Dakota Joseph Falk, Adam Henry Falkenberg, Michael Adam Faust, Morgan Alyssa Fink, Patrick Ryan Flanagan, Meah Brianna Fortenberry, Alexis Katelyn Frantl, Kaitlyn Rose Frase, Jacob Floyd Gable, Brendan Michael Gaffney, Deysi Karina Garcia De La O, Kaitlyn Ann Garms, Skylar Cam Garza, Abigail Rose Gastrau, Kelsey Ann Gill, Clayton Arthur Gillis, Jessica Lee Giordano, Noah Thomas Goecks, Brianna Noel Goldy, Hannah Marie Goodchild, Julie Andrea Graff, Daniel Lee Gregoriou-Kiel, Olivia Marie Gregoriou-Kiel, Michael Curtis Griep, Mercedes Marie Griesbach, Terence William Grimes Jr., Kylie Grace Grinwald, Elizabeth Marie Groonwald, Abigail Lia Groppe, Austin Jacob Gruszynski, Trevor James Gruszynski, Mark Steven Gundrum, Samantha Alice Hach, Nathan Lee Hajek, Gabrielle Anne Haldemann, Abigail Ann Hamilton, Braden Thomas Hamilton, Ethan Julius Hanisko, Molly Margaret Hansen, Evan Ryan Hart, Colin Matthew Hautala, Mariah Gabriel Hegwood, Eric Clifton Heimermann, Haley Loiree Henke, Seth Lawrence Henke, Logan Matthew Hennes, Noah James Hennes, Emma Francesca Hirt, Carley Rae Hlava, Cecelia Meilin Holland Hocker, Cole Allen Hoeck, Alyssa Rose Hoppe, Nicholas Michael Horner, Christina Marie Ann Howard, Sean Colton Husslein, Noah Charles Jacobi, Aysiah Lynn Jaeke, Shayenne Alizabeth Jaffke, Cassandra Lynn Jeffords, Andrew Thomas Jocham, Ashley Marie Johnson, Caleb Oscar Justman, Ella Louise Justman, Kaitlin Rose Kahn, Travis Raymond Kaja, Jonathon Robert Hugh Keech, Samantha Grace Kelley, Nicole Ann Kern, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Kerrigan, Danielle Briann Kilthau, Kathryn Helen Kleinschmidt, Joshua Thomas Klemeneic, Thomas Michael Klemmer, Dayanna Faith Klessig, Andrew David Klubertanz, Joshua John Kohlman, Julia Kylee Korducki, James Russell Korsi, Morgan Theresa Krause, Kevin Roman Kreuser, Andrew William Krieg, Seth Christopher Kuchinski, Cade Brian Lambert, Madelyn Rae Lambie, Britney Marie Lane, Randy Allan Langenbach, Hayley Lauren Larson, Blake Matthew Lazaris, Aubrey Andrea Leclair, Kyra Marie Lemke, Marissa Julianne Lintner, Mariah Michelle Livermore, Jeromy Jason Lofy, Amanda Marie Loga, Andrew Steven Lotspaih, Brianna Nicole Luebke, Zachary James-Tyler Lutz, Brianna Nicole Lynch, Alivia Ann Marks, Noelle Sara Marks, Holland Patrick Martin, Natalie Dawn Martin, Christian John Marx, Kayla Rose Masters, Cory James Maxwell, Tanner James Mayr, Hannah Lee McCune, Nathan Daniel Melsheimer, Tyler Christopher Menos, Zachary James Michalak, Sydney Kaniss Miller, Dion John Miszewski, Alli Lee Moser, Sierra Rose Moskow, Memee Moua, Joshua Cedric Much, Ethan George Mullman, Cara Starr Nanez, Bailey Emma Nelson, Colton Sawyer Nerby, Connor Joseph Neu, Patrick William Neuman-Morgan, Tessa Mckenna Nicpon, Sydney Lee Nienhaus, Andrea Ria O'Bryon, Jordan Kenneth Ohser, Skylar Hawtin Olig, Lauren Rae Oman, Emily Marie Ott, Valeria Paredes, Branden Matthew Parks, Kevin Joseph Perley, Emily Brynn Perschbacher, Robert James Perzigian, Anthony Joseph Peters, Caylie Sue Peters, Cody James Petzer, Tabitha Ann Pfeiffle, Joseph Michael Pillsbury, Zachary Alan Pozorski, Devin Tyler Proksch, Dionna Puebla, Brady Alan Purtell, Olivia Aimee Pusch, Megan Daniele Radder, Cody Hunter Rahn, Tyler John Reese, Michael Jay Regan, Mitchell Jay