The Valley Lutheran Protect Life student leaders organized a diaper drive for a local pregnancy resource center. Thank you to all who contributed!
Groundhog Day
Six more weeks of winter! That’s what Punxsutawney Phil says. But I don’t put much stock in a rodent from Pennsylvania (although if he was from Michigan, maybe).
I do, however, enjoy the movie “Groundhog Day” which tells the story of a self-obsessed TV weatherman who goes to report on Punxsutawney Phil one February 2nd and ends up repeating the same day over and over and over again. He is unable to move on to the next day. Does this remind you a little of what it has been like to live each day under all the impact of COVID? In the end of the movie, the weatherman finally breaks the spell by transforming into a good person who is finally worthy of the love of Rita, his producer. What a Hollywood ending!
In reality, we are rescued from living each day as a never-ending series of meaningless hours of stress, anxiety, or frustration related to COVID-19 and constantly changing regulations because we know our God holds us in His hands. Living as His children through the power of the Holy Spirit gives us purpose that supersedes all that may be happening around us.
Even greater, we have been rescued from an eternity of suffering. Because of sin, we justly deserve day after day after day of separation from God. Yet, by the grace of the Father and the death and resurrection of His Son, we can look forward to an endless series of days with Him in heaven - an infinite life of joy and worship. It is His love that transforms us and breaks the bonds of sin and death. Let us go forth into each new day with that blessed assurance.
~Dr. Lisa Meyers
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
Winter Sports Update
Most of Valley's winter sports teams are back in competitive action tonight! PLEASE be patient as the MDHHS's order allowing contact winter sports competition was only a few short days ago, and there are a lot of details that still need to be worked out concerning this abbreviated season. Your primary source of information at the moment will be the coaches. They will be sharing information with athletes and parents concerning schedules, ticket information, whether or not a bus will be used for transportation, and other protocols put in place for the season. Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Two Calendar Changes for March
Two new professional development days are being scheduled for the month of March. There will be no classes held on Wednesday, March 3rd and Thursday, March 18th so that teachers may take advantage of some additional training and professional learning opportunities. Students will not need to report to school on either of those two days and the days are not designated as eLearning days. They might, however, make great days to schedule any upcoming outside appointments for your student!
On March 3rd, teachers will receive training in the new student information system that is scheduled to roll out in the fall of next school year. On March 18, teachers will participate in the annual MACUL conference (virtually) where they will attend multiple sessions on integrating technology into the classroom. Both of these days will assist us in providing the best possible student experience for learning.
The VLHS faculty typically participates in 50+ hours of professional development each year, both collectively and individually. The goal of this significant time dedicated to training is to continue updating and improving our curriculum and instruction as we learn new ways to better meet the needs of our students. While we continue to hold our regular in-house professional learning this year, the current COVID situation has made it difficult for us to attend most of our regular off campus conferences. Fortunately, these two new opportunities have become available. We remain committed to offering the highest quality education that prepares our students for life.
Volunteers Needed Thursday Mornings
Greet Valley Lutheran students and hand out prizes for auction donations in the vestibule from 7:15-8:00am! Volunteers needed on Feb. 11th, 18th, and 25th. Contact Lori Milroy at 989-412-3666 or if you can help.
Bus Fees and Lunch Credit
All fall sports bussing fees have been invoiced on your statements as well as credits for lunch cards purchased before we knew they were free. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Ankoviak at 790-1676.
Virtual College Financial Aid Night
Students and families looking for help paying for college are encouraged to register for a Virtual College Financial Aid Night provided by Treasury’s MI Student Aid team. Sessions will be available every Tuesday and Thursday evening during the month of February from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST. All sessions are open to the public and participants are encouraged to sign up for one session only due to limited space. Click here to register. Participants will be able to gather information on the following financial aid topics:
- FAFSA application information
- Federal financial aid programs
- State financial aid programs
- Scholarship searching
- MiSSG Student Portal Accounts
RXfundraising and Rite Aid
As part of the Valley Lutheran High School family, you are the reason why our organization succeeds, and we need your help. We have partnered with RXfundraising and Rite Aid to establish a fundraising program that earns funds every time a registered participant fills a prescription or shops at their local Rite Aid using their wellness+ rewards number.* Join us by registering to be a part of this great program!
