Thursday, March 21
Eagle Excellence

  • Oak Point Elementary and Eden Prairie High School received the Metro Regional Implementation Project PBIS Sub-Award for their work in PBIS.

  • Central Middle School Theatre students won first place in the One Act Theatre Competition with their production of "The Internet is a Distract - Oh Look! A Kitten." In addition, Caitlin Warshaw was awarded Best Supporting Actress for her role as "Google."

  • Eden Prairie High School's Speech Team placed first at Sub-Sections to advance to Sections.

  • Eden Prairie High School's Boys Basketball Team defeated Prior Lake to become the section 2AAAA champions and advanced to the Boys State Basketball Tournament.

  • Eden Prairie High School's Varsity Winterguard team made the finals in the WGI Southwest Power Regional held in the University of North Texas coliseum in Denton, Texas. You can watch their amazing show, along with our JV and Flagline shows, plus 10 other teams who will be competing at Eden Prairie High School Winterguard’s Winter Prairie Colors event this Saturday, March 23.

  • Eden Prairie High School's Math Team placed fourth at State.
Referendum webinar available on-demand
Be informed about the May 14 referendum. Superintendent Josh Swanson hosted a webinar on March 18, which is  now available on-demand . Answers to questions are posted to our  referendum FAQ  and you can ask additional questions  via email . Remember to vote May 14.
Here’s a question/ rumor  we’ve heard recently: Why is this referendum in May instead of November? That seems like an odd time for an election …

Answer: State law allows bond (building) referendums in the spring. Levy referendums must be held in November. The spring timeframe allows districts to plan construction schedules that are convenient in Minnesota (i.e. the summer) as soon as funding has been approved.

In Eden Prairie, items proposed in this referendum have been under discussion for three years. During this time, construction costs have only increased. There is urgency to see if voters will approve this request and get the work underway soon. Some referendum projects, like classroom improvements and security updates would be started immediately this coming summer.

​The May referendum schedule allows time for district staff to design the major work planned at Central Middle School, and to start the competitive bidding process in early 2020. Construction would begin that summer and continue over the next year in order to be ready to move 6th grade students to CMS in fall of 2021. Part of the planning process will include minimizing disruptions to students and learning during the 2020-21 school year.
Update regarding gifted and talented programming
We have heard a rumor circulating that suggested the gifted program would be eliminated. This is not true. Eden Prairie Schools is committed to all of our gifted programming, which includes our Mosaic classrooms and the education of gifted and talented children.
We cannot identify the exact cause of this rumor, but perhaps it is connected to the fact that we are conducting a program review of gifted and talented education. Eden Prairie Schools has not had a review of our gifted and talented services in many years, and we routinely review all of our curriculum and program areas. One criterion the  National Association of Gifted Children   uses to consider a program of “high quality” is the routine evaluation of services, which is what we are doing. We are looking for areas of strength and areas that need improvement. Parent/guardian input is part of the process and we are developing a survey of participant families that will be sent out before the end of the school year.

Please be assured that we are committed to continuing our gifted programming, we know it is one reason some families choose Eden Prairie Schools and we want each of our students to experience personalized and rigorous instruction. Thank you for your continued support of Eden Prairie Schools!
Voting, Bonds & Referendums
Come learn about voting, bonds and referendums at the next Community Education Family Learning Night on Tuesday, March 26 at 6 p.m. Please see this flyer for more information and to RSVP. Spanish and Somali translation available. Waxaa goobta diyaar ku ah turjumaano luuqadaha Soomaaliga iyo isbaanishka. Traducción en español y somalí disponible.
Featured Job Openings
Eden Prairie Schools is currently seeking applicants for the following positions:

  • Youth Programs Supervisor (Community Education) - Eden Prairie Schools is seeking a Youth Programs Supervisor to coordinate the daily operations of all Youth and Targeted Services programs, including promoting the programs, hiring/supervising staff, and working collaboratively with colleagues across the district. Please click the link to learn more.

  • Special Education Paraprofessional - Eden Prairie Schools is seeking a Special Education Paraprofessional to assist the special needs of students with mobility, self-care, communication, and social interaction needs to maximize participation in classroom activities.

  • Elementary Classroom Teacher - Spanish Immersion - Join Eagle Heights Spanish Immersion School as our next Spanish Immersion Elementary Teacher. Click the link to learn more about the exciting opportunities available for the 2019-20 school year.