Regan, Ryan Scott Reifschneider, Paytin Taylor Rettler, Manuel Alejandro Reyes, Rachael Anne Robbeloth, Madison Marie Rostollan, Bianca Rothgerber, Carlie Rae Rouse, Fitore Rrahmani, Zachary Alexander Rupp, Jaymi Elyse Salvo, Samantha Judith Schauer, Alexia Joelle Schetter-Crisp, Trevor David Schill, Jasmine Rose Schmidt, Brooklyn Paige Schmitt, Hannah Rose Schmitt, Sheridan Rose Schmitt, Nathan Michael Schuetzler, Kyle Richard Schultz, Samuel Michael Scott, Callie Lilly Seegert, Joshua Curtis Sery, Zachary Curtis Sery, Nicholas John Simchak, Lauren Millicent Skell, Lauryn Rebecca Slade, Richard Fredrick Smith, Anna Grace Smucker, Brooke Autumn Sothman, Jack Wilkin Spudich, Kylie Maryn Spuhler, Damien Socrates Stamates, Brendan Paul Stanley, Sierra Rose Staus, Ashley Marie Stefan, Kyle Edward Steger, Andrea Christine Steldt, Thomas Hudson - Graham Stelow, Sadie Jayne Stelter, Hannah Marie Stephans, Krista Lee Stewart, Otto Alexander Stoellinger, Abigail Erin Stowe, Alexandra Catherine Strock, Brandon Anthony Strupp, Megan Kristal Stubner, Matthew Ray Szmurlo, Katerina Rose Tadlock, Brooklynn Susannah Tawyea, Marissa Jean Telderer, Brandon Thomas Teske, Andraea Veronica Theoharis, Hailey Marie Thiede, Evan Joe Thomas, Garrett Lee Thomas, George William Trawitzki, Kiley Raine Tremmel, Cierra Danielle Trost, Jack Thomas Van Heesch, Brendan James Van Zummeren, Julia Ann Vana, Catherine Eleanor Van Lare, Melissa Ann Vanoskey, Nicholas Joseph Vogel, Myles Aden Von Der Vellen, Joseph Anthony Vopravil Jr., Isabella Marie Weber, Sophia Lucille Werner, Mackenzie Dawn Wesner, Kaitlin Lee Ann Wheaton, Nathan Paul Whelan, Gabriel Alun Wick, Andrew David Wiegel, Natalie Hope Wilichowski, Grant Logan Williams, Benjamin Edward Wilson, Bobbi Jo Ann Windorff, Ethan Michael Winter, Addison Lee Wolman, Brennan John Richard Wolters, Amelia Renee Wright, Hailey Marie Zainer, Riley Jane Zangl, Myles Warren Zimdars
Senior/Baby Slide show
Prior to the start of the graduation ceremony, a slide show was shown with seniors and a baby/toddler picture.  Click here to view the slide show.
Senior Video
Click on the link below to watch the carpoor karyoke video for the class of 2018
HUHS Team Takes 1st in State Competition
Thousands of Future Farmers of America (FFA) members, parents, advisors and benefactors headed to the Alliant Energy Center in Madison on Monday for the kickoff of the 89th annual Wisconsin FFA Convention. The weeklong gathering honors achievements of all groups, including four Hartford Union High School Students. The HUHS Agriculture Technology and Mechanical System team, which took first place in state competition, includes 2019 senior William McGrath and Mike Scepanski, 2019 sophomore Joshua Kling and class of 2018 graduate Evan Thomas.
To pass regional and state competition, the team had to complete a written component as well as problem/ solution stations put together by agriculture teachers and technical college students.
They passed regional competition April 6 at Fox Valley Technical College and went on to state at Madison Area Technical College later that month. The team was notified of their win the first week in May. Now it's on to the National FFA competition in Indianapolis at the end of October.
Click here to read the full article.