All you have to do is follow these three easy steps:
Help spread the news about this great fundraising program. Contact Heidi Behnke at (989) 790-1676 or with any questions. Thank you!
*Only new Rite Aid customers and any existing Rite Aid customers who do not fall within the specified cure periods for qualifying prescriptions can participate in the RXfundraising program. Qualified prescriptions include maintenance medication and acute medication Prescriptions. Any potential supporter who has bought a maintenance medication Prescription from Rite Aid during the prior 365 days will be excluded from this program. Any potential supporter who has bought an acute medication Prescription from Rite Aid during the prior three years will also be excluded from this program. Qualified in-store purchases include Front End Products (products and services provided in a Rite Aid store other than Prescriptions) except for tobacco products, alcohol products, lottery tickets, gift cards, licenses, money orders, money transfers, newspapers, other mail services and dairy products.
Support Valley Bio
Hey Valley Parents!
We want to introduce ourselves! We are Valley Bio - a student group that is learning how to grow microgreens and hydroponic vegetables, advertise, market and sell them to customers who appreciate whole, fresh foods. If you'd like to support us, stay tuned for info about the types of crops we are growing! You can get to know us better on our Facebook page ( or through Instagram (
8th hour Virtual Auction Donations
Your student’s 8th hour class will be choosing an item to donate to the Feb. 24-27 virtual auction, and monetary contributions would be appreciated as well as complimentary items. Some ideas include an Instant Pot or other small appliances, Ring, Fit Bit, earbuds/headphones, 23&Me kit, etc. One larger item will work better with a virtual auction. Look for information from your child’s 8th hour teacher, or better yet, contact him or her and volunteer to help with logistics! If you have general questions, please contact
Bakers/Cooks Needed for the Feb. 24-27 Virtual Auction
Take out is still the thing, and if you enjoy cooking or baking, consider offering a food item or a certificate for future use. You can set parameters such as delivery and date limitations. Or, you can have the item available for pick up on Sunday, Feb. 28. The auction committee with help you set guidelines and take care of the certificate. Please contact Lori Milroy at or 989-412-3666
All Types of Items Needed for the Feb. 24-27 Virtual Auction
The auction committee is especially in need of items this year. Could your employer or business provide a certificate or merchandise? Did you take up a COVID hobby and have homemade wine or beer to spare? Gift cards you won’t use? Any items can be sent into the school office. Please include your name for recognition. If you have any questions about a possible item, you can contact Lori Milroy at or 989-412-3666. Thank you!
Parents of students with 2nd quarter Incompletes on their grade report are encouraged to contact Mrs. Mueller to request updated grades.
Sophomore students will be taking part in SCC’s Virtual Career Day on Thursday, February 11th as part of their Theology 2 class. Students will have the chance to explore programs and opportunities available to them during junior and senior year at the career center. SCC will be hosting a virtual Open House for both students and parents on Thursday, February 18th. More information will be shared as it becomes available.
Students who already know they will dual enroll at Delta College for the 2021-2022 school year can take advantage of priority registration. Those students should meet with Mrs. Mueller by Friday, February 19th to make sure all paperwork is completed. Students who are still weighing their options will still have the opportunity to dual enroll after this date.
All VLHS seniors are eligible to apply for the Saginaw Community Foundation Scholarships. This is one application that can be applied to over 230 LOCAL scholarships. This is where a majority of our graduates receive scholarships in addition to ones offered by their college. The deadline to apply is February 15, but it’s a big application, so get started ASAP at Mr. Winningham and Mr. Wittig should have also posted resources about this on the Government and Economics Classroom pages.
7th semester transcripts are now available if your college is asking for a mid-year update. (If they haven’t asked, you don’t need to do anything!) Also, if you need a PDF copy for a scholarship application, seniors can email Mrs. Mueller from their school email account and receive a PDF copy within one school day.
Students under the age of 18 must have a work permit on file to hold a job. Governor Whitmer has lifted some of the detailed requirements in obtaining a work permit, but they are still necessary to hold employment during the school year OR in the summer. Any student who needs a work permit should email Mrs. Mueller directly.
Click on the image above to read the latest
Valley Vision.
Mission Statement
Preparing students for life with Christ as our foundation!
Julian Petzold
Valley Lutheran High School