From left, Joshua Kling, Mike Scepanski, Evan Thomas and William McGrath pose with the trophy the HUHS Agriculture Technology and Mechanical System team won and were recognized at the 89th annual Wisconsin FFA Convention in Madison.
Small Gym Renovation Completed
Before and Construction:


Summer School Schedule
In This Issue
Quick Links
Student Announcements 
Lunch Menu
District Calendars 
Rev Track
Calendar of Events
JUNE 18 - Summer School Starts

JUNE 18  - School Board Meeting
Coaching/Advising Positions
Head Boys Golf Coach
Head Boys Cross Country
Head Girls Track
Assistant Boys Varsity Basketball
Assistant Wrestling Coach
Head Girls Golf Coach
Assistant Girls Golf Coach
Head Competitive Dance Coach

Contact Scott Helms if interested

Rotary Host Families Needed for 2018-2019 
Hartford Rotary's next inbound exchange student will arrive in late August, and be with us, and be a student at Hartford High, until early summer 2019.  We will be lucky to host 17 year old Monika Adamczyk from Chelm in eastern Poland.  Besides being fluent in English she is competent in Spanish.  We would like to get commitments from three families in the Hartford area, each to host her for 3 to 4 month.  Rotary pays a monthly stipend to help Monika have some spending money, and the school chips in with lunch money.  Ask your family if they would like to have this fun and educational opportunity, while providing Monika with the same other young adults in the home.  

Monika is now a sophomore at a Lyceum in Chelm, which is near the Ukrainian border.  She is the only youngster at home weekdays, and her studies emphasize chemistry, biology, Spanish, English and Polish language and literature.  Her older sister studies in Wroclaw and is home weekends.  The sisters get along well and with their parents emphasize the outdoors with hiking, biking and sailing.  She thinks she might like to study dentistry or orthodontology in college, but thinks a year in the US will open up other opportunities for careers related to medicine.  She's fine with household chores, says she is neat and tidy, but isn't into cooking.   She will be a great addition to any receptive family in the area.

For more information contact   Scott Helms
HUHS & Hartford Community Events and Fundraisers
The Athletic department will be holding their Annual Golf Outing on August 4th at the Hartford Golf Club. Registration begins at 12:00 with a shotgun start 1:00. MJ's Catering will serve dinner at 6:30
  Click   here  for details to register. 
Click here for sponsorship details
Support the HUHS Scholarship Foundation with Amazon Smile
Click  here  for details on how to set this up.
Ewald Ford looking for Help
Ewald Ford is in need of lot attendants.  You must be over 18 to apply.  $10/hour.  For more information contact  Jay Ewald at 262-442-4534
Camp Invention
I am reaching out to see if you have or know of a 10th, 11th, or 12th grade student  looking for something to do this summer. The HHASD Camp Invention program could benefit from a few more Leadership Interns helping out the week of camp  July 16-20. This student did not have to attend Friess Lake or Richfield or be currently attending HUHS. It could be any student who is creative, or likes to work with kids, or loves science, math, technology, or art. 

LIs are responsible students who help out for the full week of camp by guiding a group of students to each of the instructor lead modules. In return they receive 40 volunteer hours from a national organization and a letter of recommendation. Please take a look at the attached sheet for more information. 

If you have a student who would like to be an LI please contact me at

Thank you,

Krisi Harwood
Camp Invention Director

Hartford Community Happenings

The Hartford Business Improvement District is constantly organizing awesome events in our city. Click  here  to go to their facebook page.
Unclaimed Locker Items
After lockers are cleaned out (School lockers and all athletic lockers) materials left behind will be kept at HUHS for two weeks.  After that time they will be donated. 

Jack Russell Memorial Library's Teen Summer Reading Program
The Jack Russell Memorial Library's Teen Summer Reading Program is underway for the 2018 summer season! Any teen entering 6th to 12th grade in Fall 2018 can participate!

How it works: Teens can visit or stop by the Youth Desk to receive more information and sign-up! Then, teens keep track of how many pages they read throughout the summer and enter for a chance to win prizes. Magazines, graphic novels, reading for summer school/AP classes all count toward the summer reading program. Teens can stop by the Youth Desk any time the library is open to log their reading and receive prize raffle tickets. For every 100 pages read, teens receive a ticket to put in a prize raffle.

Some of the prizes teens can win include:
-Kindle Fire Tablet
-Amazon gift card
-Breakout Games Milwaukee (Escape Room) Passes
-Adventure Rock (Brookfield) Rock Climbing Passes
-Packer's Gear

In addition to the Summer Reading Program, the library also hosts events just for Teens! Some of the activities include Escape Rooms, Chocolate Olympics, craft afternoons and movies. Visit for a full list of teen activities along with dates and times.

Questions? Give us a call at 262-673-8240, visit our website, or stop by the Youth Desk. The library is located at  100 Park Avenue, Hartford, WI.

Jessica Manogue
Assistant Director & Youth Services Librarian
Student Services
UW-Colleges Continuing Education High School Engineering Camp

Our summer High School Engineering & Leadership Experience is geared towards juniors and seniors, and can be taken to earn a UW elective college credit or without credit registration. For a full list of our 2018 partner companies that we are visiting, please visit our webpage:
Spring sports deadline for WIAA PE Credit will be as listed below. Click here for the form.
  • Boys and Girls Track June 15, 2018
  • Boys Golf June 19, 2018
  • Girls Softball June 22, 2018
  • Boys Tennis June 22, 2018
  • Boys Baseball June 28, 2018
  • Girls Soccer June 30, 2018

Attention Seniors:
If you are attending a 2 or 4 year college/university, you will need to  request a final transcript from Parchment.  When you make your request, click "hold for grades" so your transcript does not get sent until final grades are submitted and your graduation date is printed on your transcript.  Final transcripts will not be ready to be sent until the end of June.

If a Parchment account has not been set up yet, please go to, where the link to Parchment is available by clicking on Transcripts at the bottom of the page. There is also a link for step by step instructions on how to set up an account.

Any transcript questions can be directed to the Student Services Office.  
ACT TESTING - 2017-18

All students considering a two or four-year college experience are reminded to take the ACT test during their junior year.  Students can register for the ACT at When registering, students will need the HUHS school code, which is 500-850.   Please remember to check the website to see if the college(s) your son or daughter is considering requires or recommends the ACT writing test.   The test fee for the ACT is $46.00 and the ACT with writing is $62.50.   If you feel you cannot afford the test fee, please ask your child's counselor if you are eligible for a fee waiver. 
HUHS is an ACT test center for all testing dates.  The remaining test date for the 2017-2018 school year is  July 14, 2018
Athletics and Activities
Athlete of the Month
Congratulations to Sierra Thuecks for being chosen as May Athlete of the Month

Coaching/Advising Positions
Head Boys Golf Coach
Head Boys Cross Country
Head Girls Track
Assistant Boys Varsity Basketball
Assistant Wrestling Coach
Head Girls Golf Coach
Assistant Girls Golf Coach
Head Competitive Dance Coach

Contact  Scott Helms if interested

Hartford Union High School District | | |
805 Cedar Street
Hartford, WI 53027